A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 197 - 188

Chapter 197: Chapter 188

Raikou and I spilled out of the portal, the Grail right behind us. I stood up without much thought, dusting myself off.

Raikou though, she looked around, prepared for battle, hand on her sword and her eyes landing on the third person in the room.

I turned to look at Zelretch who didn't raised his head. Instead, he calmly flipped to the next page of the book he was reading. "Wilhelm." He spoke softly, still not rising to meet my gaze. "Did you bring a Holy Grail into my study?"

I looked at back the large device, then back at him. "No."

He slowly raised his head, giving me a deadpanned look.

[I think he bought it.]

Thanks, Ddraig.

"Ddraig made me do it." I quickly thought up a plausible excuse.

[Oh, fuck you.]

"Yes, I'm sure." He drawled.

"Nailed it." I did a little fist pump.

[It's times like this that I remember why I hate you.]

Is it because of my handsomeness?


Jealous dragon is jealous.

"Introductions?" I offered, ignoring Ddraig's obvious jealously.

"By all means." He gestured for me to continue.

"Raikou." I put a hand on her shoulder. She had eased up upon learning how friendly we were with one another, but she was still tense being in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar person. "This is my Grandfather – Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg." I saw her face scrunch up briefly as she began to understand the situation. "Gramps, this is Minamoto-no-Raikou, my Berserker Servant."

Zelretch closed his book and stood up. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Madame. Your legend is one of renown and I'm honored to have the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings in my home."

I raised an eyebrow at the smooth motions, earning a grin from him.

Raikou looked like she stiffened, almost warring with herself before quickly bowing. "It's a pleasure to meet my Son's Grandfather."

Zelretch blinked, looking at me, almost like he was accusing me of something.

"I have absolutely zero shame."

"Why did I expect any different?" He sighed, shaking his head. "Now, onto the matter of the Grail in my study."

"Weird, how did that get here?" I gave Zelretch a cheeky little smile.

He looked at me sternly before finally breaking out into a little grin himself. "So I take it you won?"

"Did the Grail tip you off?"

"No need to be a smart ass." He lightly chided.

I let out sigh. 'You're right, sorry. Just been a little....out of it for a while now."

Zelretch's eyes softened. "We'll talk later." He stated, before moving on. "It appears as if a wish was attempted to be made?" He more so asked to himself than to me as he placed a hand on it. "Hmm, you did a good job of diverting it before the main systems activated."

"Yeah, a Master who was actually a Ruler Servant from the previous war was messing with it." I nodded, not even surprised at how easily he deduced everything. "I was quick to remove its anchors from the leylines. I did a once over, but I was a little bit in a rush, anything damaged?"

"No, you did a good job. Perhaps a bit heavy handed, but everything looks to be working."

"Good, good." I said quietly to myself. "I wanted to bring it out of that World-Line to mitigate any potential hazardous circumstances."

"Not a bad idea." He accepted my reasoning. "The Grail is trying to ping where it is and reestablish itself with the local Leylines, the transference over World-Lines threw it for a bit of a loop."

"Yup, figured it would buy me a bit before I had to do anything with it."

"Hmm, you have any other important matters besides the Grail itself?" He questioned.

"I thought you would already know." It wasn't strange for him to watch certain events unfold.

"Do you think I spy on you all the time?" He snorted. "I trust you, Wilhelm. I don't need to keep a constant eye on your actions. Yes, I do take a peek every now and then, but that is just the worrying old man in me that needs to check up."

"Oh." I muttered.

It was nice to hear those words.

"To answer your question.' I continued, taking a step towards the grail and giving it a flick. "I have a few Servants I offered alternatives to fighting."

"Impressive." He looked interested. "What were you able to cajole out of these Heroic Spirits?"

"Saber of Red is Mordred." I started.

"Well that's an easy one to guess." He let out a chuckle. "Does Artoria know?"

"Of course."

"Good lad." He nodded in approval. "I take it she's going to be sticking around?"

"Yup." I smiled bright, walking about over my own Servant. "Of course, Raikou here is staying with me." I wrapped my hands around her, giving her a nice hug.

"Master." She beamed at me, always welcoming any kind of affection. She turned to the old man. "If it isn't any trouble, Grandfather."

I think both me and Zelretch were amused by her suddenly calling him 'Grandfather'. But he didn't mind it, so I didn't correct her. Honestly, I think she was referring to him like that for my benefit.

"Of course." He laughed. "To have another Granddaughter added, it's always a happy occasion." As the words left his mouth, he noticed the small reaction Raikou had then gave me another look.

