A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 155 - 148

Chapter 155: Chapter 148

Yasaka POV

When was the last time I felt this relaxed?

One would think the aftermath of the attack would see things calming down, but it just made every annoying entity want to crawl out of their holes and cause trouble for me. How many times did I have to stop some kind of power play for my position?

And poorly executed ones at that.

I feel more insulted by the attempts than the fact they were done in the first place.

Of course it was mainly the younger ones who hadn't seen much of the world yet. There was a reason why the previous attack having been orchestrated by one of the elders was such a shocking revelation. Simply put, they knew my position was inviolable.

Did they think I was like that old geezer on the other side of the fence who ruled with a strong fist? Well, I do, but it isn't the reason I'm the ruler like him

My position isn't one that someone can simply 'acquire'.

The Elders know this, which is why I've never had to worry about them. Sure, there are power plays, everyone trying to eek out any kind of influence or further their clan's positions. This is expected, and welcomed for the most part, as long as it doesn't cross certain lines. A complacent retinue causes a whole different set of problems.

But my position is backed by Amaterasu herself.

The Leylines I watch over, that I control, are powerful enough that the leader of the Shinto Pantheon had taken an active role in their management. Well, active is relative here. She makes sure she places someone to manage them that won't cause issues for Japan. It was the reason those stupid children tried to attack in the first place. To have me utilize the leylines so they could power a dragon gate to summon Great Red onto earth.

If I had any hesitance about what I did, then that removed any possible sympathy remaining.

Stupid children seemed to think they could take him and 'prove' they were heroes. They couldn't even take me and I wasn't ashamed to say I was much weaker than the Dragon of Dreams.

Forget about Japan, we would be lucky if the planet was still habitable after the dragon relented in his rage.

And there's still more issues I'm dealing with because of them. The Abrahamic factions are breathing down my neck. Azazel wants to get his hands on some of the Sacred Gears we acquired. Heaven wants to retrieve the True Longinus. And the Devils have been making some not-so-subtle inquires about Wilhelm.....and also wanting to get some of the Sacred Gears we now have.

Lady Izanami even told me there had been some divine eyes cast our way due to the fight. But I hadn't gotten any more out of her, mostly because she's been gone for awhile now. Meeting with some other deities or something. She didn't specify and I didn't wish to meddle in her business. She only said she would be gone for a little bit, but beings on her level don't perceive time the same way we do.

But that doesn't matter anymore. I tossed aside any responsibilities for rulership at the moment, the stress that comes with it is ignored. Right now, I just wanted to get my daughter and spend time with her father.

Speaking of.

I cast a sideways glance at him, a small smirk rising on my face. It was cute how he was reacting to just holding my hand as we walked the streets of Kyoto. The Youkai who turned their heads to stare at us, ah it made my heart flutter just a little bit. But he was barely concealing a blush on those cheeks.

I just wanted to gobble him up right here~

I reined that part of me in. I was well aware of how flippant I could be with my flirtations; it was a part of my nature; I would openly admit it. I wanted him to accept that I was serious about pursuing something a little more than that, to maybe make it official down the line. He didn't say he hated that part of me, but I could also understand his own reservations.

Because of my position I did not have the luxury of simple ignorance when someone appears and becomes a part of my life. I had a duty to understand this person and what threats they could possibly bring to me and mine. I don't think he would be upset if I revealed that I looked into him, but I still did not bring it up. There were just some things I didn't want to speak about as they seemed personal in nature and they did paint a certain picture about his own preferences.

It's odd, I could never relate this man to the reports I received about a 'Shimoda Takao'. The boy I read reports on, he was introverted, soft spoken, and if the information was accurate, probably severely depressed.

Some digging easily revealed why many of those factors existed.

It was obvious who his father was at this point, and I don't think Wilhelm ever tried to hide it. He had no signs of even being a half-devil, and knowing their society, it wasn't strange at all to have him be pushed to the side in some corner of the world and forgotten.

It was no wonder when Kunou latched onto him, and he latched right back.

At the end of the day, I was happy how everything turned out. He really seems to care for Kunou and she just brightens up every time he's mentioned.

How foolish I've been to not realize how much Kunou wanted a father figure in her life. I'd been so careful about her not seeing me with anyone romantically, and then here she comes home with a new father and a man I couldn't help but find myself attracted to.

