A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

114. Converging Paths: The Hyuga and Kaguya Pact

114. Converging Paths: The Hyuga and Kaguya Pact

As they all stepped out of the dilapidated hot spring building into the forest and walked amongst its outer ruins, Hikari turned to Toru Kaguya,

"Toru-san, can we talk for a minute? There's something important I want to discuss with you, regarding some historical matters, if it is okay...", Hikari said, his voice serious but respectful.

Toru's eyes, sharp and assessing, shifted towards Hikari. He nodded politely and stepped to the side with Hikari, away from the others, who looked at this shortly and then went on their ways, "What's on your mind, Hikari-san?", He asked.

As they walked through the forest next, Hikari glanced at Toru, gathering his thoughts before speaking, "Some time ago, before I left for this front, I learned from the Patriarch that our two clans used to be quite close in ancient history.",

"There was something akin to a clan alliance between us back then. Takumi-sensei also mentioned that you should know about this too judging from your exchanges with him.",

"I'm wondering, why didn't you try to contact us over the years after you found yourself in this tough spot, especially recently? And how did you end up in Kirigakure in the first place, and not in Konoha like us Hyuga...?",

"With your strength, and standing in the most prosperous, nowadays known as the Land of Fire, central territory during the end of the Warring States era, it shouldn't have been a problem for you to find your place there too as well I feel...", Hikari asked, his tone curious yet polite.

He also understood already at this time, from Takumi, that their ability to establish such a quick working relationship, with the other side, despite having no recent contact, before the war started, was also rooted in their shared ancient history. So, he was comfortable with Toru more or less now and felt that the man also held very positive feelings for himself too.

Toru slowed his pace, looking thoughtful, "It's true...", He began, his voice deep and reflective, "Our clans share a long history together since ancient times, one of mutual respect and cooperation. But as you know, history can be forgotten and ties can fade.",

"We didn't join Konoha, at that time alongside you, mainly because we felt it was "too crowded" for us to be honest; we're more of a free-spirited kind of a clan...", Toru explained.

"That's why we settled on one of the islands in the Land of Water—to have our own territory and peace of mind, where we wouldn't have to bow down or accommodate anyone else.",

"Many other kekkei genkai clans felt the same and similarly took over various neighboring islands too. However, who could have expected that a bloodthirsty power like Kirigakure would emerge successfully, thus becoming hostile towards the clans with the support of the Daimyo of the Main Island as well? Thus this "promised land" became the bloodiest one.",

"We thought no Hidden Villages would form in that distant, isolated, and scattered kind of archipelago, giving us eternal peace away from the wars of the other four new shinobi nations, but we greatly miscalculated.",

"In hindsight, it might have been better to join Konoha with you, but there's no use regretting the past. Now, we just hope to survive this battle and rebuild a safer future.", Toru concluded.

"As for reaching out, it wasn't easy. Kirigakure kept a tight leash on us. Contacts outside were restricted, and there were always eyes watching.",

"The risk of making a move was too great, especially without knowing if the Hyuga still held any memory of us or motive and methods to affect the situation so far away from them."

After hearing this, Hikari nodded, having already guessed much of the matter correctly. He thought more about the mysterious and intriguing Kaguya Clan. His fascination was one reason he sought out its current Patriarch for this conversation.

Hikari was also previously surprised to deduce that the comprehensive power of the current Kaguya Clan, of this world, alongside the Yuki clan, in his assessment, was somewhere in between the powers of Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, to the lower end, and the Uchiha, and Hyuga clans in present-day Konoha, to the higher end—placing them somewhere in the middle of the two groups, and among the peak most powerful shinobi clans of this world.

He felt a tinge of regret for their tragic fate in the original world, where they were portrayed merely as mindless brutes. However, in this world, they were different; they were not foolish.

They didn't initiate a futile fight with Kirigakure but were instead cornered into conflict. Their seemingly brutish nature and conflicts with Kirigakure appeared to be a defense mechanism developed over generations, a response to the bloody and harsh climate of the Land of Water. This realization deepened Hikari's understanding of the Kaguya's complex legacy and how this world was a "real world", and considerably different from the story of his past life.

"It's commendable that you've managed to lead your clan through these tough times and have now reached a point where we can potentially overturn the current situation together...", Hikari responded in the meantime, his voice filled with respect.

"If you agree, I'd like to propose that we reinvigorate the ancient alliance between our two clans as we move forward. After all, mere borders cannot stand between our shared ancient history and our newly found common interests in this tumultuous world. As the Alliance Coordinator of the Hyuga clan, I assure you of our sincerity and commitment to this partnership...", Hikari continued, extending a hand in a gesture of trust and cooperation.

Toru looked at Hikari's extended hand, his expression unreadable for a moment before a slow nod affirmed his agreement, "Your words hold great weight, Hikari, and I appreciate the sincerity behind them...", He began, his voice steady and deliberate,

"To think that our clans could come together again after all this time is something I did not anticipate, yet it feels right given our current circumstances.",

He firmly grasped Hikari's hand, the gesture signaling more than just acceptance—it was a commitment, "I accept your proposal to reinvigorate our alliance. The Kaguya Clan has always valued strength and resilience, and I see these qualities in your proposal. Together, we stand a better chance against not just Kirigakure but any who threaten our future."

From that point on, the relationship between Hikari and Toru warmed slightly, and they engaged in light conversation before Hikari steered the discussion back to the main reason he had approached the Kaguya Patriarch.

Hikari wanted to test the waters to see how deeply Toru understood the ancient history of their two clans and why they had been so closely connected.

"So, Toru-san, I wonder, do you know why our clans were historically so close?", Hikari asked, watching Toru's face closely for any hint of deceit or uncertainty.

