A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 244 - 231

Chapter 244: Chapter 231

A tense silence filled the air. There were many eyes on us – on Artoria as she dragged Uther's body through the castle gates, right into the center of their stronghold.

Once the fighting had stopped, the remaining people had come out amidst the remains of the lightshow that had enveloped the place.

They also whispered and pointed when Arthur walked right behind us.

I had given her a brief rundown of what my team had run into, and what had happened in the dungeon. Suffice to say, she was very much not pleased with Uther, even more so than before.

Artoria didn't back down from their gazes, almost welcoming them as she tossed Uther into the mud. He squirmed around, bound and gagged to speak. Such a prideful man was left in such a wretched state, and mocked even more by his current situation.

She had yet to return Excalibur, to hide it behind her Invisible Air. It's light still shined, it was a faint glow yet still pulsed out a warm feeling that welcomed all to its embrace.

I could tell she was concerned, worried about the ramifications of what Uther did to his own family. Still, she didn't make a move as the remaining people walked out of the ruins.

"Uther is defeated." Artoria spoke softly, yet her voice reverberated around the surroundings. "If there is any other who wishes to stand by him, speak up now, otherwise I will take your silence as acknowledgement of surrender."

She gave it a moment and just closed her eyes, waiting for a response.

"Very well." She spoke again.

"Father." A familiar voice came from behind and Mordred came into the courtyard, dragging a knight behind her just like her father had.

"Mordred. I see your efforts have been rewarded." Artoria looked at the unconscious body.

"Called himself Lancelot." She snorted. "Saw your Noble Phantasm and the big snake. Everything ended?"

"Yes, we have taken the castle." She nodded. "Wilhelm." She turned to me, then towards everyone else. "Please provide healing for anyone who needs it."

Yeah, these people....it looked like they had been starving for weeks. They looked extremely haggard and about to fall over.

That spell, it drained their lifespan, ate away at their vitality. It would be difficult to heal them up fully; but to atleast get them to something comfortable, I could do that.

"Ooh, let me help." Jinn's suddenly popped up.

"Thank you, Jinn." Artoria smiled.

"Prepare a healing spell, I'll make it so it's distributed overtop the castle." I stated.

"Okay, I'll cast my best healing" She nodded.

Well, I believe this was my first time using this particular version of my Nine Realms. Withdrawing the Staff of Magnus once more, I drew the runes into the air and began casting the spell. "The Breath of Magic – Vanaheim." I called out as a golden spell circle appeared overhead.

It was a simple concept to intertwine with the Godly realm of Vanaheim. While the Aesir were known as fierce warriors, the Vanir were known for their mastery of the magical arts. So I took the idea of my Five Elements Mutual Generation and applied it ontop of the Norse Cosmology that is Vanaheim.

At this basic level, it acted as a consistent amplification spell. Though, there were a few kinks to work out, which was why I hadn't used it in combat yet.

Jinn held up her hands, glowing with a bright golden light. "Grand Healing." She let it loose towards my spell. The two combined and a bright light enveloped the entirety of the castle, and a rain of healing fell down onto everyone.

I watched silently as the various people around looked up, the lights falling on them, healing them. While this kind of healing was not absolute, it was certainly effective at many things. There was a reason that despite healing being so readily available back in Skyrim, that Potions were still the go-to means.

Suffice to say, Healing Magic was not omnipotent....unless your name was Avalon.

"Nice light show." Achilles decided to lazily drag a person of his own on over and tossed him onto the growing pile of unconscious people. "Thought you might want this one alive, called himself 'Gawain'. Could transform into a dragon – kinda. One of those Sacred Gears you've mentioned I guess."

"So you slayed a dragon?" I quirked an eyebrow.

He gave a very dry look towards me, but I didn't press the joke now. It wasn't really the time.

"Thank you, Rider." Artoria said kindly.

"Hah, don't mention it." He laughed. "Wish I could have punched that giant snake though. Next time, I call dibs on the big monster."

"Rider, stop being insensitive." Atalanta smacked his shoulder, tossing her own person down. "This idiot called himself Tristan, I don't' know why, he didn't even wield a bow properly." She snorted, holding up a harp-like bow.

[Master, we're bringing the ones from below over] Just as Raikou's words echoed in my head, I saw her and Rin escorting many different people.




Cries for various family members rang out as the 'prisoners' ran towards their family members. Children, elders, and young adults. It seems like Uther didn't discriminate in who he had decided to throw into the dungeons.

It was.... heartwarming even knowing what they had went through. I could only say that at least they're still alive.

The last person to follow up was Agravain, his tattered clothing bellowing as he took haggard steps forward.

He took a few more steps, each one looking more difficult than the last before dropping to his knees infront of her. "Your Majesty" He called out.

Almost as if on cue, the surrounding crowd began to drop to a knee. Head down, bowed in reverence towards Artoria.

I couldn't blame them, their entire identity was based around her, on her legend. And here she was, standing right infront of them. It might be strange that they believed such a thing without prompt, but there was no lying when she held that sword in her hands. There was no need to declare her name when Excalibur was shining bright for them to clearly see. It was impossible to knot acknowledge the sword itself while basking in its light.

"Rise." Artoria said softly.

