A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 235: wedding

Chapter 235: wedding

"I see what you mean." Jia Cheng tried his best to hold down the excitement inside, a calm look spoke, "But now the situation is very dangerous, you should still think about how you should pass."

Wuji Gu how would you think Jia Cheng even think about the marriage thing up, now heart a feeling Jia Cheng simply too kind, immediately said: "I probably have an idea of this copy."

He had been to some copies to do some things before the official start ...... but the mirror world he hadn't specifically messed with, so he couldn't figure out what Jia Cheng was thinking.

"That's good." Jia Cheng nodded, he still believed in Wuji Gu's strength, after all, ordinary people can't do what he did, and those who can run away from him and take others with them are by no means idle.

Of course, Wuji Gu's process of running away is a bit intense, and cheated Jia Cheng's feelings, although Wuji Gu himself does not know such things.

"Then you can take the others with you now, I didn't hurt their lives." Jia Cheng just didn't want the others to get in the way of his communication with Wuji Gu, "But before you go, I want to say something to you."

"What?" Wuji Gu looked over in confusion.

"You should not trust the people around you too much." Jia Cheng opened his mouth, his eyes seemed to see through Wuji Gu to someone trapped somewhere in this room, "Your side ......" he said here, as if he was restricted by something and could not continue to speak, he could only glare around viciously A look, and finally said: "Anyway, be careful."

Wuji Gu always feels that Jia Cheng's eyes are enigmatic with a bit of tenderness.

In fact, Jia Cheng had already made up a lot of things in his mind at this time, after all, he thought that what Wuji Gu said was similar to his confession. Considering that this person had not been in touch with any emotional matters when he was still alive, and had not thought about it even after he became a ghost, it was normal for him to think about Wuji Gu's words casually.

After that Wuji Gu and Jia Cheng exchanged another half-day conversation, which of course was a chicken-and-egg affair, and finally Wuji Gu was sent out the door to see the other players in a terrible state.

[The conditions have been met, you can leave now.] The system's words then rang out.

The crowd tossed in the space full of evil spirits for half a day, and finally nearly hanging inside when suddenly transported out. And they saw Wuji Gu, who was dressed neatly and even as if nothing had happened, with a feeling of admiration.

Wuji Gu deserves to be such a big brother, he encountered such a severe ghost all in one piece and still managed to finish the mission. Wuji Gu must have encountered something amazing when they didn't know about it! Maybe it was a life of nine deaths, but still managed to behave so lightly.

Qingman Rong, on the contrary, scanned Wuji Gu a few more times, as if he had noticed something.

The crowd gathered in the system space: "......"

This is indeed an amazing encounter, but in no way is it the kind of amazing thing that other players think it is!

Wuji Gu The process of passing the test here is almost like going to have a cup of tea with an old lover, easily coaxed into submission and directly away.



A few more people headed for the next building.

The building that appeared in front of them looked like a dilapidated brick house that would only appear in a remote mountain village, how it looked like it was uninhabited and surrounded by barren grass.

But the weird thing is that there are red lanterns hanging at the entrance, emitting light, and even the word Xi is attached, as if a wedding banquet is about to be held here.

Yunxiu Qi's expression immediately had a subtle change, and he also spoke with some nostalgia, "It's this copy."

Wuji Gu also nodded.

It is obvious that this is the copy of the Underworld Wedding where Yunxiu Qi and Wuji Gu met. In the beginning Yunxiu Qi was a person who was scorned by other players because of his ghost eyes, but only Wuji Gu did not care about this and teamed up with him, and then even used his actions to convert Yunxiu Qi in his actions, and his goodwill soared.

After that, Yunxiu Qi obtained the method to bring Ghost Eyes to its fullest extent in other copies, and even restrained it normally, and looked no different from ordinary people in appearance, and his looks were far superior to those of ordinary players. Together with his amazing strength, there have been many players trying to get on good terms with him.

Of course Yunxiu Qi does not care about these people at all, in his mind the only person who is qualified to team up with him is Wuji Gu, and after that he has come this far on his own. In any case, for Yunxiu Qi, it is more important for him to explore the copy with Wuji Gu than anything else.

"It's probably just fate between us to meet here once again."

This copy of the Underworld Wedding is supposed to have solved the problem, the villain boss village chief is gone. The ghosts have been purified, and there is Shen Shan sitting in the town, Yunxiu Qi do not know what other problems are needed for their players to come.

[Players are required to attend the wedding banquet and can leave naturally when it is over].

The system's words were too simple, so simple that one would think something must have gone wrong. It's just that the crowd had no choice, not even the time to fix it, and entered the building one by one.

Wuji Gu was even the first to walk in.

It looks very plain inside, with an open space in the middle and several tables on either side, all filled with meals that seem to be prepared for the guests attending the wedding banquet.

