A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 151 - 144

Chapter 151: Chapter 144

"There you both are, I've been looking everyone for you." Rin greeted us at the doorway.

"We were out training." Artoria said simply.

Rin glanced at down, her eyes going to our hands intertwined. "Is that what they say these days?" Her lips curled up.

"Rin!" Artoria huffed cutely, as she always does when Rin teases her.

"Yes." I said shameless

"Will!" She shot at me as well.

Me and Rin both shared a small laugh at our blushing knight. It was all too easy to get her flustered, but always worth it.

"Artoria~ You need to be more honest." Jinn attacked Artoria from the back, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. "Just the other day you were asking me all about – mmphh."

Artoria had quickly spun around and held her mouth shut.

I raised an eyebrow. "Curious."

"There is nothing to be curious about" She said sternly, but her reddening cheeks begged to differ.

"Imma get the juicy details later." Rin said without room for argument.

"There is nothing to know." Artoria quickly denied. "Let us call Meridia and cease this pointless banter." She quickly tried to change the subject.

"Alright, lets stop teasing the poor knight." Well if she didn't want to talk about it, I wouldn't push it any more. "Meridia, want to come on over?" I spoke out into the open air.

Seemingly moments later, the door opened again, my beautiful goddess walking inside. "I'm here."

"Yes you are." I moved to hug her, haven't seen her in a few days. "How've you been?"

"I have been well." She said with a content sigh escaping her lips. "Merely dealing with some annoying issues, as always. Are we ready to ascertain the contents of the scroll?"

"God, yes." Rin threw up her arms. "Been waiting forever."

"I have been very patient." Jinn added. "But I very much want to know what's inside." Her nature was clearly showing here. She had an almost impulsive desire to 'know' things. It only required a thought for her to be hugging the large Scroll again. "Here you go, sister." She handed it over to Meridia.

"I....thank you." Meridia replied, still a little taken back by the nonchalant attitude that Jinn had. From what I could tell, she didn't hate it though, more so was still adjusting to the idea.

"So how does this go, some kind of ritual or -- ?" Rin started to speak but Meridia just yanked it open without any fanfare.

A cascading golden light burst out, threatening to envelop everyone in the room. "You will cease your tantrum less I destroy you permanently, you arrogant little parchment." Meridia growled and it began to calm down.

"Well, that happened." I muttered.

"Hmph, arrogant things are not used to being commanded. Wistfully appearing and disappearing whenever they want across time and space." Meridia snorted. "I have no idea how Hermaeus Mora can put up with these things, I can practically taste the disgust it has towards me because of what I am."

Huh, a lot to unpack there, but thoughts for later.

"What's it say!?" Jinn looked very eager.

"One moment, it technically does not contain any words, I need to peek at it's existence" She stared at it, eyes glowing slightly. "Huh, that is actually a bit interesting." She muttered.

"You're teasing me." Jinn pouted.

"Maybe a little." Meridia smiled. "It speaks of Auriel's bow, something I haven't heard about in many eons. Also with some nonsense about a Lord of the night rising."

"That's it?" Jinn looked..sad.

"More or less." Meridia pursed her lips, closing the thing. "It did say more information was contained within two other scrolls, and that they should be somewhere here in Skyrim."

"Oh joy, I guess that's more tomb raiding we'll be doing." Rin sighed.

"Please, like you won't be the first to sign up to raid some tombs for riches." I rolled my eyes.

"Just because you're right, doesn't mean I can't be upset." Rin huffed.

Artoria seemed to ignore us and faced Meridia. "You spoke of a bow?"

"Yes, Auri-El, you may know him better as Akatosh." Meridia began to explain. "His bow was....is, a rather powerful artifact. I believe the term you use is 'Divine Construct'?"

"I call dibs." I said immediately.

"BULLSHIT!" Rin retorted.

"Respect the ancient rites of dibs."

"Fuck your ancient Rites, I want a Divine Construct you already have like.... A bajillion!"