"Yes, Raikou – 'Berserker'" I made sure to emphasize her class. "Has been absolutely wonderful, and I am forever thankful for her answering my summons."

Zelretch could catch the obvious cue. "I see." Well, I wasn't exactly subtle. "These others, tell me of your thoughts and their identities."

"I mentioned Mordred, she's an obvious case." He nodded so I continued. "Then we have Achilles and Atalanta."

"Greek heroes, not surprising. Achilles would be a powerful foe, and Atalanta is renowned as well." He rubbed his chin. "And they opted to stick around?"

"Yup. I may have dropped Medea's existence to the Huntress."

"Not a bad idea, but you should go speak with the Witch before you just drop them on her lap."

"I'm not that inconsiderate." I scoffed. "And I'd like to remain on Medea's good side." I plucked the sleeve of my shirt. "She does amazing work."

"I had been meaning to ask your source. Perhaps I will pay her a visit at some point as well." He mused. "But I digress, who else?"

"....Jack the Ripper." I decided to just rip the Band-Aid off.



"Are you offering to let a Serial Killer run around in a second life."

"Okay, hear me out on this one."

"Is Jack the Ripper perhaps a busty older women?"


"Well, I noticed you have a certain.....type."

"NO! She's a little girl."

"Wilhelm! For shame." He wagged his finger. "Do I need to have a conversation about consent with you?"

"Okay, now I know you're fucking with me."

He began to cackle. "Alright, alright. Explain it to me properly."

I let out a huff of annoyance. "Jack the Ripper – Assassin of Red – Just wants to stay with her Master, who had been forced into the role. Jack's summoner was a Magus who though to provide the proper 'setting' for her summoning."

"I assume he's dead?" Zelretch's face turned dark.

"Oh yes, Jack made sure of that." I nodded.

"Good." Zelretch accepted my words. "I do hate those who drag the mundane peoples into our world against their wills."

I could understand his sentiments, and even share them. Those who chose this life, like the Masters of each faction, I would not feel bad about cutting them down if it came to it. If they were going to fight to the death, I would respect their decision. Assassin's master? I would feel a lot of regret to have to do anything to her.

Obviously, I have expressed my distaste for wonton killing before.

"Very well." Zelretch held no arguments against my decisions. "I suppose you have a plan?"

"I do, would it be okay to bring them here briefly?"

"I would be delighted to host them. It's not every day I can talk to Heroic Spirits." He perked up. "All these Grail Wars that go on, I rarely ever get to actually interact with them. It will be an interesting experience."

And it goes unsaid that he could deal with any troublemakers if they wished to test him.

"I guess I'll go talk to Medea and make sure everything is good with her."

"Off you go." He playfully shooed me away. "But, I wouldn't mind having Raikou keep me company. I would love to have a talk with my newest granddaughter." He sent me a quick wink.

I understood his intention. He wanted a better grasp of her Mad Enhancement. "Raikou." I said sweetly.

"Master?" She perked up happily.

"How about keeping my Grandfather company? I'd love for you both to get along."

She looked a little conflicted, I knew she didn't like not being at my side, but at the same time, I was relatively safe now that the 'war' was over.

"If.....that is your desire." She strained herself a little bit even if she didn't hate the idea.

I went in for another hug to sooth her. Having Zelretch get a better idea of what's wrong will help when we deal with her Madness. I'd rather not go with a heavy handed method of surgically removing it from her Saint Graph, so another set of eyes on the issue was always appreciated.

"I'll be back soon." I promised her. "And there's no danger, I'm perfectly safe and a master of running away."

"Master, you usually run into the danger." She said dryly, but accepted my intent.

"I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Please summon me if you run into any problems."

"Of course." I smiled towards her before ripping open a portal to Fuyuki.


"Well, well. And here I thought I was forgotten." Assassin lazily sat on the steps of the temple entrance.

I noticed him as soon as I stepped out of my portal.

"Sorry, who are you again?"

"Funny." He actually had a light smile on his face. "Stop by for a spar? I don't see that little lion with you anywhere."

"Unfortunately, here on a little bit of business."

"Ah." He decided to lay down, almost ignoring me. "Not interested then, the Witch is inside if you need her."

"Well, it may involve you too if you want."

"A good fight or alcohol involved?"

"Kinda sorta." I gave the gesture to go along with it. "Fought in a Grail War in another world, a few of the Servants might be coming over here to stay."

He perked up immediately. "More servants you say? Any of them like fighting?"

