1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 27

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 27

27. Monstrous Bird (1)

The underground reeked of a foul beast.

A single flame blossomed in the darkness.

Phiren flinched as the monsters’ fangs glinted.

“Ah, you startled me.”

Checking if they posed no threat, he examined the monsters’ condition with a lamp. Their necks were properly fixed. It would be fine as long as he didn’t get too close.

Walking towards the end of the corridor, Phiren stopped in front of a woman’s face as large as a statue with moth eyes.


Uttering the name of the monster often featured in childhood ghost sstories, he once again realized the kind of person the owner of this place was.

‘Crazy… I thought it was just a story made up to scare children, but it was real? And he caught this thing alone?’

Standing before the reality of the monster he had dismissed as nonsense as an adult, Phiren swallowed hard.

If it was like this at the entrance, then at the end of the corridor was sealed the most dangerous creature captured by that man.

Among all the monsters here, the one most detached from reality, the great demon beast etched into modern history as a true tale of woe, ‘Black Swan of Resentment’…


As they neared their destination, three red crescents formed a circle. With each step, a dark magic seemed to stain the air black, pricking the skin like needles.

“Disgusting… Urgh.”

For a mage who senses the mana in the air, there’s nothing more nauseating than an unfamiliar dark magic.

Phiren swallowed his nausea and pulled out a piece of paper with a key and a long arrow drawn on it. It was the item Hershel called a timer seal.

[Rotational Magic Talisman]

The attached object rotates. It can be torn for use, and the timing can be adjusted according to the paper’s area. However, it’s limited to light objects.

‘Damn that guy, I barely managed to get this one, but well, this should be enough. Let’s see, would 6 hours do? That should give me plenty of time to escape.’

Phiren tore off a piece of paper enough for 6 hours and attached it to the key. Then, he carefully inserted it into the lock hanging around the monster’s neck.

But then, the key started turning on its own.



As if the dark magic was alive, it was rotting the paper attached to the key.

Realizing something had gone terribly wrong, Phiren threw aside the lamp he had set down and ran with all his might.

‘Ah, my legs. Run faster! If I don’t get out of here now, I’m done for!’

Three minutes later, the sound of the lock unlocking echoed through the basement.


* * *

The sky was a thick shade of purple.

The servants were running towards the main gate with faces stricken with fear.

Watching through the window, I almost believed I had been in a coma for the past few years and had just woken up. It was as if the future I had envisioned was unfolding before my eyes.

Is this for real?


I pinched my cheek to see if it was a dream, but it only hurt.

So, I asked myself once more.

The familiar scene of being trapped in a purple barrier like livestock.

The ‘Black Swan of Grudge’ preview scene I had seen countless times while playing game over and retry, is this really happening?


I let out a mad chuckle, buried myself in the back of the chair, and told Donatan to end this childish hidden camera prank.

‘Enough with the jokes.’


“You might as well be honest with me now. How long was I out of it?”

“What kind of bizarre thing are you talking about?”

“Hmph, if you want to keep lying, go ahead. I won’t fall for it.”

“Sometimes, you really do seem like a madman.”

Logically, there’s no way events that are supposed to happen years later could occur before the scenario even starts. So, rest assured. The strengthened playable characters will gather during the period I was asleep and take care of everything. All I need to do is watch it unfold like a movie.

Isn’t this a great opportunity?

It would be perfect with popcorn and cola.

Just as I was considering enjoying a cup of tea and some snacks as a substitute, I heard a noise from behind.


Mirsell approached me with a face pale with terror. It seems he appeared while I was grinning foolishly.

Wait a minute.

But why is he still the same height?

I wanted to believe it was because his growth plates had closed, but that was clearly a denial of reality.

“Wasn’t I in a coma?”

“You’re beating your own drum and playing your own janggu.”

“So, really…”

“It was fun while it lasted, Hersel. Hopefully, you’ll meet your new owner soon.”

I’m not sure why the monster awoke, but it’s probably because of me. No, that’s not what’s important right now. In a life-threatening situation, it’s not the process that matters, but finding a way to survive.

While I was racking my brain, Mirsell’s expression softened.

“You’re amazing, laughing in a situation like this.”


“Are you excited? I wonder how you’ll take it down.”

Take it down? Me?

The child’s pure admiration made me think of the classic ‘Black Swan of Vengeance’ scenario.

This is the northeastern region where only the advantages of the seasons intersect.

