A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 145 - 138

Chapter 145: Chapter 138

I hummed, walking down the stairs of my house.

"And what is this?" I heard Thorum's voice, pointing at a device from within the kitchen.

"A magical device that stores things within and keeps them cold." Artoria answered and I assumed she was talking about the refrigerator.

Rin, who was sitting on the couch, looked up from a book in her hands. "Jinn in bed?"

"Yeah, I put her down and she went out fast." I chuckled. "She's going to have fun with that hangover when she wakes up." I could only shake my head thinking about it. I made sure to leave a note just in case we aren't back in time.

"So....any reason you're wearing that?" She raised an eyebrow staring at the robe I put on.

"Well, I am a mage."

"Yeah, but you're almost always wearing the same thing. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen you wear anything but those formal clothes of yours."

"I have a style and I rock it." I shrugged.

"Sure, lets go with that." She snorted.

"And...maybe I need to change it up every once in awhile." I originally stuck to those clothe,s that style because he made me feel a little more confidant when I was less....sure of myself. My earlier days were hectic. But I also liked how I looked, so I generally just wore similar stuff. "And I was going to play the role of a mage, so I thought I should dress the part."

"Want your staff back?" She asked.

"Oh, yes please." I nodded enthusiastically. She didn't hesitate to pull it out of her bag and toss it to me. As soon as it entered my hand, I felt the magical energy swirl before I had to forcefully calm it down. I briefly forgot how.... assertive this staff was. Well, I guess that was as expected of a divine construct.

"God that thing is still just as absurd." Rin looked at it warily.

"Didn't use it?" I wouldn't have been mad if she wanted to....test it.

"Hell no." She crossed her arms. "That thing gives me a bad feeling."

Yeah, I could see that. Artoria's Divine Construct was more...peaceful, subdued, until used. The Staff of Magnus wanted to be used, and it made that apparent.

"So, on an unrelated matter. How would you feel about getting Aura?"

"Is that even a question?" She looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Fair. But I felt like I should ask regardless, I don't want to assume on stuff like this." Honestly, it was just polite. "I'm not quite at the point where I can comfortably awaken someones with any confidence.....but if you wanted to be a sort of test subject, it might make everything faster."

"You want to test it on me?" She looked skeptical.

"You know I would never do anything to hurt you."

"I know, I know." She sighed. "Some habits are hard to break." She pulled her knees up to her chest. "What do you need to do?"

"I just want to get a feel for my Aura entering your body." I explained.

"That's it? And there won't be any side effects?"

"Nope, completely harmless."

"Alright, fine." She shrugged. "How do you want to do this?"

"Eh, I just want to put my hand on your back and push some Aura into you." I walked forward and she turned, her back facing me. "Ready?" I asked putting my hand on her.

"Go slowly, I want to see what happens too." Rin gave me the go ahead.

I took a deep breath, focusing on my Aura. It flared around me, but I calmed it down. It focused onto my hand, more than the passive barrier that negates damage, this was me pulling forth the power of my soul as it began to seep into Rin.

"Oh, that's weird." Rin shifted slightly but calmed down

"Good weird or bad weird?"

"Yes, no? It's like.....you're trying to hug my soul. Not bad, but a little uncomfortable, honestly it seems kind of....." She trailed off.


"Yeah." She said quietly.

"I've heard similar things back on Remnant. I'm basically poking your soul with my Aura to awaken your own." Much more complicated than that. From what I've gathered so far, basically my Aura will deposit the 'concept' onto her own soul, essentially implanting the ability into her core being. I had several theories about Aura so far, that the souls of those on Remnant are a tad different, in that they can awaken theirs without another person doing the deed, whereas we need someone to initiate it.

After a few more moments, I pulled back.

"Feels even weirder when you stop." Rin let out a breath.

"Yeah, almost depressing....."

"Right? It felt like you were breaking up with me." Rin let out a chuckle.

"Aura is seemingly tied with certain emotions as well, and how a Semblance is manifested."

"After feeling that, I can believe it." She sighed. "So, you found your Semblance yet?"

"Nope." I fell onto the couch. "I haven't been really 'trying' to either. I kind of want it to come organically. Call it instinct, but I think it manifesting based on need or desire would be more beneficial than if I attempted to being it out forcefully."

"Will." Thorum smiled as he walked back into the room with Artoria.

"Hey, you guys ready, or do you need to do anything before we head over?" I swept my gaze around the room.

"I am ready." Thorum replied. "Artoria told me that you all have the basic supplies stored away magically." He pat the sword on his back. "And I have my Sword with me, so I need nothing else."

