A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 232 - 222

Chapter 232: Chapter 222

"Wilhelm." Yasaka said slowly. "I would very much appreciate some context right now."

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. "He was supposed to meet with Izzy." I said simply.

Yasaka blinked in realization. "I see how that could have been –"

"He made her cry."

Yasaka paused at that. I didn't know the extent of any relations between them, but I knew that Izzy had an open invitation to come to Yasaka's place. Not to mention how Izzy saved Kunou, basically earning Yasaka's eternal gratitude.

"I see." She said again, her expression turning a bit stiffer. "Susanoo is one of the pillars of the Shinto faction. While he's below most other 'lightning' Gods, he is still rather strong."

"I don't have plans on killing him." I was honest. This wasn't like the other Susanoo, this was Izzy's son, and I had absolutely no intentions of leaving any lasting damage nor killing him.

Yasaka let out a relieved sigh. "I can understand your anger. I have no good impressions of that God myself." She acknowledged. "However.....I have to think of my faction, Wilhelm."

"I know." I sighed. "It's one of the reasons I came to you. I didn't want to immediately run off amidst my anger and be too impulsive and give no thought to the consequences. I wanted to be better about that with all of you." If it was just myself, I could afford to be more flippant, but when they're involved, I had to act more mature.

"I will.....try to be diplomatic." I gritted out. "I'm willing to swallow my anger. I have no right to force him into anything, but his actions directly hurt Izzy. He made a promise, and his casual dismissal has brought her pain. That isn't something I can just let go without an explanation." Maybe I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but Izzy is someone important to me and she was hurt.

"I do know where he is." Yasaka spoke up again. "It's as you said, I tend to keep track of any high profile individuals that enter my territory. Currently, he's right about at the edge of my territory that boarders the old man's."

"If I don't cause any trouble for either side, if no one but us are involved in what ever altercation that may or may not occur, will there be consequences?" I asked. Though, I would honestly try the passive approach first, if only out of respect for Izzy.

She pondered that. "Nothing I can't brush off as not my concern. It's well known that you're with me and Kunou, but I can easily dismiss most things said my way. However, If my Patron asks...."

"Are we not together?" I smiled towards her. "I don't want to get in the way of your responsibilities. If you tell her about me – besides the obvious personal things – I would be in no way upset."

She smiled at that. "I won't ask you not to do this, but just, please be careful." She got up and walked forward, wrapping me up in a hug. "And thank you for telling me in advanced."

"I'll be back soon." I kissed her on the forehead.

I wanted to play with those tails.....but I had a different priority right now.

"I have the general location of where he's at right now, do you need anything more specific?" She offered.

"Just a general location is fine, I can go from there."

She walked back to her desk, shifting through several things before pulling out a piece of parchment and handed it to me. "On the off chance of a fight, If it's kept just between you and him, the others wont interfere. Don't escalate it beyond that or the consequences will be something I can't shoulder."

As in, don't get other Pantheons involved, and obviously don't kill him. Worse comes to worse and I beat him up, well, that's a private matter and at most, his siblings would probably make fun of him if the myths were close to accurate.

The fact that I'm with Yasaka who was Amaterasu's Miko, well, it could be said I was somewhat involved with the Shinto Faction if you squint.


My anger was not diminished.

I waived my hand tunneling through space to the estimated location, giving Yasaka one last look before walking through.


I don't know what I had expected, but this pretty much lined up with the mental image I had of the God so far.

There were Youkai and other various supernatural species walking around. But the most eye catching thing were the courtesans trying to catch the attention of every passersby.

It was a Red-light district.

....this is what he blew off Izzy for?

I obviously had nothing against women of this profession – my mother was a prostitute and I would not deny it. However, the fact that this was the reason Izzy was sitting alone at home and crying....

I sucked in a deep breath as I eyed the building infront of me. It didn't look out of place, or rather significant in any where. There were many others on the same street down the road that I could see, almost as if it was merely chosen by happenstance.

[Raikou.] I sent through the link.

[Master.] Raikou sounded happy to hear from me. [Is something the matter?] She questioned.

[I'm going to...do something a little bit foolish. I don't want you to worry too much.]

[I see, and I suppose I can't talk you out of such actions?]


[I am thankful you told me before you did anything. I will not dismiss whatever reason you have for doing so, but I hope you will talk to me afterwards.] She seemed to understand my sentiments well enough.

[Of course.] I wouldn't hide anything from them. And I felt a bit better after telling both Yasaka and Raikou that I'd be getting into a small mess.

With the link we shared, she should be kept abreast of my actions in cases like this. Yasaka could have dealt with some very real consequences had I not talked to her, and Raikou would worry through the link we shared.

I straightened my tie before walking through the door. The smell of alcohol and smoke immediately entered my nose and I almost reeled back at the heaviness of it.

"Greetings, Sir. Is this you first time?" The woman at the front walked over sensually, her kimono barely covering her breasts and her legs were almost fully on display. Yet, I couldn't help but think she couldn't compare to any of my girls.

I took out a pouch full of gold and tossed it into her arms. She looked at it, opening up and then back at me in confusion. "I'm looking for someone." I said with a strained smile. "Incase of damages." I made sure to iterate.

