Absolute Dominion

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A cart pulled by an old donkey was traveling along one of the public roads near Wuhan.

No one held the reins, yet the donkey was finding its way well.

Three elderly individuals sat side by side at the back of the cart.

Although they seemed ordinary at first glance, they were not ordinary at all.

In the center was an old woman with a headscarf, flanked by two elderly men donning bamboo hats.

The old woman, with her small eyes smiling amidst her wrinkled face, had a blue sickle strapped to her waist. She was none other than the Twin Sickle-Wielding Demon, Yang Hwa-Young.

Naturally, the elderly men on either side were the Thunder Sword, Naeng Lee-Sang, and the Sword Demon, Cheon Mu-Ak.

They held positions among the top ten martial artists in the world, spanning three generations.

If their true identities were revealed, it would be as if a grand martial arts sect was passing by in a small cart.

Many martial artists were journeying towards Wuhan along the same road.

Yang Hwa-Young waved at them one by one, when none returned her greeting, she chuckled.

“People are so heartless.”

The reason the martial artists did not return the greeting was the same reason Naeng Lee-Sang was slightly irritated.

“Is it really necessary to wear such attire?”

Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak, who had worn splendid martial arts uniforms and robes all their lives, had now exchanged them for old hemp clothes that were typically worn by rural villagers. While Yang Hwa-Young, always seen with a headscarf and sickle, blended in as a typical country woman, Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak felt awkward in their unfamiliar attire.

It was a command from Yang Hwa-Young, although it was thinly veiled as a suggestion.

“If juniors recognize us, it will become troublesome.”

Naeng Lee-Sang was in a relatively better situation. The youngest, the Sword Demon, had to carry a backpack to hide the swords of the two. Even now, the backpack, placed on one side of the cart, contained the Thunder Sword and the Demon Sword, both wrapped in straw.

“Why do people like you need those pieces of metal? Let’s sell them and have a drink with the money.”

At Yang Hwa-Young’s scolding, Naeng Lee-Sang, already in a foul mood, raised his voice, suggesting they sell the Twin Demonic Sickles first. Cheon Mu-Ak quietly laughed at such a sight.

This was unbelievable! Someone had the gall to challenge the Demon Supreme Empress?

The Demon Supreme was laughing at the person challenging her.

The Sword Demon, Cheon Mu-Ak, was originally known for his cold and cruel demeanor.

Junior martial artists were usually so respectful that they couldn’t even make eye contact with him. After living like that for so long, traveling with the Twin Sickle-Wielding Demon and the Thunder Sword was a refreshing change. Yesterday, he even ran an errand to fetch some dumplings. Ah! If it weren’t for Yang Hwa-Young, he would have starved to death.

After a while, Naeng Lee-Sang, feeling bored, spoke again.

“Why are we riding a cart?”

“Why? Isn’t it charming?”


“What’s the rush? We’re moving like the moon drifting among the clouds.”

“Even those clouds seem faster than us.”

“Why is someone who has mastered such esteemed martial arts so impatient?”

“Are you saying this impatience is due to martial arts? As I age, I’m starting to grow more anxious.”

“The more anxious you are, the more you should take your time. You’re worse than a donkey.”

There was only one person in the world who could insult the Thunder Sword by saying he was worse than a donkey, and that person now turned her gaze toward the Sword Demon.

“Are you as impatient as he is?”

Cheon Mu-Ak shook his head while holding a stiff expression.

“I’m fine.”

Naeng Lee-Sang gazed at Cheon Mu-Ak with disbelief etched on his face. His eyes questioned the sincerity of the statement, prompting Cheon Mu-Ak to avert his gaze slightly.

Naturally, he wasn’t alright. Inside, he was seething with impatience. One was known as the Thunder Sword, the called the Sword Demon. Yet, neither dared to oppose Yang Hwa-Young’s will.

Sasak Sasak.

Yang Hwa-Young drew the sickle from her waist and scratched her head.

“When we reach the inn, I should wash my hair first.”

As the blue blade swayed before his eyes, Naeng Lee-Sang instinctively leaned back.

“Why would someone like you fear this thing?”

“Of all things, that is what terrifies me the most.”

“Stop exaggerating. They say you grow uglier with age. No matter how much I wash my hair, it still itches.”

“Why don’t you get a nice old person to wash your hair and scratch your back?”

“No need. What use is an ugly old man?”

“Then find a young one.”

Yang Hwa-Young narrowed her eyes.

“You’ve really changed a lot. Who would have thought such words would come out of your mouth?”

Naeng Lee-Sang made an embarrassed face.


