Arcane Sniper [Matan’s Shooter]

Chapter 83

It must have looked like a skillful fairy hunter.

“Hey, that’s great, Squire! When did you develop this skill? Hee-hee, with a gun like this, a commander of a musket unit could be possible too!”
“Thank you, but I will decline.”

In the meantime, the following does not stop reloading.
The cursed ent, who procrastinated, was already 10 meters away.

“Hurry up, Lepanto Knight!”

Taaang —-!
A single bullet of an iron ball enters the knot hole of Ent.
You can hear the rustling and ripping of bark, but that’s all.
The tree is walking proudly using its roots as a bridge.


I want to run away from my heart, but I don’t have the skills to do that.
In order to make the most of her delicate hand movements, Lee Ha continued to reload.
A giant tree that finally collapses only after one more, two, and three more.


Maybe it has the highest defense and stamina among the monsters I’ve faced so far?

‘Except for the field boss, the most powerful defense among normal monsters.’
Not even a low-grade, crude musket. It’s a monster that can only be captured by shooting five shots with a level below the current level of attack…

“Awesome, amazing! Hee-hee, how can you deal with a cursed ent so easily by yourself!”

Lepanto raised his voice next to Ha LeeHa who sighed.
Someone was going to die…. He speaks very easily.

“of course! Seven trained soldiers must join! Even including the archers’ fire arrow arcs! Hee-hee, I saved one seed well!”
“Eww…… ”

You mean, you knew it was such a monster, and you came forward and dragged the aggro? Barely without kendo, shield, or armor?

“Lepanto Knight.”
“Uh, huh?”

I thought that the following should make sure of this opportunity.
Now, thanks to his delicate hand movements, he was able to deal with fairies easily. What if this happens again?

“Never, never, never go first towards a monster.”
“why me”
“Shh! This is all work! Shouldn’t Lepanto Knight and I go find the knight’s sword and defeat the pieces of the demon king? Avoiding the eyes of monsters is also a strategy!”

He lowered his voice and spoke strongly. of course it’s bullshit

“Hmm… That’s right. It makes sense, Squire.”
“Yes. If you report it to the regimental commander, he will be very pleased.”
“right! great. Move quietly, hehehe.”

Whoops…… Ha LeeHa barely sighed.
Lepanto bent down to his waist and began to move.


“What is it, Squire?”
“Two ents and three fairies. It would be better to wait here.”

It is flat, but there are some gradients.
Following the following movements, Lepanto also plunged himself into his pit.
He just opened his eyes and looked around.
reddish-brown wasteland. The plain that came into view was a land scorched by a long drought that had been cracked and split.

‘Is this because of the war?’
There were several small forests, but it was difficult to hide them in the forest.
The forest can be seen as the realm of the Treants, the place where the cursed Treants are born.

“But do you know where the rapier is?”
“Hehehe, of course not! Why do I not know where my sword is!”

After this and that, why did someone who knew so well wanted to come to this place full of monsters?

“I feel it, I feel it! Hehehe, my sword alone on the battlefield is crying.”
“Oh, yes.”

It’s annoying, but there’s no other way anyway.
First of all, we have no choice but to follow Lepanto wherever he wants us to go.

“Turn a little to the right like this and wait in front of me. When I give you a signal, don’t look at the monster and run up to the hill in front of you.”
“Is it necessary? I can cut down as many ents as I want!”

Oh yes. You would. But there’s no sword. I think I’ve told this story five times already.
Lee Ha barely resisted the desire to hold the horse splayed all the way to the end of his neck and the beggar with long hair in front of him.

“Get ready.”

He fixed his eyes on the monster and waved his palms.
Fortunately, Lepanto carried out the following orders without hesitation.
The moment you want to move even below!!

“Ha LeeHa?”
“who is this!”

The voice suddenly called out to Ha LeeHa, and he shouted in embarrassment.
A familiar yet non-human voice! I mean, who came while you opened your eyes to the monsters?

“Wow! Squire, Squire! my sword! Give me my sword!”
Lepanto saw it and was furious.

“No, because he doesn’t have a sword, so why do you keep…”
“Kikikit, Ha LeeHa! Why are you so upset!”

In the lower right rear, a head sticks out from among the weeds.
A dark green face, more conspicuous in the dark brown wasteland. Even teeth that are revealed every time you smile.

“Is it a Lizard Mage? Hurry up, Squire!”
“Ah, Lepanto Knight, please be still!”

Squeezing down the struggling mad beggar, only then was he able to laugh softly.
The person who appeared was someone I knew, no, it was Lizadia I knew.

“Kiki, it’s been a while.”

Lizadia Poisoner Biyemi. It was Biyemi who shared the golden eagle quest at Candle Castle.

