Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 518 Clashing Of Demonic Beings

"Are you complaining? Surely your other wives couldn't compete," I smirked, the dilation in her pupils flickering as if her body was soon adapting to my pheromones.

What a powerful woman… I'm glad I get to work with her.

"Shut the hell up…." She wiped her lips again before looking up at me, the demon who announced our marriage disappearing into thin air. "So, what now?"

"Well, first… we should get rid of this bug," my voice darkened as I turned to the very edge of the garden of red flowers, squinting my eyes as I stared intently at the man who unleashed a powerful wave of bloodlust.

"Siren… I've been waiting for you."

(Arpious POV)

A man with long black hair, dark blue skin, and beaming black eyes stared at me, the power which radiated off of him being so thick that I could barely even breathe.

His bloodlust was like a wave of seawater, nearly sweeping me off of the field of flowers I was currently standing on, and if I had to be honest, I was probably only alive due to Lucifer standing right next to me.

"Who is… that?" I turned to the woman with red skin but soon noticed her pinched eyes, which glared with a tinge of annoyance.

"FACE ME! SIREN! FIGHT ME!" The man shouted, his lean body suddenly growing in size to something that towered over me like a mountain, the bloodlust surrounding him only growing thicker with each passing second.

"Get back," Lucifer said, and I had no qualms with that, so I hopped back a bit, watching a woman with black and flawless red skin step in front of me, cocking back her arm and fist.


She punched towards the opposing dark fist attached to the demon, now trying to fight me with all his might.

A leaking pressure nearly punctured a hole through my chest, and the amount of power radiating from the small fist and massive knuckles colliding nearly made me faint.

I felt everything around me practically quake, like existence itself was bending to accommodate for their passing in this boiling dimension of fire and lava.

Despite the fact that the amount of power coming off of them being a hundred times stronger than anything I could produce, the surroundings kept themselves neat, even the patch of flowers beneath us keeping itself together.

Both of them were very relaxed as they pulled back their punch before suddenly swinging their arms back, conjuring an aura made from something so dark you could only call it the void.

This void condensed within their hands, forming a large sword for the demon and a large spear for the devil who attempted to protect me.

"BACK DOWN! BAAL! I ORDER YOU TO BACK DOWN!" Lucifer shouted at the top of her lungs, but the two ends of the blue demon's mouth only rose even sharper, creating an image so demonic that a chill nearly ripped my spine to pieces.

Everything seemed so much harder before both of these beings.

Breathing was nearly impossible as a thick void-like aura stained my lungs, eating and devouring anything that it could touch.

"I DON'T WANT YOU ORDERING ME AROUND! THAT WOMAN SLAUGHTERED PAIMON MERCILESSLY! WE MUST ENACT REVENGE!" He shouted and then suddenly disappeared as if his existence had been erased almost instantly.

I could no longer feel him, but the chills erupting from my skin, creating layers upon layers of goosebumps, told me he was still here.

"Where'd he-"


Lucifer just narrowly caught a sharp blade that had nearly pierced through my chest, a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek as she lifted up her knee and punctured out a kick so powerful that it blew a gaping hole through the demon's torso.

"SHIT!" He cried out before zapping out of existence, seemingly disappearing as my goosebumps disappeared.

"You have some good senses," Lucifer chuckled as she wiped the blood off of her hand, instantly healing the gaping flesh wound, which only until recently was spewing blood everywhere.

That sword the blue demon formed was so sharp that it actually managed to tear the hand of the ruler of demons apart… it was severely impressive but also severely worrying since that could've easily sliced through any defense I could put up.

"Th-thanks… who was that?" I stuttered, wiping the sweat from my chin as she took my hand and led me down the field of red flowers.

And from what I noticed, we were actually at the top of a small hill, and below was a decently sized palace, enough to accommodate many guests and, I guess, the singular devil who continued to tightly grip my hand.

"Ummmm… Was I not loud enough-"

"No, I just don't want to answer. There is no need for you to know because it will only create more worry if you know who that is,"

"I already know it's a King of Hell, so you might as well just tell me," I muttered, shaking off her hand and placing my hands on my hips. "Come on, just tell me."

Her lips opened and closed a few times before finally speaking up, those abyssal eyes of hers flashing red, displaying how serious she was.

"You must not tell your family; otherwise, he will go after them… It's Baal,"

"Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Yeah, I got no clue who that is. Was he close with Paimon because he wanted to take revenge against me for killing Paimon… so I would assume they were brothers or something,"

"Nope, and he was definitely lying, but I guess if you lie with such an insane expression, anybody will believe you," The devil sighed before gesturing for me to follow, and I reluctantly did, making my way to the palace front gates where a few guards greeted us.

"Welcome back. Your bath is ready… and, who might this lovely woman be?"

"My wife. She will be staying here for a while, so treat her like how you would treat me… or else," The devil announced sternly, yet it seemed the guards weren't all that surprised.

Seems I'm not the first one…

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