A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 175: Hordes of beasts III

Chapter 175: Hordes of beasts III

Olivia had flew back to the sky to battle the beast that discharged the wave of violet fiery energy that hurled her hard to the earth.

As she fought the beast, Alex who was dashing towards her to render some assistance suddenly became surrounded by a large multitude of beasts.

The beasts that surrounded him were hundreds of peak sky-rank beasts. But his face turned solemn when the winged beasts produced soul-ripping screeches. He knew that these were more difficult to kill as their attacks were directed towards the soul. Besides, they could move in and out of tangibility. They could be corporeal one moment and incorporeal in the next like a ghost. With their ability of insubstantiality, they would easily evade all his attacks. Also, they could devour souls.

Olivia's fist began to glow in a yellow light. The sand and stones on the earth started to float due to her earth-power.

"Thousand Palaces Demolishing Earth Pillars" She said and punched out.

As she punched out, ripples of yellow energy blossomed from her fist and spread to the far distance. Then abruptly, towering cylindrical columns of earth, about hundred foot wide and tall shot out from the earth surface and struck the winged beasts around her. The pillars also smashed into the powerful beast that engaged her in battle. When the tall, round pillars struck the beasts, many of them exploded into mists of blood.




Screeching sounds rang out from the winged soul-tearing beasts and these inflicted Alex's soul with so much pain that his vision became blurry and his awareness to almost descend into insanity. His eyes were red and green veins popped out from the sides of his temples.

But as he was afflicted with unbearable soul pains, he thought hard of what to do next. Then he arrived at one. Immediately he figured out what to do to slay the beasts that brought upon his soul terrible pains, his eyes suddenly narrowed before it turned dark, then a vast, dark purple aura bursted out from his entire body. This aura engulfed every beasts and deeply affected their vision that they saw only dark purple and nothing else. But Alex knew that their visions were only affected temporarily as the aura was from the phantasmforce energy that he cultivated. It was in the mid-phase condensation stage and so wouldn't affect the sky-rank beasts for long. Although the illusion-immersing realm-energy could affect them for sometime as it illusion-producing power was augmented to a high level by the divineforce energy that had merged with it.

Then in the next instant, the vision of the beasts changed. They appeared in a world lying in total ruins. The sky was blood-red and six massive black suns arranged at six points to form a hexagon could be found in it. These suns which were black radiated intense black brilliance that dyed everywhere black, including the earth. Also, extreme coldness seemed to emanate from them. The wind was surprisingly visible as large masses of air were inky black in colour and produced extreme, ice-cold temperature. And on the earth surface could be seen mysteriously-patterned, black ice crystals.

The beasts actually shivered due to the unreal feelings that they had which was transmitted to them by the phantasmforce energy.

Then in the earth in this illusionary region could be seen many, seemingly bottomless craters. Their depth seemed to go on forever. But coming out of these fathomless craters were extremely chilly, thick purple smoke which abruptly compacted and took the form of primitive giants which moved towards them like they were frenzied.

The beasts became scared at the sight of this spectacle and quickly produced soul-ripping screeches that they directed at the giants. But they weren't affected as they were illusionary beings. Also, their sound-based, soul-slaying attacks were simply directed towards nothing.

Alex who was employing an illusion-bound battle technique called 'Desolate Dark Radiance Frigid World', from a group of techniques called 'Phantasm Slaughter' of an A-grade duality methodology named "Butchering Fiendgod Darkness Methodology", saw that the beasts were lost in the nonexistent world that he generated utilizing the power of illusory elements creation of the phantasmforce energy.

Then seeing it as an opportunity to deal massive damage on them, swordforce energy, darkforce energy and pyroforce energy rapidly erupted from his entire body in great amounts. It was like his body was engulfed by an enormous flame that had hues of golden, dark black and crimson.

Stretching a hand out to his side, the energies continuously discharging from his body were abruptly pulled towards it like it were a magnet where they mixed, condensed and shaped into a large, dark blade. It was dark because it had a larger amounts of darkforce energy.

The blade was extremely dense and it was like it was something forged from real metal. The blade possessed great size and mass as it spanned dozens of feet in length and was six feet wide.

