Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Chapter 168 Stars In Her Eyes

The pale haired senior reached out to take Li Meirong’s delicate hands, placing them in his, as he guided her movements through the same fluid motion he showed her.

Together, they practised a continuous set of movements. All the while, Zhu Qingyue held Li Meirong closely as he led her. With their bodies pressed against each other, they invoked their spiritual energies which spread all around their forms manifesting as a dim iridescent azure tint.

Nighttime swiftly arrived, yet the pair maintained their intimate dance in the shadows. The nearby lake glimmered under the moonlight as a scatter of luminous fireflies swaying in the breeze punctuated the darkness.

Since it was Li Meirong’s first lesson, Bai Qingyue had focused on teaching her the basics. He instructed her on properly honing the rudimentary techniques. Starting from breathing exercises to stances and repeated movements of strikes, throws and jumps.

There was too much ground to cover in one training session and so, the rest had to be taught at a later date.

When they were done, Li Meirong excitedly hurried to his side with stars in her eyes.

"Senior Zhu, you’re incredible! I didn’t think I’d be able to grasp everything so quickly. It’s only because you taught me well."

Bai Qingyue looked down, grunting in acknowledgement. Steadily and intently, he focused on her face, when he saw her smile, a warm gush of light beamed inside him. A tingle spread from his fingers and toes, piercing straight into his heart. Subconsciously, the corners of his own lips tilted up every so slightly.

He wondered if that too, was another effect of the curse? Could it be that when his wife was happy, he too, would share the same feeling? Was happiness contagious?

Li Meirong’s eyes glittered like onyx jewels in the night, her luscious red as cherry lips appeared darker still, and all the more inviting. Her long flowing hair had already loosened and looked tousled from all the exercise, the rippling jet-black waves cascading down her back and merging with the blackness of the night.

To Bai Qingyue, at that moment, his wife looked ethereal, otherworldly. A fairy born from the night’s beauty. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Slowly, he bent down, tilting his head to reach the seductive pulp and juicy flesh which called to him. He heard her mumble something, but was far too preoccupied to make sense, or care what those words were.

Edging closer to the intended prize that was provoking his senses, his breath mingled with hers as he was about to conquer her irresistible lips. Frustratingly, at that exact moment, she raised her hand and covered half of her face, barring the treasure he so desperately sought.

"Senior Zhu, I asked if you could teach me the Qinggong technique so I wouldn’t have to depend on mounts to travel in the sect." Li Meirong repeated her request in a muffled yet stubborn voice, her mouth hidden by the palm of her hand.

Bai Qingyue’s bright eyes deepened to dark molten gold. Through gritted teeth, he breathed in deeply to steady himself.

As he inhaled, her very scent flooded his senses. Sweet and succulent like honey, the intoxicating fragrance of his wife caused him to grow restless instead.

Never mind being his "fated person", the universe had created this woman to become his damnation!

"If you wish to make a request, you must make an offer of equal value to reciprocate the gesture." Bai Qingyue’s voice was deep and slightly raspy as he spoke. He gently pried his consort’s slender fingers away, one at a time. Finally, the obstructing hand was removed, revealing the delectable lips.

"What would you like to mmph-!"

Bai Qingyue didn’t waste any more precious time, his arm encircled her waist in a vice-like grip, pulling Li Meirong tightly against him into a suffocating embrace. His lips immediately descended upon hers before she could even think to utter a word of protest.

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