The twenty years that had passed had changed him. The loneliness he endured for a single mission had made him this way.

Yang Hwa-Young looked at the Sword Demon with a playful expression.

“Do you know what this friend said when he first encountered me twenty years ago?”

She implied that she had an intriguing story, so he listened carefully. The Sword Demon turned his head to show his interest, feeling compelled to listen attentively, given the stature of the person narrating the story.

“As soon as he saw me, he drew his sword and said…”

“Oh! Not that story again!”

Naeng Lee-Sang blushed with embarrassment.

Yang Hwa-Young mimicked Naeng Lee-Sang with a playful face.

“He lowered his voice and said, ‘Demon Supreme, I don’t care about your past misdeeds. But if you even step on the shadow of our young master, you’ll die on the spot.’”

The Sword Demon looked at the two alternately with a surprised face.

“Who is this young master?”

“He was referring to Lee-Gun’s father.”


Naeng Lee-Sang exhaled deeply.

“In those days, I was utterly disoriented.”

Yang Hwa-Young laughed heartily.

“Back then, you were in your prime, capable of unleashing eight streaks of lightning simultaneously. Now, you likely lack the energy to achieve such a feat.”

The Sword Demon suddenly asked.

“Why did you let him go?”

In other words, why didn’t you kill that guy? The Sword Demon was confident that even eighty streaks of lightning couldn’t defeat Yang Hwa-Young. To the Sword Demon, the Demon Supreme was like an idol.

Yang Hwa-Young observed Naeng Lee-Sang’s reaction. The Sword Demon made a comment that could have offended Naeng Lee-Sang, yet he did not seem to be particularly displeased.

The Sword Demon realized his mistake belatedly, but he didn’t feel the need to apologize to him.

In terms of hierarchy , Naeng Lee-Sang held a superior rank, but he was a person of the orthodox faction. Depending on the situation, martial artists generally didn’t consider rank when dealing with people of the orthodox faction.

In fact, the Sword Demon harbored a desire to challenge the Thunder Sword at least once.

Was he confident that he could win? He wasn’t thinking about that. However, he knew that it would be an exciting match.

Of course, that didn’t imply that Cheon Mu-Ak was trying to be disrespectful towards Naeng Lee-Sang.

Yang Hwa-Young and Naeng Lee-Sang shared a close bond as senior and junior. She hoped that Cheon Mu-Ak would develop a similar relationship with Naeng Lee-Sang.

Nevertheless, the two still remained quite awkward with each other.

“So what was the reason?”

Yang Hwa-Young continued with a sly smile.

“Back then, this fellow was quite adorable.”

“Please stop.”

Naeng Lee-Sang’s face was turning red.

Cheon Mu-Ak couldn’t suppress the smile forming at Naeng Lee-Sang’s flustered reaction. He smiled involuntarily but quickly masked his expression, worried that it might be noticed.

Yang Hwa-Young, aware of the shift in his demeanor, questioned Cheon Mu-Ak.

“By the way, are you always this reserved?”

Throughout the journey, Cheon Mu-Ak had spoken only when necessary.

This time, too, Cheon Mu-Ak responded briefly.


Yang Hwa-Young shook her head.

“You’re boring.”

There was a compelling reason why Cheon Mu-Ak had tagged along for this journey–Yang Hwa-Young. The reverence he had for her, known as the Supreme Demon Empress, was a sentiment shared by all demonic martial artists.

For the Sword Demon, this was the only reason he needed to join them.

“Is he doing well?”

At the Sword Demon’s question, Yang Hwa-Young and Naeng Lee-Sang exchanged glances.

Yang Hwa-Young answered calmly.

“He’s doing well.”

Observing Cheon Mu-Ak’s silent nod, Yang Hwa-Young inquired further.

“Have you ever met Lee-Gun’s father?”

“Yes, I met him a few times when he was younger.”

“I see.”

Yang Hwa-Young nodded.

Cheon Mu-Ak appeared as though he had another question, but Yang Hwa-Young spoke first.

“As time progresses, you’ll learn things one by one. So don’t be impatient.”


Cheon Mu-Ak answered politely.

The renowned Sword Demon was behaving like an obedient younger brother in front of Yang Hwa-Young. Of course, in reality, the age difference was more akin to that of a parent and child.

Yang Hwa-Young yawned and stretched.

“I’m hungry.”

“Then let’s hasten our pace by using lightness skills.”

At that moment, Yang Hwa-Young caught a whiff of the air.

“Oh! It smells delicious.”

