After using cheats, I became the strongest Beast Tamer

Chapter 75: 74 Wind Walking Secret Technique

Chapter 75: Chapter 74 Wind Walking Secret Technique

It had been a day since returning from the Secret Realm, and because the challenges inside the Inheritance Tower were unknown, many people were unaware of its difficulty level.

The time to challenge the Inheritance Tower’s levels passes quickly, with a round trip taking at most one day.

However, if it were other types of Inheritance Towers, it might be possible to stay inside for ten days to half a month.

Before entering, Chen Xing and the others even brought provisions, but there was no need to use them.

This time entering the Inheritance Tower, a total of three prizes were obtained.

In addition to a bag of Ancient Spirit Gold, there was also an Advanced Skill Orb from the great floods, along with an Inheritance Mystery Stele Inscription.

The Inheritance Mystery Stele Inscription contained a secret technique that could be performed by Beast Tamers.

For example, the Defensive Secret Technique that Chen Xing had seen other Beast Tamers use belonged to this type of secret technique and had also been discovered within a Secret Realm’s Inheritance Tower.

Before entering, the coach had said that if such a prize was among those available, it must be chosen.

No matter its worth or whether it was a duplicate, the Great Xia officials would repurchase it at a high price.

If it was an entirely new piece of secret technique inscription that hadn’t been discovered before, its value would be immense, and the discoverer could even receive a permanent percentage of the profits!

Upon returning, Chen Xing sent Instructor Han Yuning and Principal Xue photos of the stele inscription.


The phone vibrated, its screen lighting up.

Chen Xing picked up his phone.

It was a message from Han Yuning.

“I’ve consulted for you, and your piece of Inheritance Mystery Stele Inscription is a fragment of an extremely valuable auxiliary secret technique,” Han Yuning sent.

“This auxiliary secret technique is named ‘Wind Walking’. Its effect adds a state to all your tamed beasts, increasing their movement speed by at least about 10%, which is quite good for speed-type beasts and worth quite a bit. It can become one of the core skills of a Beast Tamer.”

Wait a minute…

Chen Xing suddenly felt this auxiliary secret technique sounded very familiar.

Wasn’t this one of the skills of his own career tree, the Pet Caretaker?

He quickly opened the Stone Booklet and read it again.

[Basic Polishing Technique]You can polish your pets, making their bodies lighter and enhancing their movement speed and agility. (0/5)

His polishing skills not only increased movement speed but also made the body lighter and improved agility.

Just from the literal description, it seemed the Basic Polishing Technique might be even more powerful.

And what about the core skill of a Beast Tamer that Instructor Han mentioned?

Could it be that Beast Tamers could learn skills just like the beasts they tamed?

And since it’s called one of the core skills, it suggests that Beast Tamers, like their beasts, would also have a limited number of skills they could master.

But he had an extra career tree compared to others.

Chen Xing now felt the Pet Caretaker had great potential; its function was to add various auxiliary effects to tamed beasts, leaning more towards the end-game.

Hum, the phone vibrated again, with Instructor Han continuing to send messages.

“I’ve consulted for you, and there are three ways to deal with this fragment. One is to keep it yourself and collect the remaining pieces. The second is to give it to Jiuzhou University; they have specialized labs studying secret techniques, and if there are results, they’ll give you a certain profit share. The third is to hand it over to the Great Xia government, who will offer a substantial lump sum for it. I can help you contact the relevant agency; they’re willing to pay around ten million. I suggest the third option because the complete ‘Wind Walking’ technique has been discovered, and its value has therefore significantly decreased. The labs study the Inheritance Mystery Stele Inscription to explore other things through the stele, so the likelihood of getting results, especially valuable ones, is quite low.”

“As for the Ancient Spirit Gold you asked me about, I have inquired. Its market price is around 150,000 per piece. If you want to sell, you can sell to me. I can offer 200,000 per piece,” Han Yuning wrote.

Chen Xing pondered for a moment.

He replied to the teacher, word by word, “Thank you for the help, Instructor Han. I choose the third option for the stele inscription, and I agree to sell the Ancient Spirit Gold to you. I counted, and there are a total of one hundred pieces. I wonder how many you are willing to purchase.”

Shortly after, the phone vibrated, “I’ll take them all. Keep the Ancient Spirit Gold with you for now. I’ll come to get it in a bit. The money has been transferred to your account. I’ll contact the agency for your Inheritance Mystery Stele Inscription and have the money sent to you in advance.”

A text message popped up at the top of the phone.

[Great Xia Industrial and Commercial Bank]Your account ending in 2288 has received an income of 30,000,000 yuan from another bank on November 16, with a balance of 30,574,154 yuan. Sender’s account name: Han * Ning…

Had he just earned thirty million in one go?

Chen Xing felt somewhat dazed.