In summer, the northern wind brings coolness, and in winter, the eastern land is so mild that even sprouts bloom.

It’s a great environment for people to live in, with plenty of land and a large population.

The distribution of playable characters is the same. As befits those with their own sagas, incidents are commonplace in the vicinity.

Should I say it’s typical of the protagonists?

They take on the tasks at hand and, before long, the day comes when their achievements are rewarded, and naturally, the one to commend them is the lord of the land.

But it’s not just one or two.

Busy Aol couldn’t take care of each one individually, so a banquet was prepared to commend their hard work all at once, and that’s where the incident occurs.

Where there is light, there are shadows.

The more dazzling the performance, the more victims emerge.

Those called the guardians of the shadows, even before the playable characters became a bigger thorn in their side, wished to eliminate them all.

Then, a perfect opportunity arises with the banquet, and they release the black swan of vengeance, causing a terror.

Though the explanation is lengthy, the point is that the protagonists, extraordinary beyond the ordinary, must collectively face a boss battle so challenging it demands a group takedown.

Moreover, to slay the monstrous bird, one must acquire the ‘Sword of Sanctity,’ a special weapon.

Hence, the pure expectations of the youngster only bring about discomfort.

Indeed, how can one deal with such a monster?

I, weaker than an extra and without even the Sword of Sanctity…

“It’s impossible to defeat it.”


“It’s a monster that even my father couldn’t kill, only managing to seal it.”

“…So, we’re all going to die?”

I placed my hand on the head of Mirsel, who was barely holding back her shock with trembling eyes.

“No, we can survive. If only you help.”

99 percent is likely to be false, but there’s about 1 percent truth. Conquering the monstrous bird isn’t just about defeating it.

This is a strategy for when the ‘Sword of Sanctity’ cannot be obtained; to end the boss battle, one only needs to break the outer barrier to be recognized as clearing it.

There are a total of five barriers.

The method to break them is to remove the five feathers of bondage hidden throughout the mansion.

If this is accomplished, Aol, caught up in the scheme and outside, will appear to strike and seal the monstrous bird’s neck, and the cutscene will play, ending the scenario.

Of course, the situation is different, so he won’t just pop up, but at least we can make a run for it outside.

So, we can survive.

If this talented youngster and I play our parts, it will be so.

“Mirsel, prepare the sword immediately. And roam the mansion. You’ll likely find a feather as tall as you.”

“Huh? Do I just cut it?”

“No. Don’t cut it right away.”

The feathers’ locations are random, and it takes quite some time to find them.

However, thanks to the monologue of a playable character with sensitive senses, I know a tip to shorten the time.

“A strange energy will flow from the feather. Master that first. It will make finding the next feather easier. Cutting comes later.”

In a critical second, if Mirsel even once tastes the sensation, the search time will be shortened.

And what I must do is…

“I’ll buy you time, so focus on the feather, not the monster. Got it?”

Sadly, it meant becoming bait for the monstrous bird.

Somehow, it will work out.

After all, I have ‘One Second Invincibility.’

“Got it. Be careful too, brother.”

Mirsel gave a warning and left the spot. I approached the dresser, rummaging for anything that might be of help.

No need for the cursed giant’s skull or staff since I can’t use magic right now.

This recent acquisition might prove useful.

[Viper Silus’s Venom]

A corrosive poison with penetration finer than mercury.

[Alarm-Enabled Talisman]

Used to turn doorknobs automatically.

The length of the thread allows for timer adjustment.

It was the moment I was putting the tools in my pocket when suddenly, the door burst open, and in came Jack, Rodel, and Selly.

“Rodel, I told you to hurry! Ahem, are you alright, young master?”

“Haah… It’s because I brought the sword. Anyway, I rushed here swiftly as your escort. Hehe, did well, didn’t I?”

Jack and Rodel wiped the sweat from their foreheads, grinning foolishly. Selly, as usual, grumbled and dropped her bundle on the floor.

“I followed because I was told to, but does coming here change anything?”

I felt a strong emotion looking at the three who had grown dear to me. I didn’t want to leave them to be killed by the monstrous bird.

“Stop lying, will you? You were the ones who dashed swiftly to the main gate, leaving me behind.”

Because, I have to kill them with my own hands.

“Young master, we… we were just assessing the situation…”

“I saw everything. Clinging onto every piece of luggage and sprinting full force. Not even a glance towards my window.”

