A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 85: Never open the door

Chapter 85: Never open the door

Wuji Gu is still as straight as ever, and doesn't notice the different feelings others have for him just because the subject has changed from male to female.

He just thought this Li Li was still a good teammate, and then nodded to the other side to show his friendship. The latter blushed for a while and apologized again in a small voice over there.

Her actions did not cause any damage to Wuji Gu, so of course Wuji Gu forgave her.

After the wound on his hand was bandaged, Wuji Gu secretly used his healing power on his arm, and the wound was almost healed soon, but no one could see it on the surface.

The village chief and others also came over to greet Wuji Gu, after all, it was thanks to Wuji Gu's identification of the werewolf that they were able to save their village.

But Wuji Gu always felt that something was not right, after all, that Sha Li does not look like that kind of vicious person, even if the child was abducted just let the other side did not kill, such a person is really the cause of the village people missing culprit?

And over there Sha Li still and Wuji Gu warm and fuzzy, Lv Xiao pulled Yuanzhou Lu hard to come over, constantly with eyes to indicate Wuji Gu, hope he does not go down any wrong path and so on, only Lu brother should be the real suitable object Mengmeng sister ah!

Sha Li is looking at Yuanzhou Lu this love rival is very unfavorable, although the surface does not show much, but from time to time there have been eye knives flying to him, at this time she has long forgotten that she also tried to rely on their own beauty to hold Yuanzhou Lu lap things up.

Yuanzhou Lu : "......"

What is it for, why Wuji Gu has been dressed as a man, and still such a thing happens, he is simply puzzled!

This was followed by a meeting with the lord's men who had hurried from the castle to receive those present, with special instructions to the village chief to let all the players pass.

Although the players are actually playing certain characters in the village, but they are investigating the werewolves these days, acting out of character with the people in the village, and naturally very much out of character to the extent of being found out.

Players are well aware that this relates to the main task, even those who are injured are also hurriedly treated wounds and rushed over.

The lord's ministry is a tall, robust middle-aged man, looks very majestic, the only weird thing is that his face is slightly pale, the village chief is standing very respectfully at the side.

I don't know if it's Wuji Gu's illusion, but I always feel that this lord's subordinate's face is with some urgency, not like that kind of high and mighty person, but like worrying about something, and even have a kind of begging feeling.

But the players can also feel that the aura on this middle-aged man gives them a great pressure, the strength of this fear are the level of senior ghosts.

"It seems that something has changed in the castle?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but speculate in this way.

And over there, the middle-aged man was looking at the crowd, his eyes fell on the hastily bandaged wounds on most of the players, and his tone was still a bit condescending, "It seems to be able to find the werewolf traces all thanks to you, the lord lord decided to invite all of you over to be the guests at the banquet tomorrow night, it is your honor."

The hearts of all people feel very upset, but considering the main task, you can only accept this invitation ...... anyway, wait until you enter the castle and then think about something else.

Wuji Gu but stood up and looked at each other carelessly, "I am very sorry, although I also want to go to the lord's banquet, but the things at home have not finished ...... I think only to be able to refuse."

The people around him looked at Wuji Gu with stunned eyes, they thought Wuji Gu was crazy. What could be better than going to the castle? Even at this point, the crowd did not have to go in as handymen or maids.

Wuji Gu, of course, because there is that map as a guaranteed prop more bottom, there is also that he also want to try something on this lord's ministry.

"You ......" the lord ministry burst into a fury, the outstretched hand pressed the wall, the wall are vague signs of cracking, even the house are shaking a little, enough to see how much force this person used.

The other players were shocked, Lv Xiao also paled, and only Yuanzhou Lu fell silent.

Yuanzhou Lu's mind recalls the image of himself and Wuji Gu together with the copy, the other party at that time to do out those amazing operations, and that terrible strength, now still let him remember, this lord's ministry may not be able to compare ......

As expected, in the face of the lord's subordinates close to the same posture of intimidation, Wuji Gu also a calm look, and even some surprised to look at him, "This is the village chief's house, you do not look good, the village chief an old man still has to repair the house ......"