He saved her, a reason I would have dragged him to my bed if he was so inclined, but then goes and helps us further in the battle. For these, I would have been infinity grateful, an ally of his until the end of time, but I couldn't help but consider if maybe we could be something else. I had nothing holding me back from trying, the fact that Kunou already accepted him was the biggest hurdle to dating again, and he undoubtedly checked many of my boxes.

He was certainly handsome, that would not be denied. Admittedly, I do like how he didn't just fall into my lap even after jiggling my boobs in his face. Maybe my pride stung just the teeniest bit. Not to mention he's very strong, that's a major turn on for most Youkai, along with a plethora of other species. He's been very kind to both me and Kunou, that smile he gives me is just to die for. He's witty, and has a mischievous streak inside him from what I've found out as well.

Really, the only thing that even slightly hung me up was his age. Not to say I didn't enjoy the idea of a younger man showering me with affections, but I honestly never thought of becoming something more with someone barely into twenty years.

But.....here we are. His hand in mine as we walked to pick up our daughter from school, and I felt nothing out of place.

I raised up one of my tails and wrapped it around his waist. The surprised look he gave me, the little flutter of embarrassment was just too cute, I couldn't stand it.

That's right, I've seen you staring at my tails. Not to mention the glances at my chest and rear, but my tails certainly held your attention~.

You can't escape the fluffy tail, just accept it.

There was a slight shiver that ran down my body as his fingers moved through the fur. How long has it been since I allowed a man to touch my tails intimately like this?

"You know, I've been curious...." He spoke up, snapping me from my own musings.

"You want to know what shampoo I use?" I teased.

"Well, I would actually, this is incredibly soft." I had to stop myself from just melting to his touch. I wonder if he knew how sensitive our tails were when in this form. "I was wondering if it's....'impolite' to touch a kitsunes' fox parts?"

"You say as you rub me quite thoroughly." I giggled. "Has that ship not sailed already?"

"For future reference."

"For any other Kitsune you seduce?" Another odd thought. I had never been part of a harem before, and yet I found myself okay with the idea. I had met both Artoria and Jinn, and they had taken with Kunou well, if anything, I believe they would be a very positive influence on my little girl.

"Any other? Am I the one who seduced you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, and you should take responsibility." I said without hesitation.

"You really are a vixen."

"Compliments will get you everywhere~" I wiggled my tail infront of him. "But yes, touching our Tails and ears is considered something intimate, though not wholly sexual. Honestly, it's like a kiss, which can be a gesture of love in a platonic way, or a deep and sensual experience."

"And you're letting me touch yours?" He seemed surprised.

"I am." I smiled.

"I see." He continued to stroke my tail as we walked with his free hand. My ears twitched as I heard him mutter 'floofy' under his breath.

Was I too forward? He didn't appear to be discomforted by my gesture, even after learning it was something intimate. Nor did he shy away, if anything, I think he was enjoying the moment.

I couldn't help but sigh, when had I become such a worry wort.

It was quiet between us as Kunou's school came into view, but it was a pleasant silence.


POV Wilhelm

Fluffy, fluffy tail.

The possessive part of me was really rearing its ugly head. More than once I had the urge of claiming this as mine.

This woman, she really does know which buttons of mine to push to get me like this. Where I can't even properly voice things because I get flustered.

"Wow, this is nice." I admired the large garden outside the apparent school as we approached. I immediately noticed many guards all around the place, not just the ones who were following us 'stealthily'.

"Isn't it?" Yasaka smiled happily. "Kunou was thrilled the first time we came here. She couldn't stop gushing about the garden and wanted to make one of her own back home."

"How's that going?"

"Oh, you know how children are. Her attention turned somewhere else after a week." Yasaka sighed. "Though I still keep up with it, it was something relaxing to do."

"I wouldn't mind seeing it."

"Well, if you want to plant some seeds in my garden, I wouldn't say no~" She looked rather happy at the innuendo, I feel like she's been holding it in.

"Did I ever mention I wanted a big 'garden'?" grinned. "Atleast a dozen little flowers."

Yasaka let out a small snort. "Call me out, fine~" She put a hand up in defeat. "I can barely handle just one little flower." She smiled. "Speaking of, I don't want to be late." She picked up the pace, lightly pulling me along.