"Still surprised that Sword isn't acting up." Rin muttered.

There were two dragons right next to it, and it was being very quiet. It was quelled by Artoria's presence, and it accepted Thorum.

What a strange sword.

"Well, I'm ready." Rin stood up, and she was still dressed in her gear, but she took her Staff and Spear out, putting the Spear on her back and Staff in her hand.

"As am I." Artoria nodded, summoning her armor.

"Amazing." Thorum looked surprised. "I wish to learn how to do that." He laughed.

"Well, at the very least, we can probably set you up with something that you can store stuff inside." I'm sure the Archmage had the college start making some storage items. But, we can do that later, lets get going!"


We all walked out of a portal I created, depositing us close to the base of a mountain. Snow began hitting us right in the face with a drastic drop in temperature.

"Hang on, lets get our bearings." Rin called out as we started looking around, map in her hands. "From what Jinn wrote.....it should be up a few hundred feet?"

"ROOOARRR" A furious shout bellowed out, shaking the area. It was loud, and menacing, but it was no dragon.

Just by eyesight, it was hard to make out under these snowy conditions.

"A troll." I tiled my head. "I don't think I've ever seen one that big before." It had to be atleast three times the size of the ones I've ran into in the past.

"Wilhelm." Artoria spoke up. "That is not a troll." She clenched her invisible sword in her hand.

"Something.....feels off about it." Thorum added.

"Eww." Rin helpfully commented as well.

I raised my staff up. "Fire ball." I cast, the large ball of fire, much bigger than I intended, flew off, smacking it square in the chest.

It didn't even stutter its steps, and the fire lit up the area, revealing its true nature. It had disgusting growths all over its body along with decayed patches and protruding additions that certainly did not belong to a troll.

"Necromancy." I sighed. It was definitely a branch of necromancy, focused on sculpting abominations. I didn't particularly agree with the magical craft, especially with who I was in a relationship with, but the thought of using a troll with their ridiculous regenerative abilities was certainly an interesting concept.

Well, I was Meridia's lover, I couldn't exactly allow these things to exist.

I raised my staff once again, a spell circle forming at the top as I pointed it at the approaching abomination. "Lightning Bolt." A simple spell, but with the staff and me intentionally putting a little 'oomph' into it, a huge bolt discharged, blowing a hole through the creature.

It stumbled, practically sliding onto the ground but it didn't die.

Thorum ran up and sliced its head off with an ease that showed his experience. "What a strange thing." He commented.

"Guess we can make the assumption that vampires are here, they are known to be competent Necromancers." I twirled my staff.

"Joy, more undead crap." Rin sighed. "Atleast I have enough jewels on me to blow them up."

"Please don't cause an avalanche." Artoria pleaded.

"No promises."

"It looked like it was guarding the path." I pointed out. "Don't know if there will be able more surprises, best be on your guard." Well, I didn't feel particularly threatened, but I didn't want to set a bad example.

I walked over, bopping Rin on the head with my staff. "Ebony Flesh." I cast over her.

"Oww!" She rubbed her head, staring at me angrily.

"How about some light?." I grinned at her.

"Fine." She huffed, growing a large fireball at the point of her staff and holding it up in the air. It was a pleasant warmth as well as providing some light. It also was a quick spell that she didn't need to prepare for immediately.

I followed suit, keeping in the rear to give us more vision all around. Artoria took point, and Thorum infront of me, with Rin to the side of him.

We didn't make it far before we found the entrance, a long with dozens of skeletons all turning around to face us.

And suddenly, I was having a flashback to Scáthach's training on that particular mountain.

Why is it always undead?

Artoria and Thorum ran out, cleaving their way through the decrepit skeletons. I hung back with Rin, flicking a spell here or there, but I was letting them have their fun, merely focusing on the ranged.

Rin seemed content to just sit back as well, not even bothering to cast. She didn't have any kind of pensive look, so I think she just didn't feel bothered to contribute, not that it was needed.

"Whew." Thorum let out a small breath, hefting his sword onto his shoulder. "It was a nice warm up." He beamed, scattered bones all around him.

"They were not strong foes, but their numbers would have been disadvantageous for any unsuspecting traveler who approached." Artoria furrowed her brow. "I fear that their numbers were not always this large...."

Thorum's expression turned dark. "Aye, we shall make sure they are properly laid to rest after clearing any vermin inside."