It seemed like overnight, earning money had become incredibly easy for him.

What once was a significant challenge, money, now seemed to be just a line of numbers to him.

Of course, Chen Xing knew this was just an illusion of his own making.

This time, it was a series of coincidences that allowed him to acquire so much at once.

The newly emerged Secret Realm, the school’s opportunity, the unexplored Inheritance Tower…

The prizes inside the Inheritance Tower would only decrease, as nobody would replenish them after they had been claimed.

“Dinner time,” came his mother’s voice from outside the room.

Chen Xing calmed his emotions.

He went to the living room, to the dining table.

Chen Xing said, “Mom and Dad, why don’t you also keep a Beast Taming pet? I’ve made some money.”

Liu Yuzhen chuckled, “No need, we’re too old to have the energy to keep pets.”

“Now that you’re earning money, just use it for yourself. Don’t worry about your dad and me; your father’s health is much better now. He even mentioned looking for a job yesterday.”

Chen Guohai agreed, “I’ve been idle at home for too long; it would be good to get out and do something.”

Liu Yuzhen added, “After all the effort to raise you two troublemakers, why would we take on two more to drive us crazy?”

Chen Xing simply opened up the income message from his bank card and then pushed his phone in front of his parents.

He knew that no amount of talking could be as impactful as a direct visual.

Sometimes, things that could be clearly explained in simple terms end up being overcomplicated, leading to a whole host of misunderstandings.

Liu Yuzhen glanced at the phone screen, her surprise tainted with a hint of shock, “Son, how did you make so much money?”

Chen Guohai took a deep breath when he saw the name of the person who made the transfer and tentatively asked, “Is this money from that Dr. Han who treated me?”

“Yes,” Chen Xing nodded.

Chen Guohai frowned deeply and then relaxed, “Your mother and I are relatively open-minded people; we don’t care too much about age, but I feel that as a man…”

Chen Xing couldn’t help but laugh and cry, “This is the money from selling treasures I found in the Secret Realm, with Dr. Han’s help.”

He had yet to tell his family about being taken on as a student by Han Yuning, partly because he wanted it to be a surprise and partly because he wanted to give his sister a “shock” in the entrance examination hall.

That would certainly be an interesting sight.

Liu Yuzhen sighed, “Is Beast Taming this profitable?”

“No, I’ve seen others with Beast Taming pets and they don’t make this much, it’s my son who knows how to make money! Our son can now be considered a small business owner,” Liu Yuzhen said proudly.

“A real man should be responsible and capable of making money,” Chen Lingya muttered from the side.

Chen Xing glared at her.

Unafraid, Chen Lingya stuck out her tongue.

“Now that you’ve seen the income, keeping two Beast Taming pets isn’t difficult,” Chen Xing was about to continue persuading them.

However, Liu Yuzhen shifted directions and began to lecture Chen Xing. “No, keeping a Beast Taming pet isn’t a one-time expense, do you simply ignore them after purchasing? The regular costs are not a small sum, and just because you’re earning money now doesn’t mean you can be reckless with it. You need to spend money where it’s needed.”

“You just called me a small business owner…”

“So what if you’re a small business owner? There have been small business owners who went bankrupt keeping Beast Taming pets. I bet your dumb pet is going to be one with a huge appetite; you better save up or you won’t be able to feed it.”

“Right, your Taotie is definitely going to be a big eater, the kind that could eat you into bankruptcy,” Chen Lingya added fuel to the fire.

“Your little tiger pet won’t eat much less! And don’t you start splurging when you make money either!” Liu Yuzhen glared at Chen Lingya.

“Yeah, your mom and I think the same. You both are at an age when you need money the most. Don’t think we don’t understand; raising an excellent Beast Taming pet can cost an astronomical amount, your little bit of money would hardly make a splash.”

Seeing the firm refusal from his parents,

Chen Xing had to temporarily give up the idea, knowing there was no way his parents would keep a Beast Taming pet now.

He would wait until his Beast Taming skills grew stronger and he had better achievements, then they would have no reason to refuse.

Still, Chen Xing transferred a million each to his mother’s and father’s bank accounts, so they could spend it freely at home.

His dad didn’t need to look for tiring work when searching for a job; something comfortable would be fine.

Chen Lingya gasped in disbelief, “You were so close with your sister before, and now you’ve forgotten her.”

Chen Xing helplessly replied, “How could I?”

Transforming into a magnanimous CEO, Chen Xing waved his hand and also transferred a million to her.

“Take it! Go! Spend!”

Chen Lingya happily clicked to receive the money.

Then she transferred five hundred thousand back to Chen Xing.

Seeing Chen Xing’s bewildered look, Chen Lingya huffed, “Beast Taming costs a lot, keep a bit more for yourself.”

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