Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 277

Running at my top speed through most part of the day. As I reached the cliff I decided to stop, and eat. I kneeled down to rummage through my backpack, as some rustling in the tree crown picked my attention. With a slight thud, Ki'rei landed on the ground just as I was turning to take a look.

I was about to say hi, as she put the index finger to her lips, so I just kept my silence. She got closer and took out the knife, which alarmed me a bit, but she didn't attack. Instead, she began writing on the ground.

"They put a bug inside the equipment you left. There is one in the cart and another in one of the backpacks."

It wasn't like I didn't suspect something like that. The surprising part was that she actually told me about this.

"Thank you." I wrote with my finger.

"You and me, are we going to hunt together one day?" She replied.

"Yes. I would love that."

I watched as a big smile appeared on her face and those little sparkles showed in her eyes. She nodded, and right in front of me transformed into a strange creature. A mix between a rat and a stingray, or maybe some kind of bat, with a head combined with its torso, and wings. It also had a long thin tail and a pair of small legs.

She ran for a few steps, and just flew off. I watched her until she vanished in the tree crowns. I needed a moment to put everything that just happened in order in my head. I did it while eating.

Then I started running again, all the way to the sunset, then through the whole night, and a few more hours after sunrise. I had to deal with a bunch of orcs on my way, but they weren't anything more than just a nuisance.

This brought me to Blue's camp just as he was finishing his last preparation to start hunting.

He and his men were surprised as I slid few meters on the sand, trying to stop myself. Thye had the perimeter cleared, so the last bit of the travel, I didn't even need to kill orcs on my way.

Blue emerged from the group of his soldiers. Hi, didn't have armor on, just some old, torn in few places, clothes.

- What are you doing here, Peter?

- I came for you.

- For me? - his eyebrows went up.

- We need to hold a discussion, and it cant wait.

- Did you find something in the wastelands?

- You will find out everything just like the rest. Come.

He sighed heavily.

- Don't approach the camp without me. Just keep clearing the canyon from the small bands - he said turning to his men.

Then he started walking towards me.

- Do you want to rest a bit, or are we running straight back? I guess I should transform, shouldn't I?

I just grabbed him, and shadow walked straight to the alley.

- We are doing this.

- Oh... Whatever it was, I like that. What skill was that exactly?

- Like I'm going to tell you.

He sighed again and followed me as I started walking. The city center at this hour was mostly empty. There were a few people hanging around the pub, but that was it. We made it to the Wuxia headquarters in complete silence.

Guards didn't try to stop us, so we approached Hatta's office. Inside we found the leader of Wuxia, and Amit, just hanging around, talking while sitting behind the table on the side.

- That was fast - said Amit. - Didn't you go, like two days ago?

- Yeah - I confirmed. - The rest didn't show up yet?

- I've sent my fastest guy, but it will still take them at least two more days - said Hatta.

- Two more days? This better be worth it - said Blue.

- It certainly is. I heard a bit, and trust me, it's bigger than you might think.

- Then why are we waiting?

- There are reasons. I'll explain everything when everybody will be here. Your guys can manage without you for a couple of days - I said.

- It's counterproductive and stupid. You people and your little games... Fine, but It'll better be worth it - he said, and left, adding just before he vanished behind the door. - Send for me when you will be ready.

- I will! - shouted Hatta.

- I can't wait - said Amit. - I knew you were scheming something.

- No shit sherlock. I was pretty damn obvious, and that's only because I didn't want this fucking secret from the beginning, but... Eh... You can't have everything. Anyway... I'm dead tired after no sleep charge through the forest and canyon, so I'm calling it a day. Don't even think about waking me up you assholes - I said and left.

Amit laughed as I was exiting. His talks with Hatta clearly continued. I went outside, to get yet another set of fresh clothes, as mine were already drenched by sweet, and went to take a bath, then, as usual, to the cafeteria to have some nice food.

After that, I wanted to call it a day, but the freaking cart was still in the middle of my room. I needed to get rid of it, so I threw the new backpack on the bed, and grabbed the handles. Then shadow walked to the alley and started walking.

I just needed to get it far enough to not grab anybody's attention while burning the whole thing. I walked for around an hour, then just used my flames, and watched as the fire consumed everything. It took some time, but now I had it out of my head and could shadow walk back, to finish the provisions still left in the backpack, and finally go to sleep.

The bed felt so damn nice after such a long run. I drifted away almost immediately.

The day came to an end with 82 566 130 points remaining on my account.

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