The audacity to come here when there’s nowhere else to turn.

* * *

The water jets of the fountain in the center intensified.


The ground trembled in succession. Cracks formed in the fountain, and a black liquid seeped from the crevices. It soon coalesced into a single form.

Skin plastered with black feathers. The body resembled a potbellied man spouting nonsense at a tavern, and the head was that of a crow with three eyes.

Sssshh— Hoooh—

Savoring the outside air for the first time in ages, the bizarre creature gazed at the sky. Half-concealed by a purple veil, the sun still held its place above.

With a sense of newfound freedom, the creature closed its eyes to the dazzling sunlight.

Minutes passed.

Soldiers armed with swords and spears were rushing in. A commanding officer shouted as a representative.

“Do not retreat! Our duty is to protect this place!”

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No one dared to step forward rashly. They surrounded the creature like a net, keeping their distance. The creature remained still, eyes closed, taking no action. Then, a young soldier behind it snickered.

‘No matter how you look at it, it seems weak. Is this really the monster of the rumors? It’s just a lump dressed in a feather coat.’

Despite being a fearsome monster, it only seemed to be the size of a human, which made it appear less intimidating.

The young soldier, thinking rumors are often exaggerated and eyeing a chance for advancement, thrust his sword into the back of the creature’s head.


It struck true. The soldiers’ faces brightened with color. They continued to jab at the still-standing creature, seeing the defenseless moment as an opportunity for some reason.

“Incredible, even the rookie’s sword can pierce it.”

“Has it rusted from being buried underground for so long?”

“Step aside. I’ll have to cut off its head entirely.”

The commanding officer took a stance, aura blazing. At that moment, the creature stretched out its arm and lightly tapped the officer’s helmet with its index finger.


One second later.

His head exploded.


As the headless body of the officer thudded to the ground, the creature’s eyes snapped open. The soldiers, splattered with brain matter and blood, were frozen in shock.

“What the— What’s happening! This!”

While one person cried out in a trembling voice, the young soldier who had first stabbed the creature began to back away stealthily. Once he felt he was out of the creature’s reach, he threw down his sword and bolted.

‘Damn it, damn it. Damn it! I must be insane. I should’ve just stayed hidden!’

Even as a short death cry echoed behind him, he didn’t look back and sprinted with all his might. By the time he reached a barn that seemed a good place to hide, the young soldier’s gaze turned skyward.


There was no feeling in his legs. No, rather, his legs were nowhere to be seen. Where could his legs have gone? As he pondered, his upper body slumped to the ground.

Chomp, chomp—

Startled by a noise, the young soldier turned his head. His gaze met that of a monstrous bird, voraciously tearing into a long strip of meat.

“What the— Is that… my leg?”

The creature’s brutish hand seized the man’s hair, dragging him across the ground. The soldier thrashed, watching his own thick blood etch a straight line on the floor.

“Let go! Release me! aaagh!”

Scratching, pinching, and hitting the creature’s hand was futile. Just as his nails were about to give, the creature stopped. They had reached a shattered fountain. The young soldier, seeing others like him moaning in pain without their legs, muttered to himself in disbelief.

“Why… just why?”

His question didn’t last long.

As the creature gripped a living soldier and tore a chunk with its beak, the young soldier realized.


It had simply gathered its prey.

To chew on fresh, living humans.


Meanwhile, a maid watched the scene from afar, holding her breath. Crouched in the nearby bushes, she shifted her gaze to the mansion. An old butler inside signaled her through the window. He gestured slowly, beckoning her to come closer.

The maid moved stealthily, her breath still. But then, she stepped on a twig. The snapping sound caught the creature’s attention. It poised to leap from the ground. The maid, stiff with fear of being hunted like the soldiers, clenched her eyes shut.

“At this distance, it’s easy to dodge, what are you doing?”

At the sound of the voice, the maid opened her eyes. Hassel had appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her back.

In that instant, a heavy, dark figure flashed past where she stood.


The heavy wind created by the creature blew the cold sweat from the maid’s forehead. Had she remained, she would have been burst open. While the maid calmed her startled heart, Hassel chuckled and said,

“Why? Does it feel bad to have your life at stake like me?”


“Whatever. I’ll give the signal. If you want to live, run to the mansion or do as you please.”

Hassel withdrew his gaze from the maid and looked at the creature slammed against the wall. Then, he stepped back, walking towards the broken fountain.

And the creature charged at him like an arrow.

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