Since pyroforce energy, swordforce energy was weaved in with darkforce energy, the black energy blade shone with a crimson light and a golden light, radiating powerful heat waves and an aura of terrifying sharpness. The heat was extremely scorching that it caused a large area of the earth illuminated by the crimson luminance given off by the pyroforce energy to begin to fume then melt, becoming magma.

The blade that he formed wasn't from any technique of any battle methodology. Using his fast-thinking and rapid deduction ability, he came up with a battle-move. Utilizing the method on how to form energy weapons and using his darkforce energy to generate it, then incorporating both pyroforce energy and swordforce energy into it, he created a battle skill and then named it 'Life-Seizing Night Monarch Burning Blade'.

It only took him a few seconds to produce the blade. And this was just the time he was supposed to take as the beasts would break out from the illusion anytime soon and come back to reality.

Then he dashed to the places where they floated a few feet above the ground. And propelled by an unusually strong wind gust, he was able to achieve great foot speed.




Many slashing sounds rang out as he cut them one by one into halves. Nothing could hinder his momentum nor withstand the cutting power of the massive, swordforce energy-infused dark blade. Therefore, like a merciless god of slaughter, he cut the beasts into halves or straightaway beheaded them.




Slash sounds continued to ring out as Alex cut the beasts. Not long, the large multitude of soul-attacking sound beasts quickly reduced in number to a few hundreds and to a few dozens before he totally obliterated them. He simply wielded the enormous sword skillfully like it was his second hand.

When he was done butchering them, all that remained was their blood on his body and their halved lifeless bodies littering the earth in gigantic heaps.

Then he looked at Olivia who was battling the remaining winged, peak sky-rank beasts. At least, he had rendered some help by slaying many of the sky-rank beasts that could attack her soul using their screeches. So she should be able to slay the rest herself. Besides, he had greatly reduced the population of the beasts.


Clenching her fist, it began to glow in an orange light as she drew pyroforce energy from her energyhouse to it.

"Whirling Rage Fiery Fist" she said and punched out.

Then an enormous amount of energy abruptly discharged from her orange-glowing fist. The large quantity of flame that erupted from her fist compacted and took the shape of a fist.

The solidness of the huge, flaming orange fist was many times more than that of a six-feet steel wall.

Radiating great heat, it swirled at a great speed towards the beasts with fearsome might.


It smashed into the beasts with great hardness and exploded into a large, violent stream of raging orange flame. Since it turned into a tremendous burst of fire, a powerful tyrannical force emanated from the blast and struck the beasts, shoving them far away. Many of these beasts as they were flung away caught on fire, burning badly and then smashing hard into the ground.

Still in the air as beasts were dashing towards her, her fist began to glow again in an orange light. Then it suddenly changed to violet. The instant the brilliance emitting from her fist changed to violet, raging violet flames erupted from her fist.

"Hellblazing Destruction Fire Fist" Olivia uttered inwardly and punched out.

The moment she punched out, a flaming, violet fist of astonishing size shot out at extreme speed.


The blazing, violet energy-fist smashed into many of the beasts and turned some of them into pieces, while the others were enveloped by a raging violet flame that rapidly burnt them to cinders. Despite their extremely durable hide and tough bones as peak sky-rank beasts, they couldn't withstand the powerful heat that could seemingly flash-melt tons of steel.

Then she flew down and returned to her normal form. She then walked towards Alex with a smile in her face.

She looked around and saw the fearsome beasts that Alex killed with his inconsequential peak-phase condensation stage and gave a broad, impressed smile.

'Still dazzling and overpowering as usual' She said inwardly.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I am fine. You?" Alex replied and asked.

He too was impressed by Olivia's battle power. He couldn't help but be awed. She was indeed the Great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain academy. With time, she would grow stronger than this.

"I don't think there was a need to move the villagers away. The beasts couldn't even break past us." Olivia said with a grin.

"Yea, but it's cool that we moved them away. Who can tell what would happen if we didn't move them?" Alex asked.

Olivia nodded.

"What to do next?" She asked.

"Well, wait for the men that sent the beasts to come for us. I am sure they are observing everything that's going on" Alex responded.

"Hmm. Alright. Then we wait for them" Olivia said.

"Remember to not kill all of them. We can keep one whom we can use to know the location of their organization and wipe all of them away in one strike" Alex said.

"Alright" Olivia replied as she nodded.

Just then, a spear suddenly shot at one of them at inconceivable speed from far in the distance.

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