1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 19

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 19

19. Mircelle (1)

It was more jet lag than fatigue from labor, having rested thoroughly.

It didn’t take long to regain my energy.

Enough to sit leisurely at the garden table, enjoying the view and the fragrant, well-textured snacks.

As much as I hate to admit it, the lady of the house has done a fine job with the garden.

The well-arranged stone floor and the combination of flowers blended so well, I wondered if it would become a tourist attraction if it were brought to the present day? It would probably cause a stir on social media.

“Lately, there’s been a lot of talk. Is everything alright?”

As I put sugar in my cup, I could hear the maids’ chatter from afar. I caught the eye of one of them.

“Well… it seems there will be a meeting with the Schweik family, and if it goes well, then yes.”

My ears perked up. It seemed to be a continuation of the story Jack had told me at the mine. There appeared to be a cold war situation with the Schweik family, and a meeting was being arranged to resolve it.

Wanting to hear more, I waited for the maids to chatter further. Then our eyes met.


“Ahem… Let’s go another way…”

The maids, sweating profusely, turned their backs swiftly and disappeared with quick steps.

In the past, they awkwardly approached me for assassination attempts, but after a person died in my quarters and I was exiled to the mines, their visits ceased once I returned unscathed.

Instead of greetings, they would run away as if they had seen a ghost upon seeing me.

Thanks to that, I’ve become safe enough to enjoy tea leisurely in the garden… but why does my heart feel sore?

After all, who would approach me?

It’s only natural for them to be scared after I’ve built up such an image of terror.

But there was one.

A girl, looking about ten years old.

* * *

The girl, with a bundle of papers tucked under her arm, limped towards me.

It wasn’t the first time I had seen her.

It must have been around the time I returned to the mansion yesterday.

During my time away at the mines, I heard that the twins who had gone to their maternal home had returned.

A girl with soft beige hair and lime-green eyes. I could see the youngest daughter of this house waving from a distance.

How did I receive that?

I dismissed it as a greeting meant for the nearby servants.

After all, she was the daughter of the mistress of the house, and I never thought she would bother greeting a ruffian like me.

But now…

She’s walking towards me.

However, her gait seemed off. One leg didn’t seem to be carrying strength properly, clearly dragging it along.

Her name was Niasel.

Barely reaching in front of me, Niasel pointed to the cookies on the plate. Without even a slight movement of her lips, she expressed her desire solely through gestures. I responded with a smirk.

“Go ahead and eat.”

Then Niasel took out a pen and began writing on the paper she brought.


[Thank you.]

I hesitated for a moment, not sure how to react, when Donatan’s voice reached my ears.

‘This young one can’t speak, it seems. And a limp to boot…’

‘Ah? Hmm. I see.’

‘It’s fortunate she was born into such a family. Had she been born into a common household, she wouldn’t have received human treatment. She must have been showered with affection, being so unblemished.’

Well, about that…

Even if she was the daughter of a prestigious family, how could she have grown up receiving only affection despite her physical disability?

In a highly advanced, civilized modern society, discrimination against those who are different still persists. Not to mention in a place with medieval notions.

Anyway, I don’t quite understand why Niasel approached me so freely.

I can hardly imagine Hersel getting along well with such a little one.


But the question I harbored vanished quickly as Niasel wrote something new.

[Big brother, teach me again that thing from the last ball. That thing.]


[You know, when there’s a handsome man, you said to drink a little and flirt. Was it like this?]

Niasel relaxed her hand, extending only her pinky finger slightly. Then she softly acted out a delicate woman intoxicated by alcohol.

[Oh, my… It seems alcohol doesn’t suit me well. What was next?]


[Ah, that’s right. I was told to rest my head on the chest of a handsome man. A lady should do so at a ball.]

…Suddenly, I felt like Hassel was trash.

Hassel, who had been a part of this body, was no ordinary rake. Wasn’t he said to have a natural talent for ruining people’s lives?

Half-blooded half-siblings, and even the daughter of a disliked mistress, she’s still just a child. A pure and innocent girl who should only see and learn good things at her age.

To think he was poisoning such a girl’s pure heart like this… He must have been playing the serpent’s tongue, intent on ruining the child’s life.

Having grown up in a country with a low birth rate, I knew the value of a child and had to step in to rectify the situation. No, I absolutely must.

That’s what a proper adult should do!!

“It was all a joke, so don’t do such things. Just forget everything I said.”

Niasel’s eyelids drooped as if bored.

To her, Hassel’s presence must have been like cheap yet strangely stimulating junk food.

“If you’re bored, why don’t you ask your real brothers to play with you? There are plenty of snacks in the mansion.”

After all, she is the mistress’s child. As I showed my discomfort, her expression fell.

Well, it’s not the child’s fault…

“Never mind, just do as you wish. It’s too much for me to eat alone anyway.”

Color returned to Niasel’s face.

Crunch, crunch.

There was no conversation as she ate the snacks.

But she sure eats well.

She might choke on it.

I poured tea into the empty cup. Niasel seemed to want it too, hastily pressing the cup to her lips and gulping it down.

Then, she thumped her head on the table.