"You make a fair point." I acquiesced

"Good." Rin nodded.

"But I have a counter argument." I stated. "I want it."

"Are you not leaving in a few days?" Artoria chimed in.

"YES! Saber's right, so we can get it while you're gone." Rin Threw her hands up in celebration.

"Dammit I forgot." I sighed in defeat. "Alright, what were you saying, Meridia?"

Meridia looked....amused by our little argument. "As I was saying, it's Akatosh's – Auri-Els's – Bow. It has much history in the founding of Nirn and is extraordinarily powerful." She paused looking towards Jinn. "I believe I may have some old records stored away in my realm somewhere, I can give you a better written account for your library."

"Kya~ You're the best." Jinn jumped at the eldritch goddess, grabbing her in a big hug.

"Y-yes." Meridia accepted the affections happily, even if It was awkwardly returned. "Would you like to keep this...?"

"Of course, this is getting put in a special place in my library." Jinn grabbed it quickly, hugging it tight. "And you say there are two more in this provenance?"

"According to the scroll, yes." Meridia replied.

"Interesting." Jinn had a big grin on her face. "I shall make room for more then."

It was kind of funny, when talking about a Divine Weapon of untold power, Jinn cared more about the Scrolls, or the records and knowledge.

"Question." I grabbed everyone's attention. "Would Akatosh be upset that we...requisitioned his divine weapon?"

"Who knows." Meridia shrugged. "I have not spoken to him in.....a very long time. But he generally was not very 'uptight' for lack of a better word. If you abuse its power and damage Nirn, he may take action. Though, it's highly likely that he may already be aware of what will transpire, being the God of Time."

"That's true, and we haven't had any divine intervention yet, so I can only guess we're either in the 'watch and wait' category, or otherwise ignored."

"I would say the former. You have garnered a not small amount of attention from higher powers." Meridia acknowledged. "Sheogorath actually sent me a letter." She pursed her lips.

"A letter?" Artoria asked.

"Well, I use the term 'letter' very -- very loosely." She sighed.

"What do you – "

"It was a cheese wheel with words etched into it." She deadpanned. "And a random bite taken out."

"I have.....several questions." Artoria spoke.

"There is a good chance you will only have more if we continue down this route." Meridia said dryly. "Sheogorath's sphere of influence lay in madness, to decipher his mindset, I feel even I am woefully inadequate."

"What did the 'letter' say?" Rin asked. "Was it about any of us?"

"It was, unfortunately." Meridia confirmed with a light grumble in her voice. "Though what specifically, I do not know. Only that it had some of your names carved with some other undecipherable nonsense. I am waiting until he inevitably shows up to make a scene."

"Will you be okay...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh, he isn't very aggressive.....normally. We have learned to ignore his madness when it is more benign. He will get tired eventually and move on to the next random thing that catches his attention." She waived off my concerns.

"So, if we ever meet him...?" I asked.

"Play along, call me, run away if possible." She said bluntly. "If you were going to run into any of the other Daedric lords.....he is perhaps one of the one better ones...relatively speaking." Of course it was implied that we were not to seek them out ourselves, especially me. She made it very clear she did not want me associating with them willingly, and I would honor her feelings.

"I am curious, have you good relations with any of the others?" Artoria asked.

Meridia looked contemplative. "If you ever come across Azura or Nocturnal....I have a cordial relationship with them, I suppose." She pursed her lips. "But even then, I do not advise you to seek them out, or spend time with them at all."

"I see." Artoria furrowed her brow. "I had been taught by Merlin how to speak to divine spirits on the off chance I ever ran into one, I suppose it is not much different."

"Well, you can always threaten them with the spear of destiny. They can't manifest in the world fully, should give them pause since part of Big G is inside the thing." I pointed out.

"Yes, that is one of the last resorts I have at my disposal."

Would probably cause a lot of chaos among the higher powers if that was revealed so blatantly. I think seeing another world's 'God' would definitely throw everyone off balance beyond what we've done already.