“How is Biyemi-sama here……?”
“I was hunting.”
“hunt? here?”
“Hey, hey, there’s something about it. That’s it. Kikikit.”

The following looked at Biyemi smiling awkwardly.
It looks like she’s wearing biye-mi-do cloth armor as human wizards wear robes, but she doesn’t show much.
The light cloth protectors that wrapped around her wrists and calves, and the pieces of cloth that covered important areas like panties, were the same.
The only difference from the candle castle is that complex patterns are engraved.

‘No matter how much you change the item, you’re hunting alone here?’ Not less than in Candle Castle.
As for Middle-Earth’s system, she’s been through it in her own way.
She is a difficult hunting ground that has grown tremendously enough to surprise Ki-jeong, a Korean semi-ranker.
How is Biyemi…?


“Ha LeeHa, what’s wrong with you?”
“Hey, I have some issues. Haha, I was on a quest.”
“Hey, is it your comrade? Lizadia! That’s great!”
“Kikiki, it’s a quest.”

Biyemi looked at Lepanto with a strange smile.
It was immediately known that this crazy person was an NPC and that the quest was related to this NPC.

“But how did Biyemi come all the way here to hunt? Did you level up a lot?”
“Kiki, that’s right. It’s because our race is so recognizable. Ha LeeHa-nim is the coolest item, right? Is it a field boss item?”
“Yes, I picked it up.”
“What a nonsensical joke. Kikiki, there’s no way you can pick up something like this.”

Biyemi certainly quickly grasped the following.
It is no exaggeration to say that they shared her life and death, and the two explored each other.

‘Recognizing that this is a field boss item, no matter how much the Lizadia race receives people’s attention, it’s a bit strange to go out to the border of the Fubiel Kingdom to hunt.’
She remembered the following.
Benum Mage Academy is located in the Tamba Jungle, northeast of the capital Aelstock. here is?

‘Southwest, that’s out of the border. When we broke up, we broke up almost exactly the opposite way, so why did you come all the way here?’
Her welcome is definitely ahead of her, but she also has concerns.
Come to think of it, she was the one who didn’t always give me the right answer.
When she asked a question, she swung like a hint.

“Then will you come with us?”

She nevertheless suggested a party below her.
She looked like Biye Mi was a little perplexed.

“Are you partying with me?”
“It doesn’t matter if you can hunt alone, but it’s good to hunt together after meeting, right?”

“Kiki, Ha LeeHa-nim, to help you break the quest, right?”
“Yes, thank you.”

Even while Lee Ha was talking to her, Biye Mi was looking around her.

“It’s good… but actually something bad happened to me…”
“What happened?”
“That is difficult to say. But… now it won’t be a big deal. So shall we do it together? kit. I wonder what kind of quest it is.”

Lee Ha looked at her Lepanto and asked.

“Uh-huh, Lepanto Knight? Can I go with this Lizadia?”
“Of course! The guys with the strongest strength in the Demon King’s Army are Lizard Warriors and Lizard Mage! If you’re on our side, we don’t want anything!”
“Huh? What kind of Demon King?”

Biye Mi tilted her head.

“This NPC has a bit of a spirit… Anyway, yes. Then let’s go. There are a lot of monsters over there, so be careful.”

Ha LeeHa had a party with Biyemi. How much has changed since you broke up with Candle Castle?
The eyes of Ha LeeHa, who was making plans with eyes of anticipation, come into view of Lizadia, who is walking in stride.
She is the two cursed ents and the biyemi who walks hard towards the Dark Fairy Century.

“Rain, Biyemi-sama! What if I just leave like that?”
“Please prepare, Ha LeeHa.”

Aren’t you crazy?
Below, he barely suppressed what he wanted to shout.


“Wait! What are you going to do?”
“Ha LeeHa-sama, please only take care of the ent.”

Lizadia’s Poisoner walked without hesitation.
The wizard intentionally reduces the distance from the enemy. That alone is incomprehensible.
But there was one more surprising thing. Even though Biye Mi was moving, green particles began to gather in her body.

‘Moving Casting!’
Her eyes widened for a moment, but there was no time to admire.
start of loading.

“Hey, Squire! That Lizadia.”
“Lepanto Knight, avoid back!”

Time to put the iron ball bullets and hit the floor. 47 seconds? 48 seconds? Meanwhile, Biye Mi finished her casting.
hey —— Long time no see lizard, right?
Long time no lizard, long time no lizard.
Even when the Dark Fairies came close with threatening flapping sounds, Biyemi remained still.

‘Do you want me to take care of the ent? What are you going to do with Fairy?’
damn it Should I target the Fairy first?
However, Ha did not turn his gun to Fairy.
I was even more wary because it was a place like this that I haven’t seen in a long time, but it’s not like we’ve been through a difficult hurdle together. Lee Ha trusted Biyemi and waited.
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