A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 233: The final copy has been started

Chapter 233: The final copy has been started

Wuji Gu has once again caused a stir in the system space.

Although other people's experiences are also very legendary comparable to any fictional characters. But Wuji Gu ...... that is really quite a maverick in these people that. The most amazing thing is that all of these evil spirits can have a leg up with him!

Some of those who have watched Wuji Gu's previous gossip have a feeling of nostalgia at this time. As for those new players who came in later, and advanced players who never paid attention to the gossip, their eyes are now going to fall out.

This Wuji Gu damn is this psychic horror infinite flow game played into the love game.

The original people who were eager to rebel, now immediately do not say a word and honestly stay, which who still dare to rebel ah! Originally I thought Wuji Gu was lucky to have taken in the King of Ghosts, maybe I could take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits. ...... Now I see, it's all because Wuji Gu himself is too good in all aspects, especially in recruiting ghosts!

And these messages did not even mention Wuji Gu's other ghost, who knows where that ghost king level ghost is Wuji Gu from, he is still hiding too many cards.

After all, although the evil god boss and Wuji Gu is not so straightforward romantic drama occurred, proved that this is still a psychic copy. But this boss to Wuji Gu that special attention is everyone can see, a terrible but very real idea in the hearts of the people emerged.

The devotee of the evil god boss, after half a day of stewing, took a fixed look at Wuji Gu's profile on the screen and chose to join his camp.

After all, everyone is a very devout believer, of course, where the evil god boss is they choose.

But when they remembered that Wuji Gu had not just one but two ghosts, the believers were furious! They would have to find a way to deal with the other evil spirit in Wuji Gu's body.

After all this, all the people who had been qualified had joined Wuji Gu's camp, and a large number of players had also chosen Wuji Gu. After all, no matter who they choose, they are all on Wuji Gu's side, so they might as well just choose Wuji Gu.

This is probably something that has never happened since the game was first held, so much so that the system beep immediately rang in everyone's ears.

[Congratulations to player Wuji Gu , the player with the most people in the camp ever. A lot of information and benefits will be distributed to you after the start of the side game].

[But in contrast, the difficulty of the game for the player Wuji Gu will also increase, the more people in the camp the more difficult the copy will be for the player, but the greater the access after passing].

Wuji Gu's heart beat faster when he heard this, and he suddenly realized something. The last game, he certainly did not have the support of so many people, so even if he survived to the end may not get too much authority, the last thing he can do is just to blend that world and this still peaceful world together.

But this time if you have this access, this time the final copy should not happen like last time.

Others also have thoughts in their minds, but before anyone can think more, the system's voice rings out once again.

[The final copy will open in one day, all players please get ready. Players who have not chosen a camp will be randomly assigned to a camp. When the final copy opens, all players will be forcibly pulled into the system space to watch the live broadcast. If the camp player dies, all those who have chosen him will also die.]

The final copy was so sudden that everyone was stunned, and originally everyone was thinking if there was time to be able to prepare, but now it is too late to see.

A large number of players are ashen faces, this final copy is certainly difficult, this time a start is estimated to be nine deaths, they immediately chose to end their regrets on this last day.

The ten players who got the qualification were in a hurry to prepare their final means, spending almost all the points in their hands. These people have a lot of reserves, hidden a lot of good props that they can not use, now all took out, only afraid that this time do not use later will not have the life to use.

Wuji Gu didn't expect it to happen so soon either. He called and said goodbye to some people he was still close to and told everyone to be careful and not to go out tomorrow.

Although their final copy will probably not affect the real world, but if he loses in the end, the real world, even if not directly destroyed, it is estimated that a lot of terrible things will happen, maybe hide and live a little longer.

The people who received Wuji Gu's call, almost all of them had worked with Wuji Gu on the film before, although they did not know about the copy, but also in cooperation with Wuji Gu was quite a lot of psychic things scared enough, now of course is believed in no doubt, have taken out the bottom of the Wuji Gu gave the charms.

As for those who have experienced the copy almost together with Wuji Gu, such as Yangshuo Xia Liangmiao Cheng, it was immediately clear that something was wrong. Jia Cheng's people were already eager to seal off their homes with three layers of people outside. As for Yangshuo Xia, he probably knew from his own sources that something big was going to happen, but of course he couldn't offer any help to Wuji Gu, it was good that he could protect himself, he could only silently hope that nothing would happen to Wuji Gu.

Liangmiao Cheng and other people who have a good feeling about Wuji Gu but have no power of their own have more complicated feelings, and they don't even have a position to care about Wuji Gu.

Then Wuji Gu began to make his final preparations, and of course he had to talk to the other players who had entered the copy before it started to discuss what to do then. Qingman Rong and Yunxiu Qi are two old acquaintances that Wuji Gu thought would be good to talk to, after all, they are so kind.

