A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 77: He had the feeling that Wuji Gu was even more dangerous around him than in the copy

Chapter 77: He had the feeling that Wuji Gu was even more dangerous around him than in the copy

Wuji Gu, of course, agreed to Yangshuo Xia's request.

Although it is not the work of the entertainment industry as expected at the beginning, but when the time may be able to meet some people related to this area, certainly can also inquire about what things.

After all, that master Ning was taken away by Jia Cheng just like that, Jia Ning's people will definitely not just let it go, and they have to prepare themselves just in case.

Wuji Gu did not feel the trouble, anyway, the first twenty years are so over, now is only the trouble from the ghost into the human, it is the same.

Yangshuo Xia got Wuji Gu's answer, simply overjoyed, feeling that he must be able to raise his eyebrows among those cousins who had always despised him, and even get the position of heir ...... By that time, that Jia Cheng is far from being able to compare with him.

A time Yangshuo Xia to Wuji Gu's attitude are more and more good, but also said he was willing to promise him all sorts of benefits, are some ordinary people hear the eyes will be red things.

However, listening to Yangshuo Xia's words, Wuji Gu's attitude was very flat, and even Yangshuo Xia felt a bit of impatience from it.

Yangshuo Xia are amazed, this is worthy of a worldly master, if replaced by ordinary people, even if the few families heard the people have to be excited, but Wuji Gu is not cared about the appearance of ...... think Gu master simply do not care about these mundane things it.

Yangshuo Xia has a few more points to say about Wuji Gu, then casually mentions his recent industry in the entertainment industry.

Then he noticed an immediate change in Wuji Gu's attitude, as if he was still interested.

Yangshuo Xia felt more admiration for Wuji Gu, such a worldly man casually came to the entertainment industry to play actually have such a dedicated attitude, this must be the kind of artist like people! If you force the other party to arrange any movie, is it an insult to the pursuit of the other party. It is really too dangerous, almost made irreparable things.

So Yangshuo Xia didn't mention the topic of showbiz at all, and he had no idea how he missed an opportunity to brush up on Wuji Gu's goodwill.

After the two of them finished their meal. Since the bodyguard was waiting outside for the sake of secrecy, Yangshuo Xia condescended to pull open the door and let Wuji Gu out, after all, this can't be done by Master Gu himself.

Yangshuo Xia, who used to feel unhappy even pushing the door, now actually has a feeling of honor, after all, he is serving such a worldly man.

Only a few steps out, the two saw a woman with a child at the corridor in front of them, and suddenly her body shook.

Wuji Gu immediately went forward to hold each other, so that the woman did not just fall to the ground, and asked, "Are you okay?"

He then found himself holding the woman's body cold, but the other party is obviously a living person, but the face is white, cold sweat continues to trickle down from the face, as if an acute illness, to Wuji Gu weakly said thank you.

In Wuji Gu's years of experience, it seems that the other party does not look like a sudden illness, but rather like the appearance of Yin Qi eroding the body.

"Are there any more ghosts here?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but think about it.

"Why is there no one here?" Yangshuo Xia came from the back could not help but frown, he did not want to just out of a door to meet such trouble, if blackmailed on the trouble, not to mention that now also involved in the Gu Masters, immediately went to contact the restaurant staff.

Wuji Gu slightly sent some healing power to the other party and sent the woman to the seat next to her. The woman's face looked slightly better, and she didn't even realize that it was all from Wuji Gu's ability, and thought it was from her own slight rest.

The child next to him was looking at Wuji Gu at that moment.

Wuji Gu now found next to the boy who looks seven or eight years old, his appearance is very beautiful and lovely, but his face is very pale, his expression is cold, dark eyes fixed looking at him, for no reason to give a sense of creepiness.

Could it be that this child is the reason why this woman has become like this?

"You just, what did you do?" The boy spoke softly.

Wuji Gu always feel that he has a kind of unspeakable dangerous atmosphere, but no matter how you look at it, it is just a child ...... and the ghost gives a completely different feeling.

He did not answer the other party's question, just took out a magic cube from his pocket and handed it to the other party, "Suddenly encountered this kind of thing, you are also very worried, right, this is for you."

While talking, Wuji Gu also naturally leaned over and held his hand, showing him how to play with the cube. This toy is a prop that Wuji Gu had bought in the mall before, and now it is just ready to be used.