The lord's ministry face was almost bruised, "Of course I will send someone to come and fix it. But you have to go to the banquet!"

"But my house needs to be repaired, too." Wuji Gu said.

"Then let people also go to your house to repair it, so there is no problem, right?" The lord's men immediately spoke up, almost as if they were afraid Wuji Gu would run away.

Others:"...... "This scene why always feel completely not serious ah!

"But my family is still in debt, I don't have any money, I don't even have furniture or anything to eat or drink." Wuji Gu added, almost as if he had relied on the lord.

"Tomorrow let people send money over! How about sending half a year's worth of food directly there?" The lord's ministry looked at Wuji Gu's eyes with a bit of impatience, "Now you will follow me into the castle."

Since it is all said and done, Wuji Gu closed his mouth and acquiesced, after all, he also has no reason to object. The lord's ministers even undertook the family's meals for six months.

According to the previous main quest hint, apparently the castle was not so much in need of manpower, which is why they had to work so hard to blend in. But now just for a werewolf that hasn't been caught yet, the lord actually decided to invite everyone in?

Even the urgency of this lord's ministry, and even the promise of various conditions, represented that he was obliged to bring everyone into the castle.

"What exactly is it because of, is it because of the sacrifice in the introduction of the copy at the beginning ......"

What exactly is there that he hasn't noticed.

Wuji Gu was over there thinking, and the others were already looking at him with a kind of admiration in their eyes.

Originally thought that this Meng Meng is a soft girl, but now it seems that it is not at all so right! The npc has the courage to anger even such a npc, do things not for their own sake, it is estimated that all want to test this npc it! The ones who can enter the intermediate copy are not any simple characters.

In fact Wuji Gu is also playing with the idea of making life better for his family. Even if this is just his family in the copy, it will let him experience something that he does not have in reality.

The two male players who were stunned earlier were also here at this time, and they looked at Wuji Gu with obvious fear in their eyes, hating to be further away from him. Although their lives are saved, the shadow of their minds is unlikely to subside.

They even now have not given up the idea that Wuji Gu may be a powerful ghost in disguise, but at this time they are forced to share a room with Wuji Gu, if there is an opportunity they would have pulled their legs and slipped away.

As for Li Li, the whole person is fascinated, thinking that his vision is really good, such a good woman even for her to change her sexual orientation and so on.

Only Yuanzhou Lu continued to fall into silence. He didn't know if he should sympathize with these people, it was all too complicated!

The only thing he can do is to ask himself not to become one of these people.


The journey to the castle was easier than even the crowd thought.

They got on a dark carriage, completely invisible to the outside world ...... Of course the crowd is not the kind of honest villagers, of course, will secretly observe the outside world in the end what is.

The carriage drove out of the village and headed in the direction of the castle. They clearly saw that the castle where the lord lived was an absolute behemoth compared to the village, surrounded not only by high walls to prevent unauthorized access, but also dug an extremely wide moat, with almost no other way to get in except the main gate.

As for what is in the moat, the people who saw it were white, they could vaguely see a few strands of hair emerging from the water, and could also vaguely see the evil spirits in the water a struggle to climb out of the look.

Even if they players are physically stronger than ordinary people, but want to escape from this moat full of ghosts is absolutely impossible, so many ghosts a bite can tear a player into pieces.

They can't help but have trepidation in their hearts about what exactly they will encounter afterwards, but they have to enter it because of the main line.

[Complete the main quest: Blend into the castle].

[Triggered new main quest: Survive tomorrow's banquet and leave the castle].



And in one of the halls of the castle, one of the most conspicuous places where there is a magnificent coffin.

The surrounding people all look in awe, respectfully half-kneeling next to each other.

Even the handsome silver-haired young blood who appeared before, at this time also appeared with a cold face beside, with a few scorn in his eyes.

"Whose blood is it that actually made him all almost wake up ......"

