A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 137 - 130

Chapter 137: Chapter 130

Meridia POV

Sleep was not something I often partook in, seemingly always have matters that required my undivided attention. Even being able to partition myself off to handle most issues, the core of myself would be in slumber.

Even as I awoke, and these thoughts briefly drifted through my mind, I did not bother giving them any more heed. How I had, for the first time, truly skirted my duties. I did have capable individuals under me, worshippers who had been taken under my banner, even after death. But there were simply many things that required my presence to continue working.

Still, my attention was occupied by the person who shared the bed I was also sleeping in. Wilhelm, my....man, my lover.

The warm thought makes my heart beat faster, especially as I recall what had occurred the previous night....and much of the morning. We were still covered in a sticky mess, yet I was content, happy. The pleasant ache between my legs a vivid reminder of how we made love far into the early morning hours...and other perverse acts. I resisted the urge to pinch him, daring to use my thighs to pleasure himself...regardless of how it made my loins drip.

How utterly ridiculous...why he finds my legs so tantalizing, I do not understand.

This body of mine, as fake as it was, caused me sensations I had never contemplated before meeting this ridiculous man. I had created it eons ago, a whim as I wanted to understand mortals better. I spent many days decided how I wished to appear upon my followers, my faithful. It is of course a fully working fleshly body, even if I did not foresee partaking in carnal pleasures with another person, I do not do things by halves. This body is not me, but I may have come to think of myself as this body.

And never before has someone gazed upon this nude form of mine, and now a single person has that honor.


My ridiculous lover, he truly does not know how lucky he is. How many wish to earn even a second glance from yet... yet he will commit perversions upon me without any hesitation. For any other being in existence, I would have destroyed them. I can only swallow my indignation and take pity on him, allowing him his continued blasphemy. It is only out of my good will that he is allowed to molest me, to steal my lips at his whim, to accept his touch when he desires it. And I most certainly do not turn into a blushing maiden at his provocations, and I shall smite any who says otherwise.

His foolish smile certainly did not elicit any reaction from me, neither did the way he refused to allow me out of his embrace as he buried his face into my breasts. Nor did I tenderly run my hand down his – admittedly attractive – chest.

He stirred from his slumber, opening his eyes and giving me a bright smile, with a hint of his cockiness. That smug look on his face as he admired what he had done to me, even with his eyes half lidden.

"Ready for round two?" He asked, clearly intent on eliciting a response from me.

"Were you not satisfied from before?" I huffed in annoyance unable to escape his machinations.

"Gotta make babies." He mumbled pressing his head further into my bosom.

"Your seed still fills me, what more could you possible do?" I pursed my lips. This perverse man seeking any excuse to initiate further relations. I fear I have opened a dam and the torrent will no longer be plugged.

The matter of me unable to bear his children goes unsaid.

"Give me an hour and find out." He giggled, squeezing me tighter.

"As if you would last that long." I scoffed, hand running through his striking red hair, hearing his continued giggling into my breasts. "Wilhelm." I quietly called out.

"Don't wanna."

"You do not know what I'm going to say." I poked his forehead.

"You gotta go." He grumbled.

"....yes." I didn't deny, I guess it was an obvious conclusion to come to. "I have ignored many matters in my absence." It was....pleasant, knowing that I was not required to explain myself. My lover had an understand of what I was, what I did so while he would bemoan my leave, he knew I had important duties to attend to.

A small part of me was happy that he desired me to stay by his side so vehemently. I could only just sigh, I wondered what things would be like if I just threw my hands up and ceased my role. To live by his side, follow him on his adventures through various other universes. My strange man who comes from a distant light of creation.

"How long you gonna be gone?" His word not matching the usual eloquence he approaches with his speech, I'm sure he was still quite tired from our previous activities. As unique his origin was, I do not believe he would be unaffected by our time together.

"I do not know, perhaps a few days." I would make sure nothing significant occurred....and finish my tasks as quickly as possible.

"Fine." He stated. "Wanna take a shower before you go?"

"Shower?" I questioned, confused by what he asked.

"Running water that's heated up and sprayed down overhead for cleaning purposes." He explained.

"I am able to cleanse myself without mortal means." It would take me but a thought to remove all this filth....the only reason I have not done so yet is because I did not wish to disturb his content look. It was certainly not because I wished to enjoy the feeling of being so full for a few moments longer.

"It's one of life's greatest pleasures." He stated, making me pause inconsideration.

"A few more minutes will not make any substantial difference." I acquiesced, though the way I felt something poking into my belly, I think it may just take a little bit longer.


Wilhelm POV

I watched Meridia fluff her hair out. I guess I've never contemplated the idea of Meridia drying herself off after taking a shower, as strange as it was, and I just wanted to admire the scene.

Merida glared over in my direction, but the way she puffed up her cheeks in 'annoyance' cleared away any sense of true anger she might have. "I should knock that smug grin off your face." She huffed. "Tricking me into doing that.....in such a place." She grumbled.