"Security here is pretty good." I admired as we passed through several bounded fields – barriers. "I counted over a hundred guards, a long with these impressive magical defenses, it would be enough to at least stall someone strong until reinforcements come."

"Mmm, I lent a hand in upgraded the defenses." Yasaka admitted with a little sadness in her voice. "After what happened, we needed to make sure all of our children would be safe going to school like this."

Ah, every important clan and their descendants all go here, it was obviously going to need to be well defended after several attempts on Kunou's life.

"If it would make you feel better, I could add on to these." I offered.

"You think you can increase their power?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I know a thing or two." I said with a little pride in my voice. "You should see the defenses around my house." A thought crossed my mind. "If you're ever in a bad situation, you can always head there. It's very well fortified and I have a few strong people keeping an eye on the place incase anything happens."

"I'll keep that in mind." She gave my hand a little squeeze, letting go as we entered. Though, her tail was still wrapped around me, as if to tell everyone that I belonged to her.

I didn't dislike it.

"Lady Yasaka." The woman at the front desk greeted her respectfully, casting an odd glance my way.

"Good afternoon." Yasaka greeted evenly. "I would like to pick up my daughter, and also register her father as an acceptable guardian to be able to pick her up whenever he wants." She gestured towards me.

"Y-yes, right away." She bowed, gathering some papers. "I just need a little blood to bind you to the defenses." She held out a little needle and a magical circle drawn on a piece of parchments.

I did not like giving people my blood if I didn't know where it was going, but I could let it go in this case. I took the needle and cast a quick reinforcement on it, otherwise it would never pierce my skin. A little drop of blood landed on the parchment, igniting the magical circle and actualizing the spell sequence hidden inside.

I felt the defenses around us sort of tap on me, as if to tell me I was now allowed to be here.

Almost immediately as it finished, I noticed something rocketing towards me. "Daddy!"

I knelt down, catching my daughter into my arms. "My little fox." I laughed, her ears twitching happily and tails swaying behind her as we hugged.

"Just pretend I'm not here." Yasaka teased.

"Kay." Kunou gave a cheeky reply.

"Oh, you little cutie." Yasaka walked over, pulling her daughters cheeks.

"Imm Soowwy." Kunou managed to get out.

"Hmph, I'll accept a hug as an apology." Yasaka relented with a small smile, opening her arms and Kunou went to hug her mom.

"Love you momma." Kunou whispered.

"I love you too." Yasaka kissed her on the forehead. "You ready to go home?"

"Uh huh." Kunou nodded happily, turning back to me, eyes practically sparkling, as if waiting for me to acknowledge her.

I couldn't help but notice the hair ornament she still had on. Those red leaves that really did go well with her features. "How was school?"

She perked up immediately. "It was amazing!" She threw her hands up, and it was the most expressive I've ever seen her. I glanced over at Yasaka who looked so happy to see her daughter like this. "We even practiced magic today!"

"Oh, Magic you say? Any more buildings that were burned down?"

Kunou let out a little squawk, face turning red. "It was only that one time!" She pouted.

I laughed sweeping her up into my arms. "Your dad's pretty good at magic." We began walking out, Kunou wiggling around like the hyperactive kitsune she was. "Why don't you show me what you learned?"

"I....only learned one spell because it's a lot like my Fox Fire." She said quietly, looking down.

Self esteem issues, or something else? "A spell already? That's amazing! Do you have any idea how long it took me to cast my first spell!?" I spun her around, getting a smile out of her.

Years. Literally years to cast my first time. A little secret in my past life, I wasn't the most...talented when I was younger.

"I can't cast it if I'm spinning!" She whined playfully.

"Alright, alright, my little sorceress, shoot your spell into the air, I'll make sure nothing happens." I winked at Yasaka who just rolled her eyes with a smile but didn't say otherwise. I set Kunou down as she raised her hand in the air, visibly concentrating.

A little spell circle appeared, rudimentary, amateurish, but it looked functional. "Fire Ball!" She shouted and a little ball of fire haphazardly arced off into the air.

Was this....pride I was feeling?

I know I didn't have a hand in this, but that fact that my daughter learned to cast a spell.....

With a gesture, I dissipated it before it could land and set something on fire.

"Our daughter is so skilled, isn't she?" Yasaka cooed, rubbing her head.