For a moment, I suspected poisoning, but the tea came from the same pot. That couldn’t be it.

“…What are you doing?”

[Pretending to be drunk after drinking.]

Ah, she’s completely contaminated.

By the poison named Hassel.

* * *

As soon as Daysel sat on the living room sofa, he wiped his thighs with a handkerchief.

The pants were spotless, but he felt as if they were tainted with filth.

“Darn it…”

I was walking through the corridor to get here.

It was then, limping along, that I encountered my half-penny sister. Dacell tried to pass by without giving her a glance, treating her as if she didn’t exist.

But then, Niacell stumbled and bumped her knee.

I could have caught her, but I didn’t out of displeasure. No, I actually put more force into my knee and knocked her down.

Making sure it wasn’t noticeable to the onlookers…

Dacell helped the struggling Niacell to her feet, whispering to release some of his anger.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you couldn’t use your other leg as well? Then you wouldn’t bump into things again.”

After reminiscing, Dacell looked at the hand that had grabbed Niacell’s arm. This time, he took out a new handkerchief and furiously wiped it, frowning.

‘I cannot acknowledge it. Such a stain does not belong in our noble bloodline…’

“What, did something dirty rub off on you, Dacell?”

Dacell turned his head at the voice from behind.

A boy who looked strikingly like Niacell, save for his short hair, was glaring at him from behind.

It was Mircell, Niacell’s fraternal twin brother.

Dacell feigned a smile, attempting to greet Mircell.

“It’s been a while. Have a seat─”

“Did you do that to Niacell on purpose?”

However, his face, which had been feigning composure in the face of his much younger sibling’s disrespect, contorted. Dacell retorted sharply.

“Haven’t I made it clear that you should show respect to your elders?”

“I’m pretty sure I made it clear too. If you keep tormenting Niacell, I won’t let it slide.”


Mircell stepped forward. At the same time, Dacell felt a tingling sensation as if needles were pricking his entire body.

It was an intimidating aura, so fierce that it made his body tingle. He realized anew that this little brat, who should be playing with neighborhood kids, was a monster beyond imagination.

It was a murderous intent so strong it was hard to speak, but Dacell managed to say.

“Stop it… This is a reunion between brothers, after all. Mother would be sad to see us like this.”

“Oh? To think you care so much about mother. I’m touched, Dacell.”

At least their mother was there to prevent it from turning into a knife fight. She stood behind Mircell, smiling warmly at them both.

“Have you two settled your differences? Then, Mircell. Come here. I want to hug you, it’s been so long.”

“Ah, Mom… I’m 10 years old now. I’m in the double digits.”

Mircell grumbled childishly for his age, and Dacell quietly clenched his teeth.

I dare say, Mirsel’s casual banter with Mother, even she wouldn’t dare, fills me with loathing.

Sometimes, I even resent Mother for indulging such a brat’s whims to this day.

Mirsel, born with a natural talent for swordsmanship that could surpass Father.

Will my position remain secure when he comes of age to take over as the clan leader?

This anxiety has been with me for a long time.

Perhaps the position of clan leader is meant for Mirsel after all.

Such doubts, that I’m merely a placeholder, seem evident in Mother’s favoritism.

Leaving behind the picture-perfect reunion between mother and son, Dacel took his leave.

* * *

Having finally escaped Mother’s clutches, Mirsel cooled his anger while strolling through the corridors.

From noble mtl dot come

Dacel, who has always been cold to him as if wanting to freeze him to death.

His foolish second brother, Erucel, who follows Dacel.

Despite the disdain, they are brothers, sharing the same blood. He could tolerate the contempt.

But he couldn’t bear the cruel treatment towards Niacel.

And Mother, to some extent, felt the same.

“You must walk on your own two feet, Niacel. If you can’t even do that, you’ll always remain stuck in the same place.”

I understand the intent to raise him strong, but couldn’t she pay a little more attention?

Indeed, whenever faced with injustice, Niacel bravely stands up.

But Mirsel knew all too well that it was all an act of composure.

‘Whining alone every night, it’s quite noisy for me in the next room…’

Yet, unlike himself, Niacel’s heart is deep with consideration and respect for others.

Such thoughts lead to wonder. During the time in the womb together, did his own nasty nature cause something wrong with Niacel?

With this throbbing thought, Mirsel searched for Niacel.

Outside the window, a blond head could be seen.

It was Hersel. Every time he walked down the garden path, Niacel uncomfortably followed him.

“That, that’s… I told him not to get close to that guy…”

Grinding his teeth, Mirsel narrowed his eyes.

‘Yes, there was another. A serpent-like creature that only teaches vile things.’

Just then, a butler passed by. Mirsel called out to him.

“Hey, you. Bring me two wooden swords.”

“Wooden sword, you say?”

“Yes, a sturdy one.”

“I shall bring it to you forthwith, young master!”

The butler’s eyes shone with pride as if it were an honor. As he hastened away, Mirsel voiced a question.

“But why is that thing still alive?”

Wasn’t there supposed to be a festival or something?

Mirsel tilted his head, puzzled by the sudden recollection.

“Well, no matter. Shall I lend a hand to mother then?”

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