"Muffle." I turned to look at Rin, a similar action shared by the others as it enveloped us. A simple spell that removed almost all noise from walking. "Detect life." She muttered again, looking a bit....annoyed. "4 life signatures, near the entrance. They look weird, I'm guessing that's how vampires show up on this spell since they're technically 'undead' but still have a life force."

She didn't pause and continued walking forward. I just raised an eyebrow, looking at both Thorum and Artoria, they didn't speak either and continued. I guess they all were a bit put off by the situation. Necromancers generally need materials to work with, it isn't hard to guess where those came from.

"I'm telling you, we were ordered by Harkon to stay here until he sent someone!" We all stopped, a few voices arguing back and forth. The first being a female.

"That was months ago, something must have happened." A male voice answered back.

"You know Harkon doesn't make quick decisions. We might be here for another year before he finally sends someone." The female voice scoffed.

"You can stay here, I'm leaving."

"Fine, I'll just tell Harkon you disobeyed his orders."

"You bitch!"

We inched closer, and could see the two arguing with another two sitting down at a table in the corner. This cave looked like it had been hollowed out a long time ago, and even their stuff being here for awhile.

Rin paused in her steps, reaching into her bag and withdrawing a very large Ruby. She held it up with a dangerous smile on her face.

Artoria let out a silent sigh, not even bothering to stop her.

Thorum looked confused and I didn't argue wither.

I felt the magical energy inside it collide with her own as she tossed it in between all of the vampires standing around. It didn't explode like mine had done in the past, she was much more sophisticated than that. A hexagonal energy expanded out, condensed magical energy that took form and enveloped the immediate area before unleashing an explosion inside. It then absorbed the blast, grabbing the shockwaves and reeling them in, forcing them down, and dissipating without making much fuss.

It was loud, but not to the extent of a normal bomb, and it was much less dangerous to be around.

"Nice." I admired the spellwork.

"Hmph." Rin flipped her hair back. "I created that awhile back. Wanted a more controlled explosion since we were going to be in tight places a lot of times."

"How long did it take you to create that spell?"

"Few days." She shrugged. "I already had all the concepts devised in other uses for my jewels, it was just a matter of combining them appropriately."

You make it sound so simple. She really is a genius.

"Impressive work, Rin." Thorum smiled.

"Thanks!" she threw a thumbs up.

"I guess we aren't being stealthy anymore." I tapped my staff against the ground. A few skeletons came running towards us and a few spikes shot out of the ground, impaling them, destroying the necrotic energies that kept them active.

Seemingly, at my words, growling could be heart coming from the nearby shadows. "Oh, undead doggies, did we trigger some kind of trap?" They looked like the ones I killed at Harkon's castle.

Rin's spear impaled one easily as Thorum and Artoria also began making short work of these undead mutts.

"Chain lightning." I lazily called out, my lightning spell arcing between multiple beasts, incinerating them with relative ease.

Still too much power, more than I intended.

What an absurd staff you are. Well, it's good I'm getting some more testing with it now, I'll probably need to be more familiar with it when I go to get that Grail.

"Shall we continue?" Artoria gestured to a stone gate after the last of the enemies were finally killed.

"I'm starting to get sick of this place." Rin grunted, swinging her spear to get some blood off it. "I really hate undead."

"Let us go." Thorum began walking towards it, pulling a lever right next to the gate as it slowly opened up.

We entered a sort of crypt, similar to the ones I've been in before. Draugr bodies littered the ground, and I was surprised that they didn't come up to attack.

"Someone's been through here." I muttered. "Hey Thorum....would it be rude to destroy the corpses incase they're used against us?"

"No, I would think they would appreciate the gesture if they had a say." Thorum shook his head.

That was all I needed to know. I Threw out a few fireballs, burning away the corpses that were thrown about. Rin followed suite as Artoria inspected the Area.

"I found a chest." The knight spoke up, grabbing our attention.

It was next to a table, some journals and notes set to the side as well. "I can store it for now and we can split the spoils after?"

"Aye, that sounds good." Thorum accepted easily.

"Fine." Rin didn't argue either and Artoria just gave a small smile and a nod.

The further we moved in, the less it looked like anyone had been here. "I'm starting to wonder if they even investigated this far."

"NO. NONONONONO." Rin suddenly shrieks, pointing towards around the corner.

I quickly ran up to see what she was pointing out. "NOPE! Nopenopenopenopenope."

There was a big ass spider hanging from the ceiling that we could see through a metal-bar door.

"Frostbite spiders, nasty things." Thorum eyed them.

"Mmm, I have encountered them before....I dislike them very much." Artoria didn't react like me or Rin, but she clearly felt similarly.