"Moom!" Kunou whined, but didn't move to stop her mom. "I'm not a baby." She pouted, but she looked like she was enjoying the affection.

"A little genius." I praised. "It took me years before I could do something similar, and she learned in a single day."

"I think she deserves a little reward, what do you think?" Yasaka looked up at me.

"Of course, she did amazing." I nodded.

"Really!?" Kunou looked excited. "Can I choose?"

"If that's what you want" Yasaka let out a small laugh.

"Choose?" I was confused, seemingly something between the two of them.

"We have a tradition every second Friday of the month. It was my turn to choose, but since Kunou's been doing so well....." Yasaka trailed off, and I realized she wasn't going to say anymore.

"Daddy's going to be with us this time." Kunou left no room for argument, not that I would be opposed.

"Of course." Yasaka didn't even give it a second thought either, I still had no idea what they were talking about. "Why don't we keep it a secret and surprise daddy?"

"Un!" Kunou made a little noise in agreement, grabbing my hand and pulling. "Hurry, let's go home." Yasaka flanked her on the other side, taking her empty hand as we went back home.


"I still have no idea what's going on." I looked around as Yasaka and Kunou had been bouncing around getting stuff ready.

They had led me back into their living area that was basically off limits to the other people that resided in this place. "Mommy's going to go change real quick, why don't you pick out anything you want." Yasaka told Kunou.

"Really, anything?"

"Mmm, today's a special day, so you can pick anything" Yasaka smiled brightly, stepping away and disappearing into a back room.

Kunou quickly went into various cupboards, the nearby fridge and started taking out various snacks and treats, setting them on the table. "Oh, this too!" She thought out loud as she kept adding things to the pile.

I don't know what's going on, but it was an impressive pile of sweets and snacks all gathered together.

"Sweetie." Yasaka reappeared and I turned around, a bit surprised at what I saw. Gone was her 'regal' appearance. Now she looked much more comfortable, sporting a pair for shorts and a t-shirt. "I said anything, not everything." She deadpanned before letting out a sigh. "Just this once." She relented, Kunou's eyes brightening up.

Well, she changed rather fast.

"I am confused." I raised my hand.

"You haven't guessed it yet?" Yasaka grinned, still not telling me what's going on.

"Mom we forgot the most important part!" Kunou exclaimed, holding up a bag as realization dawned on me.

"Popcorn, we're watching a movie?"

"Ding, ding" Yasaka lightly cupped my cheek. "How about a prize~"

"Mom!" Kunou huffed, looking a little red.

"Don't worry, mommy will wait until you're looking away." Yasaka laughed.

"Ewww" Kunou bleched, putting the popcorn packet in the microwave.

Yasaka snuck one of her tails around my waist again, practically pulling me to her when Kunou was preoccupied. "Just tell me when you want to claim your prize~" She whispered.

I raised an eyebrow at her teasing, leaning down I placed a quick kiss on her lips, leaving her a mite surprised. I think she even turned a little red for the briefest moment at my sudden attack.

The corners of my lips curled up and she turned away, not meeting my gaze. I guess she didn't expect me to be so forward and didn't know how to immediately respond. Though, her tail didn't let up it he slightest, and the ones behind her were noticeably swaying.

The microwave dinged, Kunou pulled out a fresh bag of popcorn and emptied into a bowl. "I get to pick the movie this time." She ushered us over to the family room, a large television set up.

Kunou laid down on the floor, snacks spread all around her.

Yasaka found a spot on the couch and I went to sit next to her. Almost immediately, her tail was back, and I was beginning to enjoy it's presence around me. "What movie do you want to watch, honey?"

"Jurassic Park." She declared.

I perked up. "That's one of my favorites."

"This girl." Yasaka let out a small laugh. "She's been obsessed with anything remotely similar to dragons lately."

Well, kids do that. Just focus on something so intently for a period of time before they get bored.

[Dinosaurs are cool.]

Wait, really?

[Of course, I was obsessed with them when I was a whelp too. There are actually still some around if you know where to look.]

I am intrigued and will look into that later.

Yasaka fiddled with the remote until the movie started playing. She scooted a little bit until she was close enough to rest her head on my shoulder and I moved my arm around her.

This was nice.


I believe servant summoning should be next chapter.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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