A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 200: His past

Chapter 200: His past

After confirming the copy, Wuji Gu also got some information about the copy, which probably mentions the background of the copy and the skills that may be used.

After all, the advanced copy is too difficult to pass, so the game does not mind providing information in such areas, so that players do not enter, because it does not fit the background of the story, without the skills needed to die is too bad.

"The casino of death, the background is a very empty country. And the customs and various perceptions of people in that world are not the same as the ordinary world, this casino is very strange, there are countless people into it and disappeared, but did not cause any fluctuations in the outside world ......" Wuji Gu looked at the information, read out the above information, "At the same time this casino does not require any special skills, just need the player's luck. "At the same time this copy does not require any special skills, only the player's luck is enough."

This is not too much! If those unlucky noncoms come to this copy will not be immediately hanged!

However, considering that the background is a casino, the system is also considered to suggest that players may need to disguise themselves as ordinary gamblers in order to enter the casino.

"I just happened to have gotten that dice prop earlier." Wuji Gu immediately looked it up, "This time say not right can come in handy, but 2 months later is too urgent, do not know now to learn some casino in the skills to come in time."

After all, Wuji Gu hasn't even finished his play yet!

Anyone else would have given up, but Wuji Gu couldn't give up his most important job! This is a matter more important than life.

"And more than those things ......" Wuji Gu looked to the mirror behind himself, with nothing behind him as usual, "I have this important thing left unresolved."

As soon as he woke up, Wuji Gu called home, and his parents replied that they sounded normal and were surprised that he suddenly called back, which was a relief to Wuji Gu.

Although everything was so normal, Wuji Gu was completely relieved by what happened in the dream world and asked his parents about the abduction, and their response was extremely official, no different from what Wuji Gu knew.

Then Wuji Gu searched for this matter, but had little success, as if the information had been deliberately covered up.

Wuji Gu gave Jia Cheng the task of investigating this matter and said he would go back after filming. Jia Cheng has been trying to prove himself for a long time, so he ran off like a chicken to search for information.

Sidun Ao looked at Wuji Gu with a complicated expression, "Are you going back to that world again? That existence, if they meet you again this time, will definitely not let you go again."

"I have no choice." Wuji Gu shook his head, "I'll have to go with this copy. Anyway just do the best I can."

"In that case, I can only ......" Sidun Ao wanted to say something but finally had something to hide in the heart of the look, the body also suddenly dissipated away, do not know is to do something.

Wuji Gu thought of the spirit of the senior player who was locked up and immediately talked to him to ask him about the situation. At the same time, he also called the other ghosts in the village and called out the senior player while purifying the ghosts, after all, Wuji Gu is very busy with many things now.

This scene is honestly a bit exciting, after all, one after another ghosts in the Wuji Gu wave of the hand into a point of light dissipated, as if it is easy to get rid of so many ghosts. If Wuji Gu does not look like a good person, and also very reliable, trustworthy character, those ghosts around must have been scared away.

The senior player looked at Wuji Gu with a little bit of fear in his eyes, no, in detail, he looked behind Wuji Gu with a kind of fear, what happened before was too much excitement for him. And what Wuji Gu is doing now is almost as threatening to him, after all, he doesn't want to be purified so soon.

"I want to ask you, when you tried to take my body before, why did you just leave and act as if you saw something scary." Wuji Gu really can't imagine what could scare a senior player to the point of losing his pussy.

"I didn't expect you to ask me that question." The senior player looked incredulous, to him it was like a college student saying he didn't know how to do a topic for elementary school students, but now that people were in Wuji Gu's control, he didn't have the balls to make any more fuss and honestly told what he knew.

"It's normal that you don't know. After all, we advanced players can say that we are no longer ordinary people, even if we lose a part of our body, or even lose the whole body, we can think of ways to survive." The senior player opened his mouth and said, his original body had long since died in a copy, thanks to the soul ability he had long ago exchanged with the system to be able to possess a body, otherwise it would all be hanging directly now.

This possession ability also has a weakness, which is that it generally works better on the kind of people who are physically weak as well as weak inside. Senior players before are relying on possession of the kind of rich family young master to get a lot of money and contacts to carry out their side of the plan. But these bodies senior players can't see eye to eye, so after a while they will change one to prevent their true identity from being discovered.