Agravain slowly lifted his head up and tried to climb to his feet but his legs shuttered and he fell back down. "I-I –"

"You have suffered." Artoria walked forward. " I was informed of what you have done." She pressed against her chest, another bright light enveloping her as her Sheath was revealed. She held it up to him, letting it wrap him up in its warm embrace.

The curses that were visible to the naked eye, they were grabbed a hold of and shattered by Avalon's light, and his wounds began to heal. His body had the correct color return to it, and even though his face still looked gaunt, there was a flicker of fire in his eyes that wasn't there before.

"He would be quite pleased with you." Artoria gave a gentle smile. "Your namesake that is. He was a man that rarely showed his emotion, and never told others of what he got up to. But he was a fine knight who handled what needed to be handled and silently carried his own burdens."

"Your Majesty..." Agravain looked up with a strange look on his face. "We submit ourselves to you." He bowed his head again.

"Rise, Agravain." Artoria replied. "Speak on your feet as is worthy of your station. You have made no pledges or oaths to me, there is no need to bow your head."

He slowly stood up once more, a renewed vigor in his movements. "We...I...." It seemed like Agravain had trouble voicing his thoughts.

Artoria let out a sigh, looking at the surrounding crowd. "Let the past be buried." She began speaking again. "It is fine to have pride in your heritage, but you have become blinded by the glories of the past. Let this generation be the final one to try and relive the previous era."

"We will follow your orders." Agravain stated. "Please, take char—"

"No." Artoria cut him off. "I will not be taking any position of authority. Whatever you may perceive about me, know that my past is in the past." She swept her gaze around. "My path led me here by chance, not one I specifically chose. I felt a responsibility and acted according to my own honor. With that said...." Her expression turned hard. "You all are hereby put on notice."

She took a few steps towards the crowd. "Uther had done despicable things, and many of you have paid the price. However, I am sure that there are also many that were complicit and even participated in such....actions when they benefited you."

Artoria stopped, turning back towards Agravain. "This man is someone I acknowledge. You are now leaderless, so he shall take the leadership. If anyone wishes to voice their dissatisfaction, now is the time." She glared towards the crowd.

There were many knights who had participated in the fighting. While I know that many of them were just following orders, or stuck in their positions, I couldn't fault Artoria in her hesitance to trust everyone without verification.

"Good." She nodded. "I shall say now, I will be confiscating the things I deem this family not worthy to posses as it currently is. Once you have shown yourself capable of acting beyond what Uther had created, you may have your things returned."

Well, they couldn't really so 'no'. They were....conquered. Politely so. But conquered all the same.

Oh well, time to loot all their cool toys.

"It seems we've come right on time." I turned to look at Scáthach walking over. I had been wondering what she had gotten up to.

Kairi was right beside her, but there were also two more faces, I hadn't met but recognize from pictures.

"Arthur!" A girl in a large witch's hat came running over.

"Le Fay." Arthur accepted the girl into his arms for a hug.

Right behind her was a woman in a maid outfit. I could admire Arthur's taste, she was very cute.

"Elaine." Arthur said quietly.

"Arthur, I missed you." She looked like she was about to cry.

"Ahem." Artoria politely cleared her throat, grabbing their attention. "Perhaps you wish this reunion in private?"

"Eh!?" Le Fay blurted out. "Who are you, what's going on? Is that Dad tied up?"

"...Le Fay." Arthur sighed. "Apologize to his – " He blinked. "Her Majesty." He chided his sister.

I guess he accepted Artoria's identity. The context clues were all there and he had a bigger picture than the other people. Well, he probably had many questions, but he seemed to understand that now was neither the time nor the place.

"What?" Ley Fay looked around, her eyes landing on Artoria, then her sword. Her eyes widened as if she understood something. The same explanation that filled her soul as the others. "I....um –" She fidgeted in place. "She's....a girl? But....?"

"Peace, child. There is no harm." Artoria just chuckled, shaking her head. "You do look so similar to her in her youth." She muttered, staring at Le fay.

"Y-you Majesty." Agravain started speaking again. "What would you have us do with Uther?"

"He had harmed the people with blatant disregard and performed vile deeds for his own selfish desires. I believe you should know what to do with him." Artoria said coldly. "It is your duty to weed out the individuals who would continue to harm others and the family or deserve of a similar fate."

"Yes." He sighed. "I will see to it that he is executed for his crimes. And I will make sure the heinous ones shortly follow him." There was a sort of relief in his words as he said but. "But.....what would you have us do now? We..."

"What is the point of the family in the first place? You are knights. You are here to foster the next generation, not fight for power or perceived glory in others worshipping you. If there is any honor left in this place, take to the old codes. Remember the oaths that are sworn upon your blades. Society has changed, people have different perceptions of morality. But there are still those who are in need, those who could stand to have an honorable knight by their side. To protect the realm."

She finally dismissed Excalibur back into her soul, letting its light fade away. "However, heed my final warning." She once more turned to the crowd. Her gaze was heavy, as not many dared to keep their heads up as she passed them by. "Do not make me come back in this same capacity, for I will not be nearly as merciful."


Wrapping up this little bit of the DxD arc. Sorry about no chapter yesterday, I just couldn't do it with how I was feeling.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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