"You should know, The Elder Scrolls also possess power if used correctly." Meridia spoke up. "Alduin only just now reappeared because he was flung from a previous era, through time, into this one by mortals utilizing an Elder Scroll."

"Wait, seriously?" I looked at her.

"Yes, have you not wondered why his reemergence was so sudden?"

"I....hadn't thought much about it." I tapped my chin. "Does that mean it could be used again?"

"Unlikely." She shook her head. "That scroll used was.....unique, as they all are. If you could possibly find the same one, but even then, he would be on guard against it. And I do not know if Akatosh would allow his domain to be infringed upon again, or if he would desire the prophecy to continue to be postponed."

"Hehehe." Jinn started to giggle. "My Elder Scroll." She hugged it.

So cute. "All yours." I kissed her forehead.

"I'll go get started on finding the others, might have a few previous leads to look into." Jinn excitedly said, quickly departing back to her library.

"Alright, just give us a heads up if you find anything, I'm going to finish the Kaleidophones." Rin responded. "I'll have them done in a day or so."

"I am thankful for your assistance." Meridia looked like she was consciously trying to express her thanks.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me if need anything else and I'll do my best." Rin gave a small smile, beginning to walk away.

"I see.....thank you, again." Meridia said evenly. "I too have things I must get back to...but, maybe we can get together. I believe that it is normal for mortals in situations like this to eat meals at certain times?"

"We can do dinner together; I'll whip up a few things for everyone." I happily accepted. "I may not be the best cook, but I think I do alright."

"I will look forward to it." She walked up and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "I will return, my lover." She turned to Artoria. "Please keep him out of trouble in the meantime." She said with a small smile.

"I shall endeavor, but such a task may be beyond my capabilities." Artoria smirked.

"As I expected, but I felt the need to say it regardless."

"I'm right here." I pointed out.

"I am aware." Meridia said dryly, giving me a look as if daring me to deny her words. "Before I depart..." She turned back to Artoria. "Would it be alright if...." Meridia sort of held up her arms, but I could tell what she was implying.

Artoria walked up and gave the goddess a hug. "Of course."

This was ridiculously sweet.

"Jinn has been helpful in giving me advice on mortal interactions." Meridia explained, as they separated. "I am told this is a step in familiarity for relationships outside of lovers?"

"Yes, it's something those close do." Artoria agreed.

Meridia just nodded. "I shall return later."

"See you soon." I smiled and waved as she walked out the door. "So...." I looked at Artoria. "Market?"

"Yes." She smiled brightly. "Allow me to go change my clothing, I have something I wish to wear."

"Take your time."

Artoria excitedly hurried up the stairs with an amusing pep in her step. I sat down on the couch and waiting for a few minutes, mentally reaching out towards Sir Wiggles who was still in Whiterun. I had checked in every now and then, and from the link, I could tell he was having fun and I more or less asked him if he wanted to leave, he didn't wish to so I let him keep playing.

I briefly wondered if it was time I should attempt to awaken his Aura? I had an idea of what I was doing now, and I was confidant I couldn't hurt him. Worse case, it rebounds on me and I get the soul equivalent of being kicked in the balls from Aura whiplash. If it all worked out, I could also Awaken Thorum's and Rin's Auras. I didn't know what would happen with Artoria, wasn't going to touch that until I had much more information.

"Wilhelm." I looked up, seeing Artoria walk down the stairs, my idle musings coming to an end.

She was wearing a white dress, thought the materials and design looked like it came from this world. The general look of a normal woman you could find walking around Skyrim. But what caught my attention he most was the fact that her hair was down as well.

"I....found this while shopping previously, it reminded me of the fashion from my era." She awkwardly fiddled with her fingers. "I had sometimes wondered about wearing such a thing when I was younger, I hope you don't mind...?"

"You look beautiful." I said sincerely, offering my arm. "Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the market?"

She gave a warm smile. "I would be delighted to." She took my arm.

If she didn't want to be simply Artoria Pendragon, not The king of knights for this outing, then I would certainly not argue.


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