"Oh yeah, a couple of them would love to fight all day with you."

Sasaki let out a laugh. "How exciting. What are you their names, wait." He stopped himself. "I don't want to ruin the fun, let it be a surprise." He stood back up, almost jittery. "Really, the only thing that would make this day better would be if someone gave me some Sake."


"Hint, hint." He added.

I rolled my eyes, takin out a bottle and tossing it to him. "I'll go see Medea, take care." I waived him off as I started up the steps.

"I'll need to start thinking up strategies for other Servants now." I heard him mutter as he sat back down, sword in one hand, and Sake in the other.

Well, as long as he's happy.

I always did like this temple. It was a nice little spot in human society that still carried a sense of 'mystery' about it, especially in this modern city.

"Come for another request, brat?" Medea was leaning against the door to the temple.

"Maybe I came here to pay respects? You don't own the temple."

She pursed her lips, let out an amused snort. "You need something, spit it out."

"Need is a strong word."

"So is patience. It's quickly devolving into annoyance."

"Someone's high strung."

"Yes, well, I was spending a nice 'evening' with my husband when I felt fluctuations of space at the temple."

I blinked in response. "Oh, did I.....?"

"Yes." She said dryly. "Now, spit it out."

"Shit. Now I feel bad." I scratched my head. No decent person wants to be a cock block. "Um, long story short, fought in a war, some Servants are going to stick around here. One of them knows you."

She paused and the air around her turned very cold, threateningly so. "Wilhelm." She said very sharpy, even without a sarcastic nick name attached. "If you bring that blonde buffoon –"

"Atalanta." I decided to nip that right in the bud. I was....vaguely aware of Medea's life, and I was in no way going to mention Jason around her.

Just as quickly as the tension came, it all but evaporated. "Big sis....?" She muttered, quickly getting lost in her own thoughts.

"I didn't want to just drop that on you." I decided to not beat around the bush. "If you're uncomfortable, I can find somewhere else to put them."

She slowly turned to me. "Why are you being so considerate?"

I was a little caught off guard. "Why wouldn't I be? I thought we were.... perhaps not friends....but friendly? Maybe a little more than acquaintances? I'm still expecting that invite to your wedding." I said with a chuckle.

"You've completely ruined the mood for me." She scowled, crossing her arms. "And I can't even find it in myself to be angry about it." She let out a cute huff and I briefly was sad she was taken and happy in her relationship. "Atalanta and I didn't exactly separate on the best of terms."

"That isn't a 'no'." I pointed out.

"It was not." She agreed. "But I am unsure if I want to see her." She sort of let the tension leave her body that she had built up. Looking down at her hands she let out a sigh. "I did many terrible things in my life, some of them I can dismiss as not my fault, but others I will never deny. I knew her as a young girl, I knew her as we sailed on the Seas. And when she stood with the others to send me away, I was heartbroken, betrayed. I spiraled into madness, losing myself, becoming a – Witch. She never bothered to understand why I was behaving so erratically, to even attempt to contemplate my absurd actions like killing my brother. The machinations of the Goddess who controlled me, and she never cared to figure out why I was so different from that little girl she knew."

Medea let out a self-deprecating laugh. "I hate her. I hate that she could have saved me from becoming --- " She waived her hands down at herself. "—this and didn't. I thought of her as a sister, and she was content to stand aside and become one of those who condemned me for actions that were not my own." Her hands balled into fists. "But....I still can't help but miss my big sis."

She snapped her head up, a resolve in her eyes. "Bring her here. I want.....to no longer hold onto my regrets. I am happy, I have a loving fiancé, and I want my sister to see the life I've created after clawing my way out of my own despair."

I didn't expect her to open up to me like that. And frankly, I don't think she expected that either. Maybe it was weighing on her and I was just happened to be an ear available at the right time for her to let out her own frustrations? Medea seemed like the kind of person that wouldn't want to burden the man she loves with all her 'issues'.

"I'll see it done." I promised her.

"....thank you." She said quietly before turning and going back inside.


Wrapping up the loose ends of the war.

So, I said I was taking Sunday off, but it turned out that the event was actually happening Saturday. Which i discovered only a few hours before I was supposed to be there. So que last minute scrambling to get a gift, which meant no sleep. It all worked out, even if i was exhausted, but that leads me into my latest situation. It seems I have most likely contracted Covid, as i'm sick with many of the symptoms. Going to get a test done tomorrow to be sure, but it's very likely at this point. So, i guarantee no chapters this week while i deal with this, but i'll try my best.

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