Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 201 - Fit

Genson sighed, of course Marcus was going to be throwing a fit, nothing was going the way that he expected it to, but he wasn't willing to admit to his cousin that he lost fair and square and would be willing to cede to the other.

That had never been the other's plan in the first place as he had been certain that he wouldn't lose. He thought that he had everything figured out and in the right place before he contacted Jovani. His calculation had been wrong somehow and now, he found himself with everything falling apart in a way that he hadn't expected it to.

Genson of course had to deal with some of the backlash of that since he opted out of finishing through with the job. He didn't think that it was worth going through with though. He had gotten the most information that he could out of that place and really, beyond what happened with the finances, there weren't many other weak points to exploit in the business.

Plus, he didn't like the idea of spending the next six months as the princess's and her little pet's personal servant because they thought they could get away with it. He couldn't really think of Samuel as anything except for some kind of pet due to his docile nature and how quickly he fell in line with Lena despite her poor attitude.

Even if he was part of the Vedova Nera family, the con artist couldn't see how he would be any type of asset to them. He didn't even grow up in this world and as far as the other could tell, he had no secret talents that he could offer that would make him a hidden gem.

"Do you really want me to keep working with you or not. Because of things keep going this way, I am going to have to find someone else who doesn't attempt to make me deaf each time I answer the phone." Genson mused with a sigh as he held the phone away from his ear until he was certain that Marcus was done screaming at him. Why did he have such a bad habit of attracting psychopaths?

Oh right, because their insanity made them pay well for what they wanted to get done at any cost. Marcus had certainly proven that to be true thus far.

"I'm doing what you asked me to do. It's not my fault that the princess got things sorted faster than I thought and determined that she didn't need me to move ahead. I don't even really know who that Eve is." Genson answered with a frown.

"She's really good at what she does, but I don't ever remember crossing paths with her before now." His frown deepened as he listened to what Marcus had to say on the other end of the phone. He was speaking in a more reasonable tone of voice so Genson's ears were no longer ringing as he kept the phone next to his ear.

An amused smile spread across his face as he held his phone between his shoulder and head so he could free his hands to pull a cigarette out and light it. At least he could go back to smoking wherever he wanted without getting yelled in that boring office.

"Is that so? Well now that makes sense why she would've applied for the job and come out of nowhere." He remarked, amused by what the other man had told him.

"And how did you happen to find out about that piece of information? Even I couldn't find out anything about her and I did a lot of digging." His browses creased in mixture of interest and concern over what Marcus said in response to this.

"That one is personally not my cup of tea to work with, but if you know how to do it, by all means use whoever you like. Just don't expect me to be willing to do anything with him." After he said this, he had to move the phone away from his ear again as the other had started shouting about how if he had done the job he had been asked he wouldn't have to reach out to such unsavory people in the first place.

"I feel touched to hear that. At least I know you don't think I'm as unsavory as some of the others. Might I even detect a touch of fondness for me from that?" He teased even though he was fairly certain that the answer to this question would've been a hard no. He couldn't resist riling the other up when it was over harmless matters.

"Don't start with the threats again now. You know for a fact that you love and you'd be lost if I hadn't given you all the information that I already had available." Genson spoke a low soothing tone of voice.

"Besides, it's not like this is the only way that I can get the information that you're looking for. There are a number of other people I know who I can reach out to and get to do some footwork." He assured the other as he looked up at the sky. He was already starting to get dark outside and he knew that he would have to be heading back soon.

"As long as you're willing to keep the money flowing and can assure me that I won't lose my life the way some other people have been recently, I'll happily keep working to get you whatever it is that you're looking for. It's just you know that I value my life and money most all in this world." He told the other as he took another deep puff from the cigarette before dropping it so that he could crush it out under his boot clad foot.

"I need be able to live long enough in order to be able to spend everything that I collected. So maybe you can help keep me around of the next ten years until I'm ready to retire."

He had more than enough money to retire at the current moment if he wanted to. However, he wanted to gain more while he knew that he still had enough years left in his body to keep working. There was no point in retiring early and losing out on extra capital that would allow him to spend even more once he was retired than he already could.

Pus, the more he collected, the bigger chance he had at being able to have enough to consider investing in stocks and other things that would allow him to get an even bigger return than the amount that he put in. He could dream big even if he knew there was a high chance that he wouldn't make far enough in life to actual retire.

"As long as you don't throw another fit and try to think about killing me last time. Especially not when I'm doing my best to do everything that you ask of me." He told the other knowing that the call was getting ready to come to an end. It was a good thing anyways because he had another client that he needed to work on setting a meeting up with. He had some information that he thought they would find interesting. Could never hurt to make some extra money on the side here and there as long as the bigger fish never found he was feeding the smaller ones at the same time.

"Right, right, right." He replied, rolling his eyes knowing that the other wouldn't be able to see it.

"I'll call you if I find out anything else interesting, but try not to call me right now unless you absolutely need something from me. I won't forget to update you about what you want to know. Now I need to leave to attend to something else."

Rather than ending the phone call on the polite note, Genson was met with the dial tone that indicated that Marcus had hung up on him. He was pretty sure that each time he had a call with the other that it shaved off a few months of his life. If he ended up dying an early life, it was certainly going to be because of that crazy person.

"Sorry about that wait. I had to deal with someone else." He apologized, lighting another cigarette after dialing another contact in his phone. This would probably amount to nothing more than pocket change, but he might be able to get some interesting information out of it at the same time.

"My schedule is pretty clear coming up, so what days would work for you? I already have the information and don't think that it would be too hard to work in a far offer for it depending on what you think." Genson continued as he moved to head back inside the hotel.. He only moved outside to the back of the hotel because he knew that Marcus's screaming would bother others who were staying at the hotel and he didn't want to get in trouble over that.

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