Of course, this is Wuji Gu's subjective opinion, if other people who have contact with these two people know Wuji Gu's thoughts, they will probably think that the sun has come out of the west, there are actually people who think these two men are kind!

[Because of the player's camp bonus, the copy information is now sent to you, please receive it. Also this information cannot be leaked out before entering the copy]

"Good." Wuji Gu opened the information to take a look, his face immediately changed, how he did not expect that the final copy was like this.

Is this really not the system deliberately playing him? So it seems that the system's claim that the more people in the camp, the higher the difficulty is indeed not a lie.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, "System, I want to use that skill that enables me to enter a previously cleared copy."

[Sure, which copy are you entering?]

"All of them."


The next day, all players, no matter where they were, suddenly felt a blur in their eyes, and when their vision was clear again, they were in a space where they could only watch the images that surfaced on a huge screen not far away.

Their hearts sank, knowing that the final copy had begun.


After a dizzy spell, the ten senior players appeared on a street that looked very uncommon.

At this time the sky is already dusk, but the color of the sky is not quite right, as if with the color of blood, the air can also smell the faint smell of blood.

The surrounding buildings are not to say that they are dilapidated, but they give a feeling of deadness, and each painting is not consistent, the left is still a dilapidated apartment building, the right is a small villa, and then the right is even an ancient Chinese building. As for the Yin within the street is so dense that it almost turns into substance, making people doubt whether there are still living people in this place.

[You are a group of spirit removers who received a commission and came to this spooky street. It is said that almost no one who comes in is able to leave.]

[Of course, you also perceive this, this area has been crowded with evil spirits who are unable to leave, just waiting until the last moment to be able to unlock the suppression on their bodies to come out and kill people].

[Main Quest: Live until dawn.]

[Each building has a large number of ghosts and a boss level ghost. The higher the level of the ghost, the more points you get, and if you can resolve the grudge of the boss, you can get more points.]

[As time passes the ghosts will become stronger and stronger, and even all will leave the building they originally inhabited. If you stay on the street and don't enter the building, you will be directly chased by the ghosts. But there are ways to break this as in the usual copies, so players, please cheer up.]

[The person who survives until dawn and gets the most points is the winner of this final copy].

After the system's voice fell, the crowd immediately looked at Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu opened his mouth and said, "It seems that this is a collection of haunted copies from different worlds that make up this street."

"That's right, based on the dense level of Yin Qi, the ghost bosses in these buildings around are at least at the level of high-level copies. A few of them might even be close to the Ghost King level, or simply the Ghost King level ......" Qingman Rong opened his mouth.

"And some of the buildings still look a bit familiar." Yunxiu Qi looked towards a certain building in the street, apparently a copy of one he had been to before, but now it looked higher-end than before, "Probably the ghosts inside have either grown on their own or have been forcibly upgraded by the system."

These two people are quite some tit-for-tat, after all, are people who have ideas about Wuji Gu, and happen to meet at this time, if not the timing is not right they may be a big fight, now the words can only grab in front of Wuji Gu performance, and even grab in front of those who want to hold a leg.

Others saw the situation, the heart is still a bit shocked. So think about it, Wuji Gu not only attracts ghosts, this ordinary man is not also very attractive!

"Master Gu, should we split up this time or go together?" Jiazhu Bai respectfully asked Wuji Gu for his opinion.

The people in the room have no other idea about this matter to be decided by Wuji Gu, after all, who in the room can be more powerful than Wuji Gu ah. In fact, if I say so, they all want to follow Wuji Gu ...... After all, Wuji Gu comes with two ghosts of the king level, ah! The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of hours of work.

But think about it, you know Wuji Gu will not be willing to bring so many people, this is a copy and not some other place, not more people are safe, bring so many people means increased risk, reducing their chances of survival. Ask yourself, even they themselves will not be willing to do so, unless it is to use others -

"It's better for everyone to act together." Wuji Gu uttered these words lightly, in a natural tone of voice as simple as saying something about eating and drinking.

The others didn't react for a while and looked at Wuji Gu in a daze. After all, Wuji Gu has those two Li Gui estimated not to want to use them, is this just because the other party is a simple good guy! How is this possible.

"It just so happens that I am somewhat familiar with all of these copies." Wuji Gu said, "With my experience everyone should be able to relax. It's best if no one gets hurt, so even if something goes wrong, there's still time to help."

In fact, not to mention the familiarity, most of these are simply Wuji Gu went to certain copies of the building! It made him wonder if it was a custom-made copy for him. But he had already been informed before, so he wasn't very surprised and had made some preparations.

Wuji Gu is also embarrassed to say it directly, lest so coincidentally others produce what suspicion.

What makes Wuji Gu feel the most pressure is still far away from the two most familiar buildings. They represent the two extremely difficult ghosts he has encountered ......

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