A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 126 - 120

Chapter 126: Chapter 120

"Generally, both fire and lightning like to run rampant. Because we're using magical energy to invoke the natural phenomena, the 'concepts' are more interlinked into their creation than the true natural phenomena. How the elements are perceived is how they will act even in situations where factors may actually limit such things. Like it's extremely hard to 'ground' a bolt of magical lightning, or another example – maybe the lack of oxygen in a room where you create a magical fire. The fire will still rage as long as its supply of magical energy hasn't dissipated even if the 'scientific' process would deny such a thing. That's also a reason why magical fires generally don't run keep going even if there is a lot of foliage to burn, they run their course and then dissipate, unless of course someone made them keep going intentionally through other means."

"I get that." Rin nodded along. "But why Lightning over Fire? Lightning seems more.....unwieldy? I don't know, fire just seems easier to use I guess."

"There are pros and cons for every element. Elemental manipulation isn't exactly my forte, though I would say I'm fairly decent at the lightning element. It has the easiest 'direct' use." I waived my hand, and a Runic circle appear. "A thought and a bolt of lightning discharges. It's simple, easy and straight forward. To use flames, it would need a continuous torrent to truly become a threatening spell." Fireballs were good and all, but they didn't have much stopping power compared to a bolt of lightning. On the flip side, Fireballs were easier to invoke and actualize, not to mention the magical energy cost was much lower.

"That's why you use Lightning over fire?" Rin asked.

"More or less." I nodded. "And I can't deny I simply have a liking for the lightning element that comes from a mere preference."

Rin looked deep in thought. "What about ice?"

"Ice is definitely a close second on my list. While lacking the direct damage capabilities of Lightning, it has astounding battlefield control applications. Why, I met a young man on Remnant who could produce water clones and used Ice dust to an amusing effect."

"Do you think – " Rin paused, looking at the two of my girls finally finish up and start walking back over.

I have no idea what they spoke about, but I still couldn't help but smile as the thought of them getting along.

Artoria sat down next to Rin and Meridia took a seat right next to me.

"Anything I should be worried about?" I asked, a small smile plastered on my face.

"We merely.....discussed a few issues." Artoria replied.

"There is no need to dwell on it." Meridia added.

"Suspicious~" I was teasing. I'm not going to pry into something they clearly wish to keep secret.

Meridia decided to ignore me. "I do not believe we properly met." She turned to Rin.

Rin gained a rather passive expression. "I'm Rin Tohsaka, I'm a student under Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, this idiot's grandfather." She jabbed her thumb at me.

"Oi." I pursed my lips, turning toward Meridia. "Defend your man." I poked her.

"What do you expect me to do when someone speaks the truth?"

"Betrayed by my own woman."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm Meridia." She gave Rin a small acknowledgement. "I am this idiot's woman, as he so aptly put it." She said rather drily.

"How did that happen?" Rin asked.

"I ask myself that question every passing minute."

"My charming smile and winning personality."

Meridia lips curled up into a small smile. "A few of the words in that sentence are correct."

"Hmm, maybe we need a second opinion?" I turned towards Artoria.

"I was moved by your ability to receive a sufficient beating." Artoria replied, an amused smile on her face as well.

"Are there proclivities of yours I am unaware of, Wilhelm?" Meridia eyed me.

Oh, so that's how it's going to be? I moved my hand down and squeezed her thigh under the table, she stiffened, but otherwise didn't react. "You just have to ask and I'm sure you can be intimately familiar with them."

"Schweinorg, stop perving in public." Rin threw an apple at me.

I dodged out of the way, only for it to be caught by a newcomer. "I must agree with Miss Tohsaka."

I turned around to see the Archmage standing there. Actually, the only one who wasn't surprised was Meridia.

"Lady Meridia." The Archmage lightly bowed. "I apologize for interrupting your....personal time." Clearly he was choosing his words carefully.

Meridia didn't seem annoyed, that was good. "Your presence is inconvenient, but not unacceptable." She merely replied, giving him permission to continue.

He took the que. "Wilhelm, I had received a message from some people I've been corresponding to in Whiterun, apparently there had been another Dragon sighting. They requested an additional relay of resources. I thought since your friend would be involved, perhaps you would like to deliver it?"

"And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I can get there much quicker than any other people you send.?"

His lips curled up. "Just a nice happenstance."

"Well, I did want to see Thorum again." I admitted, casting a quick gaze around the table.

"We will be fine here, go see your friend." Artoria gave me a smile.

"You don't have to babysit us." Rin huffed.

"You're going to fight a dragon again." Meridia crossed her arms, giving me a glare.

"I promise it won't be like last time."

She didn't seem to accept that answer, frowning deeper. "If you go after those spawn of Akatosh, I will be keeping watch."

Well, then I just have to give a good show. I turned back to the Archmage. "What did you mean by supplies?" Was kind of curious what they've been up to.