"No one does." Thorum laughed. "They are poisonous, and they can get very big."

"Schweinorg, fire. Fire everywhere" Rin grabbed me by the collar.

I held out my staff through the openings and didn't even try to contain my power. "Burn, burn, burn, burn!" A torrent of flame shot out, igniting all the webs and creatures that lived there. Their shrieks suddenly fille the halls, they angrily started attack the doors, but they did not budge. "Hate spiders." Is shuddered.

"That should have done it." Thorum spoke up after a few minutes.

"More." Rin disagreed.

Artoria cleared her throat. "Mayhaps we should be cautious and continue a bit longer." She said, not meeting Thorum's gaze.

We sat there in silence for several minutes, my fire finally dying out as everything had been completely scorched inside.

"That should be good." I settled. "Where did those spiders even come from, shouldn't this have been sealed off?"

"Who knows. Frostbite spiders show up in the strangest places sometimes." Thorum didn't question it. "If you all are uncomfortable, I can take the lead."

"You're the best Thorum." I pat his shoulder.

"If you so desire." Artoria looked a little shy.

"Schweinorg, you have a good friend." Rin looked very happy.

Would rather fight dragons than giant spiders.

Thorum chuckled, Gram held out infront of him. I guess he was used to our antics at this point. As we pushed onwards, it was clear how far my flames actually reached, as the next room was completely scorched as well and we couldn't even tell if the spiders had made it this far.

"You do impressive work, my friend." Thorum looked around.

I smiled, inspecting the area. "This looks like one of those 'puzzles' you nords are so fond of making in their tombs." It was another barred entry way, a bunch of metal bars in the form of a gate.

Thorum went up to it, gripping it tight. "It is a heavy one, but we may be able to lift it without searching around for the mechanism."

And considering it wasn't exactly obvious, there was a good chance it got burned....

"Allow me." Artoria stepped up.

"It is heavy, I do not know If I can lift it by my –"

Artoria heaved it up, holding it without issue.

Rin didn't even bat an eye, walking through.

"Is this how you guys did it on your own exploring?" I asked.

"Of course." Rin grinned.

Well, damn, I had to use magic on the more absurd ones.

Is it odd that I find her displays of strength sexy?

Thorum put his hand on my shoulder. "You sure know how to pick them." He said quietly, before following along.

I walked through as well, giving Artoria a wink. "You're mine later."

"D-don't say something like that here." She turned bright red, dropping the gate down.

I couldn't help but chuckle, watching her fidget like that.

"Schweinorg! Get over here!" Rin voice echoed out.

"Hold your horses." Me and Artoria hurried on over, as we came up on a staircase leading down to a strange alter-like configuration below where Rin and Thorum were looking around.

We descended, making sure to inspect it all, but I didn't see any obvious danger signs.

"What is this?" Thorum looked confused.

"Looks like some sort of ritual chamber or something, but I don't see any blatant signs of magical intent." I tapped my chin.

"A strange pillar here in the center." Artoria voiced her own thoughts. "A button for some kind of mechanism?"

"I wouldn't touch that." I advised.

"I spent enough time with Merlin to know not to touch strange magic things." She said dryly.

That's fair.

"Hmm, lets see." Pushed my finger against it my magical energy pulsed as I cant a Structural Analysis. "Hoh, that's interesting. If you put your hand on it, a spike will come out and steal your blood."

"God that's cliché." Rin scowled.

"Vampires." I didn't disagree. "Well, it just needs blood. Can I barrow your dagger?"

"You're going to pour your blood on it?" Rin looked at me skeptically, handing over the blade.

"Is this wise, Wilhelm?" Artoria looked a little concerned.

"I couldn't see all the way to where the mechanism goes to, but it didn't look dangerous." I explained, using the dagger to cut into the palm of my hand an dripping the blood down on the device. It didn't activate immediately, but I poked it with the dagger, making a spike shoot up and the blood start to be absorbed.

The ground beneath us began to shake and shift. "Oh, there's a second mechanism. Let's just avoid that." My Structural Analysis was looking at everything going on inside. It was a simple Alteration between movements of gears, a slight shift, and it skipped right beyond that. The ground visibly shook more, and began moving.

The stone beneath us lowered a little as the monolith rose up out of the ground.

The front of it started to lower, the grating of stone against stone echoing out in this strange hall. Everyone was a little tense as they saw what was inside.

A woman fell out, catching herself with her hands, but my eyes were drawn to something else.

A strange feeling, something inexplicable in the form of a scroll on her back.

Well, I think we found the Elder Scroll.


Chapter 1/2 for today.

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