This monster if it really awakens ...... silver-haired youth are afraid to think about it again, the only thing you can do now is to quickly find the right sacrifice, only then can continue to seal it.

If it wasn't for dealing with this matter, he wouldn't have come to this backward place. Just did not expect things actually all become so serious, the old guys who were guarding this place before do not know what they have done.

"It must be those few people who appeared different in that village." One person hurriedly said, "We have already brought all those people into the castle, and we will know who is the most suitable sacrifice when the time comes."

The silver-haired blood spoke in an icy tone: "You better be sure there will be no mistakes, after all, with that level of blood sacrifice, miss one and you'll never find it again."

"There can never be any accident." The man who spoke said with trepidation: "Everyone in the village is also being watched, any movement will be detected by us, except for the woman who escaped, even a chicken in this village can not escape."

"Good." The silver-haired Blood nodded and turned towards the outside, he settled into his seat and was immediately served a cup of extremely fresh blood.

He held the cup of blood carelessly, but instantly lost interest after taking a sniff and slammed it down to the ground.

A few servants in the back fell to their knees in shock.

"This blood is not fresh at all." The silver-haired Blood looked away coldly, "Is this what you're fooling me with?"

"Lord Lord, this is already the freshest blood! It was only taken out."

"You were still very happy with that blood yesterday ......" knowing full well that the words would most likely offend the lord, but with his life at stake, the servant could only speak with a stiff upper lip.

The silver-haired Bloods' face sank, suddenly realizing something, and said, "Get out!"

Several servants did not dare to continue to stay here, have rolled and crawled out of the room.

The silver-haired blood walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, when it was already late, he could clearly see a white moon hanging in the sky, with a few hints of blood on it.

This servant is right, the blood is indeed still exactly the same as before, without any change, but ......

He couldn't help but remember the moment of the previous disturbance, he smelled the scent of blood that seemed to be in the air.

It almost put him in a trance. After feeling that blood, how could one still tolerate ordinary blood.



Wuji Gu and the others entered the castle and were immediately led towards their residence.

There is no doubt that this castle has been very old for some time, all around with a sense of gloom. Perhaps because it is late in the day, the air seems to be with a bone-chilling coolness, the surrounding area is faintly can hear the sound of women sobbing in general.

The people know that this is by no means their own hallucinations, the ghosts in this castle is certainly not less where! Outside the moat at least or openly by them to see, as for this castle, who knows where to hide.

That said, this place can simply be taken intact to do the haunted house. The road is even more seven turns, if the people who came just ordinary villagers, it is estimated that want to return to the original road are difficult, even the players are difficult enough.

"Don't wander around when you get to your accommodation." The man who led them spoke with an expressionless face, "or if anything happens, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Why can't we walk around, is there any danger or something ......" one asked boldly, "We rarely come to the castle, can't we just walk around?"

The leader simply said coldly, "Don't go anywhere if you don't want to die. There are quite a few things in the castle that not ordinary people like you can know."

Probably can not set any more words, the crowd had to shut up.

After leading the crowd to a fairly sumptuous dinner, the leader of the group urged the general to hurry up and let them go to their accommodation.

The conditions here are neither good nor bad, all are one room per person. And women and men are living separately, separated by the large room previously used for dining, you need to cross this hall to reach the opposite side.

After all, this lord is not shabby to that extent, so that the people invited to a few people crowded a room.

But what creeped the players out was that the man who led them here clearly had a few moments of fear on his face after he arrived, as if there was something about this place that scared him.

Shit, if it's an ordinary situation, forget it. This is a psychic copy, something will definitely happen to this place! And the scariest thing is, because the village people know nothing about what's going on in the castle, so they don't know anything about it at all!

"What's wrong with this place?" A man immediately said, "There's nothing wrong with this place you've got us staying, is there?"

How could the man say it, sniffing is a cold face, "What are you kidding, what can be wrong with the lord's castle? You'd better stay honest and wait for tomorrow's notice."