"We've been working overtime to produce potions and other magical reagents to combat these dragon attacks. And we've had a solid supply of food to help out the area that have been hit hard on their farmlands." The Archmage explained.

I could more or less read between the lines here. "How thinly are you stretched?"

"How many teachers and students have you seen running around?" He raised an eyebrow.

And now that he mentioned it, I didn't see any on the way inside.

He didn't want for me to speak and continued. "We keep a certain number of teachers here at all times unless something drastic occurs. This is a school afterall, but we also must do our duty as residents of this fair land. "

"An honorable position, Archmage." Artoria praised.

"Why, thank you, Miss Pendragon." He smiled gently.

"What about the students?" I wasn't going to assume he was throwing them at the front lines.

"They make wonderful shields for dragon fire."

Artoria almost choked on the food she had stuffed in her mouth when the attention was off her and I couldn't help but let out a snort.

"I jest." The Archmage said with a small chuckle. "We're making sure to keep our students away from battle as much as possible until they are competent enough and old enough to venture out on their own." Artoria gave him a little look, but he just laughed it off. "We've been forced to raise our prices due to the dwindling supply of materials. The budding Alchemists and Enchanters here are making quite a bit of gold. While not all of them are learned in those particular schools, most of them are more than capable of gathering the materials out in the world while completing some jobs."

"How much are they making!?" Rin stood up, slamming her hands on the table.

"Rin, bring it down like two notches." I deadpanned.

"Not all of us has a literal mountain of gold, Schweinorg." She huffed.

Well, I can't fault her logic. "So, the kids are running around making tons of gold, which is actually helping everyone else to supply the needed materials and get potions and enchantments everywhere they need them."

"It was surprising how well it all worked out." The Archmage nodded.


"Alright, I'll head over there in a bit." I may as well. Just as Rin said, I don't need to babysit them.

"Wonderful." He waived her hand, setting down several crates, sacks, and all manner of containers on the ground near us. "If you need anything from me, just call out." He gave one last nod to Meridia before disappearing.

"He is bearable....for a mortal." Meridia said idly.

"Am I bearable too?" I shot her a smile.

"Hmph." She crossed her arms. "Perhaps if your hands didn't wander." She said evenly, even as I squeezed her thigh again.

"And with that, I'm out." Rin stood up. "If you need me, you know how to get a hold of me, Schweinorg." She grabbed her books and sauntered off.

"Yeah, Yeah." I ignored her 'indignation'. She was looking for any reason to head out now that she smelled gold. But maybe I was being a little bit rude with my affection. I'll keep it down a bit when she's around. I don't want to rub it in her face. "Take care of her, Artoria."

"Of course." Artoria puffed up her chest. "It is my duty."

"I guess I'll be off." I gave both of them a look. "So.....dare I ask who I kiss first without making it awkward?"

"W-we decided that Meridia will be your first." Artoria blushed looking away. "In situations like these." She added on quietly.

Huh, I guess the just wanted to not step on each other toes with the little things. "You're my first, huh?" I looked at my goddess.

She wasn't as red as Artoria was, but that faint dusting of her cheeks was hard to miss.

I leaned in, giving her a kiss, she put some affection into it, but I don't think she was used to other people watching. I think she was slightly embarrassed by this whole thing. Frankly, she was less talkative than I assumed she would be.

"Artoria?" I asked, walking around the corner.

She held out her arms, apparently more welcoming and not as shy to the company as Meridia was, I welcomed her unique flavor all the same.

"I shall make sure our.....man does not get in over his head." Meridia glanced towards Artoria as we finally separated

Artoria gave a bright smile, a quick nod of thanks as she ran off towards Rin. There was defentiyl some hidden words traded between them with the gesture. I really wanted to know what they talked about, but I would refrain from imposing.

"What do you think?" I asked her now that we were alone.

"Artoria is acceptable." She said bluntly, but from her, that was high praise. Slightly, her expression shifted to something softer. "She was not deterred by my existence. She was respectful for the sake of being respectful, regardless of my status. It was....refreshing to chat with another person who did not put on airs around me who I did not have to keep up my guard around."

"I'm glad you two get along." My arms found themselves wrapped around her in a very familiar way at this point.

"Enough of your nonsense." She huffed. "Go deal with your business and cease your molestation of me."

So cute.

I chuckled, walking over and sweeping up the supplies and putting them all in my ring. I would want her to meet Jinn soon as well, but we weren't really in a 'relationship' the same way, so that probably took less priority in Meridia's eyes. Besides, Jinn was probably having the time of her life in the library right now.

I pulled out Mirage, the familiar glowing energy wrapped around my blade. "Ready to go?"

Meridia gave me a curt nod. "I'm already watching your friend, he has engaged a duo of dragons."

Sometimes I forgot how powerful she was, or moreso exactly 'what' she was. This 'her' right here, right now, wasn't the only sense of self she was projecting.