"Oh, and who was refusing to let me go once we started?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Do not speak nonsense." She threw a pillow at me from across the room.

In the moments I caught the pillow and tossed it to the side, Meridia was already dressed as she had been before last night. I walked up wrapping my arms around her, even with her 'annoyance' she accepted quite readily. "If you need me for anything, I'm always here."

She looked at me quietly, a contemplative expression on her face. "I appreciate the gesture." She settled on, and I knew that was something along the lines of 'you will not be able to help'. I wasn't offended in the slightest, but I wanted her to know I was here for her if she really did need anything. "We need to have a discussion about certain things later, when I have more time."

"Is there something wrong....?"

"No.....it's just.....now you are in the sights of the other Lords, alteast of Molag Bal, I wish you to further understand." She said quietly. "And for some reason you still deem it appropriate to extend this relationship with a being known for his slavery and torture comes after you because of me." She snorted.

"I wonder if he'll be able to put two and two together based on what I said?" I may not have planned that out well.

"Molag Bal is many things.....stupid being among them. But he will come to certain conclusions rather quickly, even if the correct one is not the one he will first assume."

"Ah, he won't think you're my woman, but that I'm some kind of boy toy?" I chuckled.

"Must you say it in such a way?" She huffed. "I suggest you not venture near any of his claimed lands, or his worshippers. He will have more power among his followers than out here in the open. I do not recall any meaningful encampments in Skyrim beyond those vampires, so we should be safe from his meddling for the time being."

"I planned on either being with Thorum or the college for a bit." Truthfully, I felt kind of....off since the battle with Harkon. Replaying the fight in my head, how Rusty he appeared when truly fighting, it made me come to some conclusions myself.

"Good." She nodded. "I will keep an eye on Artoria and Rin."

"You're the best." I beamed at her.

"Hmph, I am merely keeping my new.....Harem Sister safe."

I blinked at her statement. "Did Jinn teach you that term?" It definitely sounds like something she'd say.

"Yes, Jinn has been helpful in understand different terminology you are used to."

Oh sweet Christ, what's Jinn telling her?

"Now, I must truly leave this time." She stated.

"Kiss?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, but the smallest quirk of her lips betrayed her once again. She leaned in, for a quick kiss, merely a moment before we separated, but it relayed much affection.

"I'll miss you." I smiled.

"And I you." She returned, much of her embarrassment having faded since the first time we uttered those words. With one last nod, she made for the door, disappearing outside as to not blow through my defenses.

What a woman.

[Well done.]

"Oh, I forgot about you."

[And my feelings are now hurt.]

"Yeah, okay." I sighed. "What's up?"

[Nothing, just wanted to congratulate you. It's not every day a boy becomes a man.]

"Oh fuck off!"

[hehehe.] Ddraig practically giggled to himself.

"I forgot you're basically a voyeur. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't hear you act up last night." I scoffed.

[Did you expect me to start giving commentary?] Ddraig laughed. [Or maybe some words of encouragement? Go Wilhelm, go! Show her the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, wooo!]

"Oh. My. God." I sighed.

[Nope, it's Ddraig]

"To give up the boosted gear, or not to give up the boosted gear." I tapped my chin.

[Oh, stop being a little bitch.] I think I felt Ddraig roll his eyes.

I grumbled, but ignored his comment. "Ddraig, I was thinking about some stuff, have I gotten complacent?"

[You mean, did you drive decrease?]

"Yeah....I mean, I'm happier than I've ever been in my life, and I feel....strong for lack of a better word. Did I just stop trying?"

[It's not weird for both Dragon's and Devils to be content where they are. Hell, even humans are often times fine with just coasting along with some success in life. If you were happy to stay as is, I wouldn't make a comment.]

I forget sometimes that Ddraig isn't here to hold my hand and carry me through life. He sees me as a partner, but my life is mine to live with all the mistakes that come with it. If I asked advice, he would give it, help me work through some things, sure. But my choices were always mine to make in the end, and he never encroached on that.

"I guess seeing Molag Bal and Harkon made me realize I can't keep sitting still I guess. I haven't been practicing my Aura as I should, I've just been using it as a shield. My Thu'um fell to the wayside, and I feel like there's still magic I could learn here."

[What are you going to do about it?]

"Go see the Archmage, maybe he has some high end stuff I haven't touched on. I also want his opinion on some stuff I nabbed from Harkon's castle. I guess I wouldn't mind donating a bit to the college as well, maybe keep their prices down since some of this dragon shit is my fault." I paused, running a hand through my hair. "I don't know how much talent I actually have in utilizing the Thu'um but it's an avenue I should pursue, seeing how it operates similarly to my Primordial Runes." The shout that Thorum used to move so quickly, that definitely caught my interest. "I need to push myself in training as well. I do my exercises, but I need to take this opportunity to really push my body when I have the chance. My potential hasn't been realized yet, my physical capabilities still are not at the peak of what a devil can achieve."