The man is still Wuji Gu slowly walked up, Yuanzhou Lu are on tenterhooks, he thought Wuji Gu will not use any violent means to force the man to ask it, was about to go forward to stop, want to say to do it when no one around to do it again, he was Wuji Gu performance to stunned.

Wuji Gu walked up to the man's front, but revealed a pleading look. At this point in the man's view is a soft and beautiful young girl, with a period of time to look at their own eyes, with a fearful face, the slender body seems to be trembling.

Yuanzhou Lu : "??!"

"We don't want to do anything, since the lord lord wants us to stay here, of course we will stay well ......" Wuji Gu put his acting skills to the test at this point and said, "But after all, we are all not familiar with this place Not familiar with it, I don't know if we will break any taboos, I am also very afraid ...... If you can, can you tell us anything?"

Other players see here are a little annoyed in their hearts, think this NPC is really too much, actually want their intellectual and beautiful Moe Moe so pleading, if they still do not say the truth then they will have to do it.

Lv Xiao the whole person is stunned, he seems to see again the first day to meet the Moe Moe sister, really Moe Moe sister in reality must be what actor it! This acting skills are simply amazing.

As for Yuanzhou Lu, he was already stunned by Wuji Gu's superb acting skills, and even subconsciously had a few moments of pity, and then once again the idea that Wuji Gu is not really a woman, before it was all a woman dressed as a man came to mind ......

There is no chance for the players to make a move, the man has been confused by Wuji Gu, the attitude is instantly much better, said: "In fact, it's nothing, just this place has slightly happened before some things. If someone knocks on the door at night, don't open it."

The crowd: "?" This is obviously very fucking wrong, right, there will be ghosts knocking on the door here at night? This place is simply a lot of people have died before, right!

And certainly not as simple as this man said, even if they do not open the door, that the ghost will really go away? It would be strange not to collect a head.

Wuji Gu nodded, "Thank you so much."

"Also, only one person can sleep in each room, and never two people can stay." The man cautioned again, "Otherwise, there will definitely be things that you will regret."

Others heard here are already feeling a stiff body, fortunately Wuji Gu asked, otherwise they originally had a lot of people are planning to put together at night, after all, more people is definitely safer.

But now it seems that two people in a room may be more attracted to the ghost.

When the leader left, he looked at Wuji Gu with a few moments of regret. He thought he was well concealed, but in fact, the crowd had long since noticed, and all of them had a sudden heart.

After sending the man off, the crowd was in a tense mood as they prepared to return to their rooms, and they wanted to quickly set up their defenses so that they wouldn't be killed directly by the ghost at night.

Yuanzhou Lu and Lv Xiao are also to be separated from Wuji Gu, although Yuanzhou Lu knows that Wuji Gu is actually a man, but who told this copy set Wuji Gu is a girl, at this time also can only live in the female side. Not only Wuji Gu, but also the big, thick, muscular player in female clothing can only live in the female side ......

And the game gender setting is absolute, obviously how this muscle man does not look like a woman, but all the NPCs only slightly frowned at the sight of him, did not suspect the person's gender at all.

"Wait, Brother Lu--"

Wuji Gu pulled Yuanzhou Lu, feeling the eyes of the surrounding people towards this side, he immediately made a look like a young girl in love, holding Yuanzhou Lu's hand, as if the couple did not want to part.

The crowd's eyes were suddenly very clear, as if they had instantly understood everything.

Lv Xiao are shocked, it is difficult to Meng Meng sister and Lu big brother has long been a bunch of? Suddenly he felt that he would not have been a light bulb in the middle of others all this time ......

Li Li over there saw it simply to be angry to explode, or by the female followers to hold back to not do anything irrational to.

After a discussion between Wuji Gu and Yuanzhou Lu, Wuji Gu left as if he was reluctant to leave, turning his head as if there were tears in his eyes.

Yuanzhou Lu at this point are somewhat bewildered, he felt his sexual orientation are challenged ...... finally he decided that if he could get out alive, or to see Wuji Gu shooting the film well, he must remember this guy is a man thing ah!

