A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 413: line up to see doctor xu

Chapter 413: line up to see doctor xu

Chapter 413 Line up to meet Dr. Xu

In the next two days, the heat has decreased slightly, but it is still very easy to sell.

In just three days, only half of the coal in one warehouse was sold, and one third of the quilts and cotton clothes in the other warehouse were sold.

More than three times the profit, Wei Ruo made a fortune.

Three days later, half of the temporary relief shelter Wei Ruo conceived was built. Because of the simple structure, many of the wood used are ready-made, and the hired craftsmen are skilled, so the construction takes less time.

The overall structure of the relief center is made of wood, which is simple but strong. There are two large stoves built in. Three of the four walls are blocked by wooden boards, and only a cloth curtain is drawn on the fourth side.

After the completion of this half, Wei Ruo immediately asked people to cook porridge in the big stove and boiler inside, and began to distribute porridge to the affected people...

In less than half a day, the news of the soup spread.

Many people came here for the name, and the shelter was full of people.

The two big pots of porridge were all distributed in less than half a day. At noon, a pot was cooked, and the pies continued in the afternoon.

At the same time, the other side is also under construction in full swing.

This side will be used as a medical center, so the construction is relatively slow.

Although the medical center has not yet been built, the news that Xu He is sitting on the right side of the clinic has already spread.

About Xu Heyou, most people have never seen him, but heard about him when the epidemic last year.

But all the famous doctors in the city spoke highly of this man, and the government had publicized his name and rewarded his contribution to the control of the epidemic, so everyone spoke highly of this Dr. Xu who had never appeared in public.

Knowing that he was the one who paid for the construction of the relief center, sent porridge free clinics, and asked him to attend the clinic in person, everyone couldn't help but be full of anticipation.

The news spread in Fucheng and reached Wei Qingwan's ears.

Xu Heyou, the name Wei Qingwan is familiar, because the scar removal ointment she used was made by Dr. Xu.

After she applied Xu Heyou's ointment for a period of time, the scar on her back faded significantly.

But this ointment is also consumed very quickly, and the second box is almost used up, and she should buy it again when the rest is used up.

It's just that she doesn't have enough silver taels. She has tried everything she can think of, but the silver is still not enough.

When Nanny Li went to Tongdetang to buy scar ointment for the second time, she tried to communicate with the people in Tongdetang.

But the people from Tongdetang told them that they were only selling on behalf of them and had no right to change the price.

If you want to change the price, you have to get the consent of Dr. Xu himself.

People from Tongdetang also said that Dr. Xu is very kind-hearted, and when he sees patients with difficulties, he will take the initiative to reduce the price, and even give away his own medicines for free.

If you can meet Dr. Xu himself, maybe there is a way to make him let go and sell some to her at a low price.

However, Wei Qingwan never had the chance to meet Dr. Xu himself, and she didn't know where to find him.

I didn't expect that Xu Heyou himself would have a free clinic this time. This is a rare opportunity to see him in person.

So Wei Qingwan asked Cuihe to go outside to inquire about when the medical clinic will be completed.

After Cui He went outside to inquire about it, she brought back good news: the temporary medical center of the Relief Center will be completed in two days, and the free clinic should begin immediately after completion.

Wei Qingwan fell into deep thought with a serious expression on her face.

"What's wrong, Miss?" Cui He asked with concern.

"I need to find a way to meet Dr. Xu."

"Miss, you are the daughter of the general's mansion, it is not convenient to go out, let my mother and I go."

"No, it's more sincere for me to go to this matter in person. If you make Dr. Xu unhappy, it will be difficult for me to go to him again." Wei Qingwan refused.

"Miss, you are a daughter of gold, and you have been married by the Holy One. You have a noble status. There are too many people in the relief center. It is really inconvenient for you to go."

"What kind of a golden body is a body with scars?" Wei Qingwan laughed at herself, "If Wei Qing is always running outside, and rushing to rescue disasters these days, why can't I go where she can go? ?

Wei Qingwan has made up her mind, as long as she can restore her back to its original state, she can pay any price.


Two days later, the temporary hospital was built, and more people came to the relief center.

In the morning, before the medical clinic officially opened, there was a long line at the door, longer than the porridge line next door.

The walls of the temporary hospital are all made of wood, and the so-called door is a curtain, and the people in line are outside the curtain.

There is a burly man guarding next to the curtain to prevent anyone from breaking the rules.

The line was very long. Wei Qingwan and Cui He, who came late, were at the very back of the line.

The two masters and servants changed into coarse clothes, because this free clinic is mainly for ordinary people. If you line up in the line with gorgeous clothes, you will be stared at by the people around you.

There were poor people wearing coarse clothes in front and behind. Wei Qingwan frowned when she smelled the smell from the other party, and covered her mouth and nose with her hands.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

The person behind started to cough violently, and the sound of coughing made Wei Qingwan feel uncomfortable, and the saliva he coughed up seemed to be spraying on her.

Wei Qingwan wanted to run away immediately in disgust.

"Miss, please be patient, we will be there soon. Dr. Xu seems to be quite famous, and it is a free clinic, so there will naturally be more people." Cui He comforted in a low voice.

"I know."

Wei Qingwan was very unhappy in her heart, but she could only endure it. She has come to this point, and she must not give up halfway.

In order to be able to meet Dr. Xu, she made a lot of determination.

After a while, the team started to move, which meant that Mrs. Xu had arrived.

However, the procession of the team was very slow. After an hour passed, Wei Qingwan found that she was still a long way from entering the medical hall.

Wei Qingwan couldn't stand anymore: "How many people are there?"

"I gonna go see."

Cui He ran to the front to check, and then came back and told Wei Qingwan: "Miss, the slaves have counted, and there are still thirteen people."

"Why are there so many people?"

"Miss, please bear with me, we will be there soon."

"What else can I do if I don't wait?"

I have been waiting for so long, if I give up now, all the pain I have suffered before will be in vain.

After another half an hour, there were only three people left in front of Wei Qingwan.

However, a voice came from the relief station at this time:

"Doctor Xu is going to rest, the next free doctor is Doctor Cheng from Zhengyutang!"

Hearing this, everyone in line was stunned for a moment, Dr. Cheng from Zhengyutang? Has Dr. Xu Heyou left?

But everyone was just a little confused, and didn't have any opinions.

As long as it is free for everyone to see a doctor, who cares who he is?

Furthermore, the reputation of Dr. Cheng in Zhengyutang is no worse than that of Dr. Xu.

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