The masked man is his puppet, to facilitate his actions in certain places. Sometimes there is really no body to use when it can also be attached to the body.

Of course, in seeing Wuji Gu this so amazing as if hit the game bug like physique, coupled with the impact of that handsome face, the senior player crazy heart in order to possess Wuji Gu get this body, he can be said to have made a great sacrifice ...... but who knows surprisingly encountered that kind of thing, probably This is life, right?

"In such a situation, many players will do anything to get power, and it's not even news that their bodies are fused with ghosts. It's also possible that you might have unintentionally triggered something in one of the copies and bound with the ghost." The senior player spoke up, "But your situation is really special and far from the ones I know."

"Is there such a ghost that would possess and then do nothing? It obviously has that much power, but it makes it impossible to detect."

"Maybe it's just not the right time." The senior player spoke: "Many ghosts are not randomly able to deal with people, need to lift some restrictions, maybe that ghost is to deal with you through a decade of hibernation. Or maybe ......" the advanced player looked at Wuji Gu with a look that was hard to explain, "Maybe there really is such a kind and powerful stern ghost in the world that does nothing but knit sweaters for the host?"

He said these words himself feel sour, how they people do not have such luck, can hit such an existence. If that being wanted to make a move on Wuji Gu, it wouldn't take a breath for Wuji Gu to die a violent death.

"So that's how it is, thank you very much." Wuji Gu had roughly the same idea.


Time passed quickly, and soon the film was killed. The crowd was busy leaving this village, they had had enough of this scary place. Even though this village is now completely free from the possibility of haunting, but the impression in the minds of others has been deeply rooted.

Liangmiao Cheng exchanged contact information with Wuji Gu with a complicated look and said that if there was anything he could do to help, just let him know. This time because of his influence, and because of Wuji Gu's own efforts, and the strength of the face of those unnatural events, everyone in the crew is convinced of Wuji Gu, and some people want to buy Wuji Gu's charms at a high price, unknowingly, Wuji Gu's reputation in the circle has changed. The company's reputation has changed in the community, and it's a mysterious change to others, so how does a vase man with a face become a powerful master of the hidden world?

Wuji Gu did not stay for the celebration party and hurried back to the city where his hometown is located. This place is not very busy, there is no special scenery, haunted legends and so on Wuji Gu have never heard of before, think also does not exist ...... this is such an ordinary to no memory point to the city.

Jia Cheng naturally came with, now in his opinion, everywhere is so dangerous, if he does not follow Wuji Gu who knows if he will accidentally hang.

Sidun Ao is still hidden in the pocket watch, he rarely appears since the last incident, and occasionally he seems to be very busy, Wuji Gu does not know what he is doing.

At this time Wuji Gu was sitting in Jia Cheng's limousine, looking at the thick stack of information he had given him, his brow furrowed, he did not expect so many things to have happened around him.

Jia Cheng was looking at Wuji Gu nervously, organizing his words to say something, "Master Gu, I also didn't expect that you had once encountered those terrible things. But don't worry, all things have passed."

After all, he did not expect at all, no matter when are so kind and gentle and may even online love cheated Gu master, childhood can simply be said to be miserable, not only by the surrounding children ostracized, as a monster bully, and even what criminal gangs captured, while other children are safe and sound were rescued, do not even know what they were caught to do.

Only Wuji Gu was found lying on top of a magic formation in a hall, although he himself was sleeping peacefully and unharmed. But the horrifying thing is that his body was surrounded by the bodies of the miserable thugs, and the blood had formed a bizarre pattern -


At this moment, in the Cheng family mansion, Jia Cheng's brother - the current head of the Cheng family - was taking a deep breath at the information in front of him.

"And I don't know if I was right or wrong to give him that information." The family head spoke softly, his expression still very complicated.

"That Wuji Gu is also too dangerous, is it really okay to let the young master follow him all the time?" Even though the butler had a fascination with Wuji Gu because of that previous copy of reality, he had to be nervous when it came to the young master's safety.

"It's okay, I trust Wuji Gu ." The family head said, "The only way to be truly safe is to stay by his side."

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