She blinked in realization and quickly made herself scarce.

I wouldn't be surprised if fights and such broke out often with beings of higher strength walking around without a care in the world. Combined with attractive women and alcohol, it's just a recipe for disaster.

There was no need to look around, I already found my target.

"HAHAHAH." A laugh bellowed out, like thunder.

"Lord Susanoo~" A woman moaned seductively as she draped herself over the owner of the loud voice.

A larger man sat with his back to me in a private booth surrounded by several women. I stopped for a moment, comparing him to the Susanoo I met in the other world. This one was still pretty big, but noticeably smaller than the one I killed. Though, he could still be called 'burly' with wild, untamed hair.

I would be polite, for Izzy's sake. Something I had to remind myself of.

I would not immediately go and start making a mess.

Again, I reeled in my anger.

I calmly walked over until I came upon him. "Lord Susanoo – " I began to speak but was interrupted.

"Just leave the drinks here." He shooed me away.

I paused, taking another breath. "Actually, I'm here to talk about something – "

"Beat it, brat." He snorted, still not even turning towards me. "Can't you seem I'm busy? I'll sign an autograph or whatever later." He shooed me off again.

I tried my best to not show off my disdain. "Lord Susanoo, I just have something important to talk to you about. It won't be more than a few moments of your time. I'll even compensate your evening."

"Lord Susanoo, he's ruining the mood" One of the women whined.

"Make the kid go away, and we can have some real fun~"

"Brat, you're ruining the atmosphere." He still didn't deem me worthy of even looking at. "Beat it while I'm still in a good mood."

I let out a sigh. "Please....I just want to ask you about something involving your mother." I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore his attitude towards me.

Though, a heavy air settled down around us. The atmosphere turned tense as Susanoo went rigid.

"I –" I couldn't finished as he swatted his arm towards me and my vision was filled with lightning.

I contemplated several things as I went flying through the wall and out the building. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned Izzy? I knew that the other Susanoo treated her as a taboo subject, not to mention Izzy called him a 'momma's boy' that one time.

I didn't outwardly react, even as I looked up at the darkening sky, wooden debris all around me as I had collided with the dumpster out back.

With another deep breath, I stood up, brushing myself off.

"I was polite, was I not, Ddraig?" I asked. I even called him 'Lord Susanoo' as a term of respect.

[You were very polite.]

"I was nice."


"I was respectful."

Yes, I interrupted his 'play time', but I believed my reason was justifiable, however, I offered to pay for his evening! Not to mention, he attacked me in response to very little provocation.

[You were surprisingly respectful.]

"Good, good." I nodded, reaching for my tie as I undid it and tossed it to the side. "And I was mature in my approach? I didn't get angry; I didn't intentionally start a fight?"

[Nope, I was astonished how you held back.]

I grunted in acknowledgement "Well, there goes plan A."

I started rolling up my sleeves.

I pulled tight my ponytail, making sure it wouldn't come loose.

Walking through the new entrance that Susanoo had made with my body, I looked back at the God who still didn't even bother to cast his gaze my way.

He attacked me first; I no longer held any hesitation.

"That's your one free one." I said calmly, moving back towards him. "This time, we're going to have a proper talk." I put a hand on his shoulder and he slowly turned towards me.

"You dare touch me, Mortal?" His voice wasn't very loud, but there was a certain weight to it. The girls all around him shuddered in fear.

As if moving in habit, Lightning began to crackle down his body as he swung his arm at me again, once more practically in dismissal, though the force was much more than the previous 'swat'.

Except, this time, I reached up and caught it, not allowing it to budge an inch. My own lightning flared up to meet his as his eyes widened. The first time he actually looked at me, and he looked confused and stunned, a realization dawned on him that something was seriously wrong.

I felt my Campione nature start swelling to the surface and he continued to stare, dumbfounded.

I waived my free hand, opening up a portal as I gripped him tight, pushed my feet against the ground, and threw him through it. His eyes completely widened at my sudden action, and possibly the utter absurdness of it all. With a thought, it closed right behind him as I swept my gaze around the girls who had egged him on.

With a snort, I opened another portal, hoping through it.

High above the ocean's waves, I slowly descended downwards, my wings out behind me. I crossed my arms as my gaze met the God I had previously thrown.

He stood atop the waves, glaring up at me. The Sky above seemed to grow dark, the furrow of his brow signaling thundering in the distance as clouds gathered around. The only reason I think he didn't immediately shout and yell was the just the sheer surprise at what had just occurred.

I didn't back down from his murderous gaze.

My own lightning slowly began to crackle around my body. My divine power just begging to be brought to the surface to face him.

I learned from the last Susanoo, that it was best to get away from civilization for something like this and the ocean was probably the best place.

I clenched my fists hard enough to feel my knuckles crack.

"Now, we can have a proper conversation."


So, Susanoo isn't a particularly nice fellow in his myths. Coming down to the mortal world, then getting side tracked and blowing off Izzy to have fun? Yeah....a lot of Gods are kind of assholes.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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