The boy took the Rubik's Cube from Wuji Gu. It seemed to be the first time he got such a toy and the first time he was patiently instructed by such a gentle and good-looking person, and he looked up at Wuji Gu several times, with a vague sense of expectation in his eyes.

It was only at this point that the boy gave the impression that he was really a child of the living.

"Why are you giving me this? What do you want?"

Wuji Gu shook his head and gave a faint smile, "You just have to take it."

At the same time, Wuji Gu felt that the boy's hands, although also cold to the extreme, there is also the presence of Yin Qi, but does not produce erosion of his body ......

That woman saw Wuji Gu and the boy contact, immediately blushed, almost about to exclaim, but her eyes seemed to carry a little fear, and did not dare to reprimand the boy, only hurriedly said: "Xiaoqi, do not need to say so much, just thank others brother."

The boy then nodded slightly and thanked Wuji Gu. Although he was a little reluctant, he took the cube and returned to his mother's side after a look from the woman.

Wuji Gu felt that this boy and ordinary people give a very different feeling, whether it is speech or grooming aspects, let people feel very different.

And by then the staff also rushed to take the woman towards the stairs, the boy also followed, only to turn his head and look deeply at Wuji Gu before leaving.

"Master Gu, is there anything wrong?" Yangshuo Xia felt that this was all his own mistake, "I didn't expect the people in this restaurant to be so unreliable, actually not even a few people found out when something happened to their own guests, next time I will definitely book a better restaurant."

"Nothing is wrong." Wuji Gu also said in a reassuring tone, "They should also be just a momentary oversight."

And in fact Wuji Gu think it may be because of their own that hit the ghost body, will get here to hit this pair of mother and son ...... he grew up to so big this twenty years this kind of thing has not stopped.

Yangshuo Xia felt the thoughtfulness of Wuji Gu and was immediately touched.

And Wuji Gu looked at the back of the pair of mother and son already far away, the mind is still thinking about the unusual in the pair of mother and son, such a person even with his this rich experience have never seen.

It seems that since he got the system, the psychic events he encountered are also escalating more and more than before, and the problems are becoming more and more difficult to solve ...... However, his career in terms of the entertainment industry is also developing, which makes Wuji Gu very happy instead.

He will not continue to think about such things, anyway, if there is fate, will certainly meet again, right.



When the woman arrived downstairs, she refused the ambulance called by the restaurant staff, stating that she had no more problems.

The restaurant staff was Yangshuo Xia ordered, and asked a few more questions, the woman apparently some impatience, the staff let her go.

The woman was relieved to see this and hurriedly took the child to the car waiting at the side entrance which was much hidden.

"Why have you waited so long, is it just a meal? What if you wait long and delay the boss?" The man in front had a very unpleasant attitude.

"I'm really sorry, something suddenly came up, I would have explained to him if I could." The woman hastened to speak, with a touch of ingratiation in her tone, as if she was afraid the man would leave them behind.

"It's not necessary. If I hadn't heard that you were from the Cheng family, the old boss wouldn't have let me come over." The man's tone was full of displeasure, and he immediately drove towards his destination, "If what you say is false, you'll have a good time when the time comes."

"Of course not!" The woman's face steepled a bit, and her eyes did not look at her child, just muttered under her breath, as if she was brainwashing herself, "He is indeed a child of the Cheng family, and indeed ...... there will be no accidents."

That's right, this is definitely something that can't go wrong! She should also never go back to that place, and only by capturing the Cheng family would she be able to escape.

The boy next to him didn't listen to them at all and just played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand; no one had ever given him such a gift before that.


On the other hand, in the airport of this city, a group of people also walked to the location of the parking lot and waited for the driver to bring the car here.

The leader is a handsome looking young man, dyed with some incestuous colors, took off his sunglasses and looked around, with a bit of novelty in his eyes, and spoke in a frivolous tone, "Is this the city where Ning Profound has disappeared? It looks very ordinary, I don't know what there is to play."

A few middle-aged men behind them, who obviously looked very disciplined, had cold sweat trickling down their faces, and one of them hastily reminded, " Young Master Yang Ning, don't forget your business!"

"This is a very dangerous place, even that Ning Profound are planted, even the clan can not find where he went, can only guess that he may be dragged by the ghost to a space somewhere ...... you should be careful."

"We just need to come and finish the job this time, don't make a mess out of it."