[Well said.]

I had another firm resolve in my chest. I wanted to continue to get stronger, to not become stagnant in my strength.

First off, let's go see the Archmage.


I actually didn't just use the Kaleidoscope to go right in. Instead used the entrance I procured for Jinn.

"Oh, hello Wilhelm." The Archmage greeted me, a strange contraption pointed at the door.

"Sup." I blinked at the thing he was tinkering with.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked.

"Not much, trying to figure out how this door operates. I've tried 17 different theories and all of them proved incorrect." He seemed giddy. "I have high hopes for this one."

Honestly, it sounds like he was having a lot of fun. With everything going on right now, I'm sure he can't really leave the college and probably feels cooped up. Well, I don't' really care he's not hurting anything and I trust this man. If he actually asked me for my secrets, I don't know if I would deny him.

"You seem in a chipper mood. How were the dragons?" He idly asked, continuing his tinkering.

"Not too strong. Thorum could have handled them without me, but it was interesting to see their application of the Thu'um. There was one shout that took me by surprised, targeting my vitality which was a noticeable hole in my defenses."

"Oh yes, I can imagine that." He rubbed his chin. "Not many take precautions against such esoteric effects. Those kinds of attacks are mostly used with blood mages, or their kin. If you ever come across a vampire, be sure they don't take your drain your vitality by surprise."


"What?" He looked up at me.

"speaking of vampire..."

The Archmage paused, staring at me. "What did you do."

"Why do you automatically assume I did something!?"

"Wilhelm." His lips thinned. "There is a thing called a 'pattern'."

I opened my mouth then scoffed. "I hate that I can't argue with you."

"Indeed." He smirked. "Now, what happened?"

"Uh, ever heard of a vampire by the name of Harkon?"

"Why yes, I have heard of the strongest Vampire in Skyrim, whom I have personally had to return the head of a vampire to because he sought out something in my library by turning one of my students into a thrall." He deadpanned.

"Oh, well that makes things easier."

"Does it?" He asked, skeptically.

"He's dead, so you tell me."

The Archmage let out a long sigh, reaching his hand out and summon forth a bottle of mead, once again, downing it with vigor.

"That can't be healthy." I pointed out.

"Neither is your existence in my life, but here we are."

I couldn't help but laugh, one shared by him.

"I do hope you were not harmed." The Archmage stated.

"Nothing significant, even if Molag Bal showed up to lend him a hand." I had to stop myself from growling. "I was just a pawn to strike a blow at Meridia. I guess they saw me waiving Dawnbreaker around and put two and two together."

"Ah, yes. The conflicts between your paramour and the Lord of Rape are well documented." He didn't seem phased by what I said. "He should have been a master blood mage, I'm curious how the fight went."

"I won, but it felt like he let himself go, kinda rusty all around if I were to be honest."

"Well I won't say it's a 'shame' but I do so wish his magics were passed down to someone not so...."

"Arrogant, genocidal, stuck up, vampiric?" I offered.

"Quite." He pursed his lips.

"If it makes you feel better, I raided his castle of everything important, including his library."

"That does make me feel better." He perked up immediately. "I don't suppose you would be willing to share some of the tomes hoarded by that old vampire?'

"Sure, I was going to have Jinn sort everything, set up my own little library. Anything of importance I'm sure we could duplicate so the Library has some copies as well. Though, I wanted to make sure nothing too.....absurd is made readily available."

"Wilhelm, do you really think I allow free access to the most powerful and self-destructive spells allowed to beings of our caliber?"

"So you do have a hidden stash." I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. It's not so hidden though, once a member of the college reaches a certain level...and maturity." He looked at me intently. "I allow them to peruse."

I held my hand out, gold literally began to flow out like water, filling the area between us into a large pile and continued to spill outwards.

The Archmage stared at me, then the gold and back at me again. "As I was saying, you are a highly valued member of our College –" We shared a look and started laughing again. "In seriousness, Wilhelm, you merely had to ask."

"I figured, but I also wanted to make a donation." I scratched my cheek. "I still feel kind of guilty and I hope you can maybe keep prices down a bit, maybe coordinate some help for the common folk who were affected?"

"Wilhelm....that is a very admirable thing to do." His eyes softened. "I would be delighted to ensure this happens. I still have many contact outside of Skyrim, it may take a few days, but I believe I can bring some fresh supplies inbound to Skyrim even with their absurd costs right now."

"Yeah, yeah." I definitely didn't preen under his praise. "So, about those spells you keep locked away?" I grinned.


Oh boy this week has been kicking my butt. First half I was bogged down with Work, and now I have a family member in the ER. Everything is fine, but there was a lot of stress and time I spent dealing with all of that, so this chapter came out a bit late.

Anyways, if you want to read 6 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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