There was a small door next to it that could be entered, and Wuji Gu cautiously walked over and pushed it open to find a bedroom with the bride and groom's clothes on the bed.

"What is this about?"

The other players had also walked in. Although they are not as strong as Wuji Gu, but they have experienced more copies than Wuji Gu. One of them immediately spoke up, "Since this copy asks us to attend the wedding banquet, it means there should be a bride and groom, but there are only clothes here, maybe the players are told to play ...... "

When the words came, the crowd was suddenly silent.

The reason is that they suddenly remembered that in the previous copy of Wuji Gu's resume, Wuji Gu had worn the wedding dress of the Underworld copy, and also had an affair with the Shen Shan boss of that copy. This is already visible to the naked eye to tell them how to do this level!

"Then I'll wear it." Wuji Gu himself is frank and honest, what does it matter if you can get by with a dress anyway, women's clothing comes naturally to a professionally trained actor like him.

"But what about this groom's clothes?"

The crowd is confused, after all, if Shen Shan boss like Wuji Gu words, will also be specially for him to get a date?

But this question is not answered just by thinking, Yunxiu Qi immediately forward, reaching out to pick up the groom's clothes, but before that, a hand but violently pulled the clothes first.

"You!" Yunxiu Qi coldly glared over, and the person who picked up the clothes was clearly Qingman Rong.

"I what?" Qingman Rong is originally a proud man, in front of Wuji Gu and kind even, in front of other people that are not false, not to mention he has long been displeased with this and he grabbed the position of Yunxiu Qi, immediately sneered, "Of course this dress is for me to try out. Someone to try the danger for you is not good? What else do you mean?"

"I've been through this copy, and no one knows better than me what to do." Yunxiu Qi's hand has been placed on his prop, the threatening implication is self-evident.

"You think I'll be afraid if you make a move?" Qingman Rong's face also turned steeply cold.

Others: "......" Shit! Is this the most dangerous part of this copy! It was deliberately used in this way to make them kill each other!

After all, even if it is just an act, such an opportunity to marry Wuji Gu these two men do not want to let go. The situation has become so dangerous.

"You don't have to fight." The voice of Wuji Gu, who had just gone nowhere, interrupted the two men at swordpoint, averting a crisis of a major internal fight.

"I think Yunxiu Qi is more suitable." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, Yunxiu Qi was simply ecstatic, looking at Wuji Gu with eyes full of tenderness. Wuji Gu opened his mouth, Yunxiu Qi was simply ecstatic, looking at Wuji Gu with eyes full of tenderness, when he heard Wuji Gu pointing to the portrait hanging by the bed, "This portrait already says it all."

The crowd turned their heads to look, just because the two almost fought as soon as they entered the door, so they did not have time to investigate the inside of the door, only now to pay attention to a hidden place after there is actually a portrait. The portrait is clearly the image of Wuji Gu and Yunxiu Qi once experienced a copy of a certain screen.

Seeing this, Qingman Rong also had to let go of his hand, thinking that this is not really a marriage anyway, it is only such a hopeless man who would comfort himself with such things.

Yunxiu Qi was disappointed that he had won, but how much better it would have been if Wuji Gu had been the one to choose. But he also knows that this is impossible, after all, Wuji Gu is a straight man of steel.



The wedding reception started.

Players sitting at the table, hot and lively music from nowhere, obviously very happy but let people inexplicably not too comfortable. As for the meal on the table, no one dared to move.

Then a pair of 'newlyweds' came out of the room, and their faces were simply a pair of juggernauts, making people freeze for a while.

The crowd's eyes immediately fell on the female Wuji Gu. Unlike what they thought of the sense of incongruity, the female Wuji Gu that face is still quite amazing, and he is very professional even if women's clothing to dress perfectly as a woman, the effect is surprisingly good, and even let many people present suddenly have the illusion that they are bent.

If Wuji Gu is a woman now probably has a fishy ...... No, no! As a man Wuji Gu has good where to go! He even attracts a lot of LiGui, not a powerful person who dares to do with these LiGui love rivals.

Only now do they suddenly realize that Yunxiu Qi has simply made a fortune.

Qingman Rong's eyes were very cold, the more he looked at Yunxiu Qi, the more unpleasant, just hope this copy ends quickly.

The players watching the live stream were also stunned. They couldn't help but start thinking that if this copy could be successfully cleared, this Wuji Gu's female costume would probably become the new player goddess. Although Wuji Gu himself is a man, but in front of the absolute face who cares so much!

Wuji Gu's hand is held by someone beside him, but this hand is surprisingly cold. He turned his head to look and Yunxiu Qi gave him a gentle smile. Very gentle, but also very familiar ...... This is not the look of Yunxiu Qi himself, but the one who has crossed paths with him before, the existence that actually has the highest strength in the copy of Underworld Marriage - Shen Shan .

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