They are all trembling in their hearts, who knows how Jia Ning out of Yang Ning such a character, obviously has amazing talent, but acting completely different from the norm, the whole person is very different ...... this time is also the family above want to sharpen him to throw him here, I hope absolutely nothing happens ah.

What happened here is also shocked the majority of the family, after all, Ning Profound in the family is also considered to be some famous people, but actually so unexplained disappearance, as for him to catch the Liege is not the slightest movement.

If you investigate, you can only find out that it seems to be a small star called Wuji Gu and the matter is related, but how can such a person have that kind of strength, I am afraid that behind him that is the real dare to Jia Ning action people.

After all, Jia Ning is not the only family, the relationship between several families involved in the slightest carelessness behind this, so it can only let Yang Ning such family juniors to check the situation.

"Of course I know what's going on, how many times have I told you, I don't have memory loss." Yang Ning raised his eyebrows and said, "But it's so hard to get out of that hellhole, of course I have to be allowed to enjoy it first. As for that what Ning Profound thing ...... just a few of you first to see what happens!"

At the end of the sentence, a cab pulled up in front of him, and Yang Ning got right in, and as soon as the door was closed, he took off.

" Young Master Yang Ning!"

Several people looked at the distant car in consternation and fell into silence.


On the other hand, in the system space.

Yuanzhou Lu just came out of a copy that was very low difficulty for him and passed with ease, he even saved a few players in the process and got a considerable amount of points.

But he knew deep down that the copy he was going to enter soon was the really hard one. If he was not careful, he would lose his life in it. Now he had to accumulate more points so that he could have more cards to support himself through.

Yuanzhou Lu remembered Wuji Gu at this time and was trying to contact him when he received a message from the organization saying that there was something important for them to see.

Yuanzhou Lu frowned, after failing to pull Wuji Gu into their organization, because and he has always looked at the wrong people recruited a person with healing props, in the organization's status increased greatly, but also began to ostracize him in the dark, so Yuanzhou Lu is very disappointed with the organization.

But so it seemed that it should be important, he still rushed to his destination.

This is their organization in the system space to spend points to purchase down the territory, very hidden, can prevent the leakage of information.

Yuanzhou Lu was seated before noticing that everyone who was not in the copy at this time was probably already here.

"Have you seen the video of this person named Shi Sun's clearance?" The person sitting at the front of the room said with a straight face.

The crowd was a bit confused, who is this Shi Sun, is there such a person?

At this point one person said with a bit of excitement in his voice, "I watched it. This is the video that was recommended by a well-known player this morning, and I watched it because I was curious, and it was so shocking."

"But unfortunately, this video also has little reference value." Another person shook his head, "After all, it's impossible for the average person to make it this far."

The others listened with great curiosity. The man in charge then played the video.

As the video progressed, the crowd couldn't help but fall into silence. After all, they were really stunned by what the protagonist of this video had done.

This is the first time I've ever seen a person who's been in a copy of a book like this, and he's still doing it so calmly! The actual fact that he came to brush the copy or go to the farmhouse ah, actually began to plant and talk to the lady and grandfather, what is all this ah!

If this is not the organization boss is very much valued video, they will feel that the protagonist is not a brain problem again.

What about the ghosts in this copy? Why do they give hints so easily? This is not like a normal ghost at all! It's good that the ghosts don't chase and kill the players, you ghosts maintain your dignity, okay?

And this Shi Sun's teammate is the well-known bogeyman Yunxiu Qi, right ...... this Yunxiu Qi how and they think not quite the same ah.


When it was all over, the crowd's outlook was refreshed and they wondered if they and the Shi Sun player were playing the same game or not and why it was so different!

Even Shen Shan, apparently the top strength ghost in the copy actually interested in a player, what the hell is this unfolding ah!

You know that the average player is barely able to keep his life under the pursuit of various ghosts. And those powerful players are also cautious at every step, the slightest inadvertence is full of losses.

No matter what, they are in the copy is nervous to the extreme. But that Shi Sun ...... whole person is like going to the farmhouse, how can this not let others doubt life.

Yuanzhou Lu could not help but fall into silence, he felt that this person was acting too familiar, although the appearance and Wuji Gu different, but do these things ...... simply Wuji Gu himself. But he did not dare to be sure, after all, in the absence of firm evidence before or difficult to make a decision.

"What did everyone think after watching it?"