Li Li then ran over and hurriedly said to Wuji Gu, "Sister Meng Meng, if anything happens tonight, make sure you call me!"

Wuji Gu nodded, and the other side put her heart down, although it was clear that Wuji Gu's strength was much stronger than hers.

Wuji Gu thought about it also to: "If something happens at night, you also call me, I will go to help."

Li Li is simply moved almost to tears, and even feel themselves from this beautiful girl to feel the glory of the Virgin ...... and asked how his injuries were.

Wuji Gu only said that he was recovering quite well because of his physique, but in fact he had already healed the wound directly when he was bandaged long ago, so as not to affect his play.

After coming out of the hall, you can see that there is a corridor in front of you, five rooms are distributed on top of this corridor, and at the end is the toilet, and you can also take a bath in it.

Of course these players are crazy to take a bath in this haunted place as if nothing had happened, which is not the same as calling a ghost to get yourself killed?

After entering the room. Wuji Gu looked at the construction of this room, very ordinary, inside also only a single bed, bedside table with an oil lamp, next to a closet, but otherwise nothing.

The window on the side is very small, and is located above the room, almost only to play the role of ventilation. Even if you can barely get next to the window, you can only see a darkness when you look out.

Instead, the door is unlocked and can be pushed open with a few more tosses and turns. This does not know how many players will be frightened, fearing what they do at night by the ghost.

The first thing Wuji Gu did when he sat down was to release the two ghosts that he had captured from the casino from the box.

In the moment he opened, the two ghosts as if they had seen a ghost, the two of them can be seen one than the other color white, the body is also constantly shivering, and then a closer look, the two ghosts of the body also shrunk a circle, like malnutrition in general.

Wuji Gu then looked at Huang Da, who had obviously eaten and drunk and seemed to have grown a circle, immediately fell into silence and could already make up his mind what had happened in the box.

He didn't even expect the two ghosts to be so useless, but they do seem to scare people. And Huang Da is not even human, of course there is not the slightest fear of them ......

The two ghosts didn't even need Wuji Gu to say anything, they already fell down on their knees in front of him, their words carrying a sense of fear to the extreme.

"Please, please don't put us in there again!"

"Whatever it takes for us to do, as long as we don't go to that hellhole again!"

They no longer dare to remember exactly what they experienced when they were locked in that box, it's simply not something that would happen to an ordinary ghost! That horrible monster kept chasing them in a small place ......

This is a fear they have never experienced in their lives! This human is too ruthless!

Wuji Gu are amazed, these two ghosts are so aware of it? Huang Da actually so useful, maybe next time he can reconsider ......

"Don't worry, I won't do that again, after all, I'm not some heartless person, I just didn't expect it to turn out that way before I put you in."

Of course, because Wuji Gu had nothing else to put the ghosts on, the two ghosts could not be pulled out on the street, and he would do it again if he had to.

Wuji Gu said, with a few words of appeasement in his tone, "As long as you help me do something, the previous ones will be written off, and I am willing to let you go."

After what happened before, the two ghosts seemed to be more frightened by Wuji Gu than by the ghosts, so they could not believe his words and felt that they would be killed by Wuji Gu if they disobeyed him, so they trembled and said, "If you have something to say, we will do it."

"You guys go around this castle tonight and ask around to find out exactly what ...... has happened in this place and what the banquet tomorrow is all about." Wuji Gu said.

"Don't we need to help you keep watch?" They came out when they had sensed that the place where they are now is not simple, 80% is the kind of haunted place, the surrounding atmosphere is also extremely bad, this ghost is estimated to be not easy to deal with.

Generally people are more concerned about their own lives at times like this, right? How can they dispatch others so casually, or does the person in front of them simply not perceive how dangerous the situation really is.

"...... I still have to talk to that ghost." Wuji Gu said, a kind smile on his face, but also seems to be looking forward to it, "After all, it must be lonely alone, it should have been waiting for someone like me who can talk for a long time."

Two ghosts: "......"

Why on earth are they actually sympathizing with that ghost already!

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