Toru furrowed his brow slightly, a sign of confusion, and after a moment of thought, he replied, "It's really strange... I also don't know. Our records from those times are fragmented at best. It seems much of our deeper history was lost over the generations. I also always felt curious about that, after all, you could say that our fighting styles and cultures couldn't been more distant."

Hikari noted Toru's genuine confusion and mentally concluded that the current Kaguya clan likely didn't know about their shared lineage originating from Hamura and other deeper historical ties—a realization that was somewhat disappointing for Hikari.

He had hoped to use this conversation to learn more, possibly even information that the Hyuga Patriarch had withheld from him.

So, Hikari nodded politely and replied, "I see. Thank you for sharing what you know."

With that, the conversation soon drew to a close. They agreed to continue this dialogue in the future, hoping to uncover more about their intertwined histories.

After exchanging a few final words and acknowledging their new-found partnership, they went their separate ways—each to prepare for the challenges ahead, but now with the reassurance of an alliance that promised a stronger stand against their adversaries.


As Hikari made his way through the forest back to the Hyuga clan camp, he sensed another presence drawing near, so he stopped.

Emerging into an open field within the forest, he spotted the figure of Arata Yuki, the young Patriarch of the Yuki clan.

At only 16 years old, Arata carried himself with a maturity that belied his youth.

Arata was of medium height with a slender build that hinted at agility rather than brute strength.

His blue hair, a distinctive trait of the Yuki clan, fell just past his shoulders and partially obscured his pale blue eyes, which contrasted sharply with his fair skin.

He wore the traditional attire of his clan—a light blue kimono tied with a darker blue obi.

The fabric moved gracefully with each step he took, and despite the simplicity of the design, it carried an air of elegance.

His face was calm and composed, displaying a serene confidence as he approached Hikari.

The young leader's presence was marked by a quiet strength and an aura of thoughtful deliberation, making him seem wise beyond his years.

Arata approached and, with a polite bow, apologized for intruding on Hikari's time, "I accidentally noticed your previous discussion with the Kaguya Patriarch...",

Arata said, his voice measured and calm, "I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself personally and perhaps get to know each other better. Hope I'm not bothering you."

Internally, Arata was closely observing and analyzing Hikari. He had previously noticed that Hikari and the Kaguya patriarch had stayed behind to talk, prompting him to linger nearby on this route, hoping to also meet with Hikari later.

Arata had recently begun to suspect that the Hyuga and Kaguya clans might have some kind of secretive ties unknown to others. He didn't want his clan to be left out of any potential alliances for the future.

After all, although the Kaguya and Yuki clans were also very close allies, they were still distinct clans with their interests and strategies.

Arata understood that the shifting dynamics between the Hyuga and Kaguya could affect the balance of power, and he wanted to ensure that the Yuki clan maintained a strong position in any new political configuration.

His approach to Hikari was calculated to glean insights and possibly secure a stronger alliance with the Hyuga clan on his own, strengthening his clan's influence and security.

Hikari, perceptive to the nuances of his surroundings, noticed Arata's thoughtful approach and understood the implications right away.

He greeted Arata with a warm smile and a respectful nod, signaling his openness to the conversation, "Arata-san, it's good to meet you so in such a calm setting as well...", Hikari began, acknowledging the young patriarch's proactive step.

"I appreciate you taking the time to introduce yourself. Our clans must get to know each other better, especially in these times."

Relieved by Hikari's openness, Arata decided to avoid probing into the potential secret ties between the Hyuga and Kaguya clans.

Even Toru Kaguya, with whom he shared a much closer relationship, had been reserved about the topic.

Instead, Arata focused on the potential outcomes of their plan to overthrow the current Mizukage.

"So, assuming our joint efforts against the Mizukage succeed...", Arata began, his tone thoughtful, "What are the Hyuga clan's, no, what are your visions for the aftermath?"

Arata's question was strategic, aimed at uncovering the Hyuga's long-term intentions without committing to specifics. He knew that Hikari was the true shot-caller there.

Arata was aware that even with a successful ousting of the Mizukage, they would still need the support of Konoha afterward, for some period, to get back on their feet, or more specifically, the Anti-Hokage faction led by the Hyuga clan.

Kirigakure would undoubtedly be weakened from the battle, and with Kumogakure's close ties to the Third Mizukage, the geopolitical landscape would be precarious, so his clan would theoretically still be in some danger. 

Recognizing the significance of Konoha's 'Anti-Hokage faction' involvement there, Arata knew that Hikari, standing before him, was pivotal to the entire operation and its aftermath.

"You've been instrumental in coordinating this alliance and leading the efforts...", Arata continued, measuring his words carefully.

"Given the potential for regional instability post-Mizukage, and considering Kumogakure's position, how do you see our relationship with Konoha evolving?"

Arata wanted to understand Hikari's vision for the future—knowing well that the young Hyuga's pivotal perspective would likely steer the course of events in that direction.

Hikari meanwhile took a moment to collect his thoughts, and then responded calmly, "Assuming we achieve victory in the upcoming battle, I envision us continuing this partnership going forward as well.",

"However, it's important to always understand that you are aligning not with Konoha as a whole, but with the main opposition faction of its current leadership.",

"Moving forward, this could mean your support might be needed in our internal conflicts within Konoha or against external threats, much like we're collaborating now. I hope we can count on each other without reservation.",

"In exchange, we would stand by you against any external adversaries you face. Our alliance would be based on mutual support and trust. I also want to assure you that the Hyuga clan, and myself personally, do not favor the Kaguya over the Yuki.",

"Despite our historical ties with the Kaguya, you probably observed by now, we see great value in our partnership with you and are committed to maintaining balance and fairness."

Soon, after their conversation, with a final exchange of respectful bows, Hikari and Arata went their separate ways, returning to their respective camps to continue preparations.

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