"I think I need to go watch these copies with a new perspective." One is still in a bit of a trance, "Maybe the next copy will have a beautiful female ghost fall in love with me too."

"You think too much, that beautiful female ghost if really fall in love with you, not immediately get you dead to accompany her would be good, it is also to have the appropriate strength."

"Yeah, I think the video is still dangerous and may give people a kind of contempt for the copy. You know this copy is definitely not easy, other players can't even resist before they die." One person frowned, "I even doubt the real purpose of the person who put out this video."

"But there's no doubt that this Shi Sun guy is definitely very powerful, and he hasn't even joined any organization yet." The leader of this organization had already jumped up a bit, "If we can pull him in, we can definitely increase the survival rate of the members of the whole organization!"

"While no one else was paying attention, we first extended an invitation to this person, and it just so happened that a spot opened up not long ago."

In fact, the organization chief is so eager because his copy of the difficult one is about to arrive.

In this game, there is no situation that allows players to always have an easy time. Every once in a while, the system will schedule a copy that must be entered by the player, and it cannot be avoided by entering early.

And this copy will not necessarily be very difficult, but will certainly target the weaknesses or vital points of the party. Even the most powerful players are difficult to survive when they encounter such copies.

The only considerate thing about this copy is that the players will be informed of the situation several copies in advance, so that they have time to prepare and not to die a violent death as soon as they enter.

None of the other people raised an opinion, rather than the thought that such a powerful figure may become a member of their own organization to facilitate their own thighs, they support is not enough, where there will be any opposition.

Only the one who is not so sure about the Wuji Gu conspiracy theory, but he alone can not influence the opinions of others, but can only hate the itch.

Yuanzhou Lu has vaguely guessed that this person may be Wuji Gu, immediately from the meeting venue, ready to communicate with Wuji Gu about the situation ......

"What, do you still want to pull that whatever you know into our organization?" The others noticed this scene instantly and gloomily came over and mocked.

"Don't even think about it, even if that Shi Sun doesn't want to, there's no chance of that new guy you know!"

"Yes, our organization is not your backyard, do you still think that you can pull in a random person to be able to compete with this Shi Sun big brother?"

Yuanzhou Lu fell silent for a while and wondered how these people would feel if Wuji Gu was really the Shi Sun's words.



Others, of course, saw the video as well. Shi Sun's name became well known among the players in no time.

The reason is that Shi Sun's appearance is very good, and there is a kind of carefree charm in every move, and even when he is farming, he is so elegant. The company's fans have been so popular that they have set up a fan support group in the forum, and they think Shi Sun can beat those stars outside.

Of course, Shi Sun's behavior is also despised by many people, that just this copy happens to be relatively easy, so that such people clam up, next time to go to a higher difficulty, the villain boss a little more scary copy, this Shi Sun will certainly die a violent death in place.

As for the face, this is all adjustable in the virtual world, God knows what this Shi Sun really looks like, maybe he got a plastic surgery props with amazing results?

Anyway, no matter what people think, Shi Sun has become famous and is no longer a nobody.

Only Haocang Peng recognized Shi Sun's true identity as soon as he saw the video, after all he was the only other player who survived a copy of the mountain inn with Wuji Gu.

He didn't expect Wuji Gu to encounter even more amazing things after he changed his copy, and this time he actually got Shen Shan?

But because he has been surprised so many times, this has made Haocang Peng's mind not to make any waves, and he is just meaningfully shocked.

To say what he really thinks of Wuji Gu at this point, it would be fear.

After all, Haocang Peng two people from the same organization died in the system space for no apparent reason! The people of the organization did not care too much, and thought that these two people died outside, anyway, every copy of the game died more people, which they have so much energy to care.

But Haocang Peng also had contact with those two people before and knew very well that they were in the system space! In addition to their anger towards Wuji Gu, their deaths must be related to Wuji Gu ...... and the fact that the most important person in Wuji Gu's life was a ghost in the mist in front of him in the island escape copy.

In short, this series of events has made Haocang Peng begin to have the intention of cowardice, he has no balls to tell Wuji Gu's story anyway, and even less to continue contact with Wuji Gu.

He even had the feeling that Wuji Gu was even more dangerous around him than in the copy!

Although Haocang Peng has a pretty good feeling about Wuji Gu himself, he shivers when he thinks about what happened to him.

I hope Wuji Gu himself knows about that ghost ...... he is already not courageous to say.

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