Honestly, I didn't really care. Call me selfish, but as long as she was mine, that was fine with me. What she was weighed very little on the scale of importance, she cared for me, I cared for her, that's all that truly mattered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Is he doing okay?"

"He is holding his own and does not appear to be struggling in any meaningful way. If i had to make a judgement, these two spawn of Akatosh do not seem particularly strong for their race."

"Are you giving me your blessing to go fight?" I asked.

"You will do so regardless; I may as well inform you of your opponents." She scoffed, but her look betrayed her tone.

She was worried about me.

"Hey." I moved closer, hand rubbing her cheek. "I'm not so arrogant to think I can take on the world, but I can handle this."

"It is not the dragons that I am only worried about." She whispered.

"I'm confidant in running away, if that makes you feel better.

"...slightly." She muttered, dipping her head, allowing herself to be wrapped by me again.

With one last kiss on her forehead, I stepped back. My sword flashed out, creating a portal over towards Whiterun, getting a glimpse of where I wanted to go, I redirected it a tad closer to my friend.. With another look, I nodded at her and walked through.


I walked out of my portal, the immediate battle scene greeting my eyes. "Well well, this doesn't look too fair. How about we even the odds, eh, Thorum?"

"Will!?" Thorum, my friend who I hadn't seen in what felt like forever turned towards me.

The battle seemed to pause at my sudden arrival. The two dragons looked at me strangely. One of them was flapping its wings a bit in the air, the another on the ground, having traded a few blows with Thorum. They looked slightly different from one another. The one in the sky having a slight red sheen to it, wings a little bulkier, whereas the one on the ground had an earthlier color, spikes protruding from its body in more places.

I think the only thing stopping Thorum from running over and hugging me was his battle sense.

He had definitely gone through some changes. His mere presences screamed 'more'. At this point I was rather adept at feeling draconic power, and he was certainly shining bright.

"Abomination!" The dragon on the ground roared.

"Usurper!" The one in the sky followed.

[Those aren't my titles.] Ddraig grumbled, though I just ignored him for now.

"Well, they don't seem to like me." I chuckled, taking a few steps towards Thorum since they seemed to want to watch me for the moment. "It's been a while, Thorum."

"Aye, my friend. You've come at the best time; I believe I have a promise to make true on." Thorum laughed heartily, a bold confidence to him that he certainly was lacking in before.

"I don't' think I can actually eat dragon souls." I pointed out.

"Have you tried?"

"Admittedly, I have not."

"Do mages not like to experiment?"

"Fuck it, lets see what happens then." I couldn't argue against this logic.

"Aye, that's the spirit!" He laughed again. "But....I don't suppose you have an extra weapon on you?" He held up a sword that was missing about a foot of blade on it, cracks running down the remainder.

I do have many weapons on me....but a thought crossed my mind. I took a look at the dragons who still continued to watch me and Thorum intently, like they were waiting for some big secret to be revealed. Were they waiting for Ddraig to make an appearance?

Doesn't matter.

"Try this." I took out Gram and tossed it over to him.

He tensed up as the Blade was produced, even the dragons looked shocked from out of the corner of my eye.

"This...." He gripped the blade tight, its baleful red aura flared up, practically surrounding Thorum like it wanted to devour him. I knew it couldn't truly harm him on its own, but I had a theory about it.

The red aura raged widely, until it finally started to settle down into something resembling compliance.

"A dragon who's existence means to kill and devour other dragons." I muttered. "Of course that sword would find you an acceptable wielder and overlook your dragon nature."

"Will." He looked towards me. "What's going on?"

"Thorum, meet Gram, the dragon slaying sword. It detests anything Draconic in nature and has special properties that allows it to harms dragons more readily than a normal weapon."

"This is not a Daedric Artifact, is it?"

"Nope, purely created by mortal hands." Kinda, sorta, depending on the myths. "And it's all yours." It doesn't like me anyways due to Ddraig in my soul, but lacking the 'munching dragons' portion that Thorum had.

"I....thank you Will." He gave his big signature goofy smile.

"How about you thank me by taking one of their heads?" I stood by him, Mirage in my hand.

"Only one?" I hefted his new blade with a surprising ease, giving it a few swings.

"Well, I want one as well." I smirked.

"Aye, that seems fair." He brought Gram up, resting on his shoulder.

Well, by the roar of the dragons who apparently grew tired of our little chat, they too were ready to dance.


Thorum and MC, together at last <3. But seriously, i'm not shipping them together, no need to keep making comments about their relationship. He's literally the MC's first friend, MC, yes he cares about him a lot but it's purely platonic, or perhaps brotherly. Meridia and Artoria have a secret conversation, which will be a little talked about in Artoria's interlude coming up. Rin smells gold in the air, and Some dragons about to be eaten.

Anyways, if you want to support me or read 6, yes I said 6 chapters ahead, visit my /astoryforone. I'm slowly increasing the amount of chapters available for my subs over there.

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