In the distance, two individuals were seated on a flat rock by the roadside, sharing a meal.

The middle-aged man and the young woman were Jeong Lee-Chu and Cha-Ryun. The food in front of them consisted of rice balls carefully prepared by Jeong Ahn for the two, who had skipped breakfast because they left early in the morning.

“I’m sorry.”

Jeong Lee-Chu, taking a bite of the rice ball, felt tears welling up.


Cha-Ryun’s eyes filled with tears as well.

They were on their way to apologize to the Palm Heart Clan together. The feelings that Jeong Lee-Chu was experiencing as a father were beyond words.

If only she had accepted their demands, it would have been over. Cha-Ryun felt sorry for hurting her father’s pride.

“I’m really sorry.”

Cha-Ryun lowered her head with a face full of shame.

Jeong Lee-Chu had insisted on accompanying Cha-Ryun, who had wished to go alone to apologize.

He couldn’t bear to send his daughter alone into the Palm Heart Clan, a place as perilous as a tiger’s den. He believed that if they went together to apologize, the head of the Palm Heart Clan might take a step back.

Jeong Lee-Chu, his voice choked with emotion, changed the subject.

“So, how is your training progressing these days?”

“There has been no significant progress.”

“That’s already a great achievement, so don’t be too greedy. One more thing. To survive in this harsh world, you must always hide a part of your skills. Never reveal your full abilities.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Cha-Ryun was the only one among his three daughters who chose the path of a martial artist. Jeong Lee-Chu harbored hopes that one day, Cha-Ryun would inherit the sect.

He also wished…

‘I hope she finds a good husband…’

His first son-in-law, Seo Baek, was a kind and virtuous person. However, being a good person did not necessarily equate to being a proficient martial artist. To excel in martial arts, one needed to have a firm and strong character. Seo Baek lacked that firmness, much like himself.

Jeong Lee-Chu’s honest wish was for Cha-Ryun to marry someone strong in both martial arts and character. Ideally, he wanted her to marry into a good family, so she wouldn’t have to struggle throughout her life.

However, there was a complication. If the suitor came from a distinguished family, it would be challenging to persuade them to join the Righteous Sword Sect and assume control of the sect. Jeong Lee-Chu was prepared for this eventuality. The continuation of the family lineage was something he could worry about later; his daughter’s happiness was what mattered the most.

Meanwhile, Cha-Ryun’s thoughts were occupied with Jeok Lee-Gun.

In the morning, Hyang Lee informed her that Jeok Lee-Gun had already departed. She said it looked like he hadn’t slept at all last night.

It seemed he had left immediately after their conversation by the pond the day before.

He could have at least stayed for breakfast.

She felt a twinge of disappointment that the talkative guy had left without a word.

Cha-Ryun shook her head, as if trying to dispel the thoughts of Jeok Lee-Gun. The more she tried not to think about him, the more he came to mind.

At that moment, a cart approached and came to a halt beside them.

Jeong Lee-Chu and Cha-Ryun’s gazes naturally shifted towards the cart.

“Could you spare some of those rice balls? These old folks are famished.”

Without waiting for their answer, Yang Hwa-Young promptly seated herself beside them.

“Come on, you two.”

She beckoned Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak to join her.

Suddenly, Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak, who had to act like hungry and shameless old men, lowered their heads. Especially Cheon Mu-Ak, who had a strong sense of pride, felt his face burning. Fortunately, he was wearing a bamboo hat.

Jeong Lee-Chu and Cha-Ryun were not the kind to turn away hungry elders.

Cha-Ryun nudged the remaining rice balls towards Yang Hwa-Young.

“They might be a bit cold, but they should still be good. Please, help yourselves.”

Even though they were skilled martial artists, Jeong Lee-Chu and Cha-Ryun couldn’t discern the extraordinary internal energy of the three.

“You’re not only pretty but also kind-hearted.”

Yang Hwa-Young eagerly grabbed a rice ball. She then gestured for Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak to eat as well.

Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak reluctantly took a bite.

“Oh! It’s delicious.”

Yang Hwa-Young laughed like a child. The wrinkles around her crescent-shaped eyes deepened. Naeng Lee-Sang and Cheon Mu-Ak were also impressed by the taste.

Jeong Ahn’s cooking skills were truly exceptional, so it was only natural.

Jeong Lee-Chu signaled to Cha-Ryun that they should leave. He wanted to let the old folks eat comfortably.

At that moment, Yang Hwa-Young spoke.

“Since I have received something, I should give something in return.”

Yang Hwa-Young took out her sickle and began etching something onto a rock.

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